Early Slavic History/Origins

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This video isn't very good and has mistakes, please go check out my recent video on the Slavs that addresses all the problems and is basically far better than this video.
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This video isn't very good and has some mistakes, please go check out my recent video on the Slavs that addresses all the problems and is basically far better than this video.


Boris:Should We be Writing This?

Boris' Suppossedly Father: Shut Up Boris And Help Me Plough this Land.


New evidence suggests that early Slavs would actually rest by standing with their knees bent and their backs hunched. This was before they learned to squat.


"I don't squat all the time" hahahaha. Great video I'm looking forward to the follow up!


Very interesting video on a topic that deserves more exploration. I personally am very curious to see what caused the Polish and Czech-Slovak cultures to diverge in the west slavic group.


4:22, didnt know that this was found in Žrnovnica. Its a place very close to where i live. Cool. Btw here in Croatia we are celebrating old slavic Pagan ritual which hasnt been diminished with arrival of Christianity. Its a regular Western Carnival, but people have old Pagan custom of dressing as Zvončari(bellmen) to scare away evil spirits. Its really cool that it survived all these years. Also fun fact is that there is one Mountain in Bosnia which was named after slavic god of thunder. And when Christianity came, they had to convert nearby tribes into being Christians, so the peak of the mountain (mountain name is Žaba) in Bosnia was renamed into peak of saint Elliah (vrh svetog Ilije). And everytime when i was kid, if there was a thunder in my area, my grandma used to say Elliah is rolling the barrels (Ilija bacve valja) 😁


I am so proud of my Croatian language. Faust Vrančić (my fellow citizen from ŠIBENIK, his uncle Antun has a grave in the cathedral in BRATISLAVA) wrote the first multilingual dictionary with five main languages in Europe five hundred years ago ❤️


Lech, Czech and Rus: *_[visible confusion]_*


"Celtic" is pretty much synonymous with mainstream/mainland European culture. Why we now think of Ireland etc is because the traditions survived there the longest.


I would like to point out that the Slavs did wear armor, i mean they had to either wear some armor or they were really good at evading arrows, stones, bolts and at the end of the day swords and spears.Historical sources love to generalize and i agree with E N about how slavs are a mixture of proto baltic and scythian culture that later developed itself in its own culture, and so i defenedly would say that if slavs wore armor they would be wearing scythian style helmets, scale armor if they had the chance to get it, square shields that are painted, and that sort of stuff(this is obviously a generalization by me, they would wear any armor they could get their hands on like anybody in the time)Remeber that the proto slavs and even the 3 main slavic groups were swamp people, lived in swamps and forests that they could easly defend and their religion was very nature oriented, it was about forest spirits ( Leshnik/Lesnik or Leshen in English), a god of Thunder wielding a axe made of stone ( Perun/Kresnik), it had all these drowned women that lived in ponds in the forest (Rusalka) that would pull you in the water if they manage to seduce you with their beauty etc.So it all makes sense to me to act in this way of prefering gurella warfare, so ambushing in those swamps i mentioned because they knew the area, they would easly ambush people like Romans.And there is evidence the slavs managed to beat a commander from constantinopole when he went on a military campaign north of the Danube, I forgot his name.
Anyways, just some things about Slavs i wanted to share with you all.Great video M.Laser !


"Not really religious, rather democratic, tall, brown hair, smells like shit" Man... is it about me? :DDD but I'm not fighting naked... at least I think I'm not xD (They are partly my ancestors when I'm Czech, right?)


1:11 so basically we Slavs are like the Nords from Skyrim?😂 we came from an unknown land inhabited by large serpents/dragons.



Scythian is actually pronounced with K sound for the C ..sKyth or sKythian...good vid


I'm so happy this channel is growing :D 😌👌


even back then we understood eachother languages and culture but hated eachothers guts


much better than primary school bullshit history, thank you


3:56 Volga-Kama region has been inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes for thousands of years. Highly unlikely that slavs ever lived there before Russian colonisation since linguistic evidence points to the fact that the only Indo-European neighbours we had were Indo-Iranians (i.e scythians), not slavs. E.g the word for "slave", as in Finnish "orja", Estonian "ori", and Erzya "uŕe" is most likely from the Proto-Indo-Iranian word for "Aryan".
Proto-Finnic later had very heavy contact with Baltic-speaking peoples.

4:45 The picture is kinda misleading. The quote refers to the fact that all Slavs literally spoke the same language up until the 9th century.


I don't know as much as I'd like about Eastern Europe, but I am genuinely interested in stuff like this. The interactions between Celts and early Slavs is very interesting. I'd love to know more about Celtic movements across ancient Europe.


I am happy at least that Slavic people liked the idea of democracy from inception.


*Another fact, which is not fully known to the general public, the dominant position of the Slovak language to the other Slavic nations. In this context, we mention the work of American linguist and scientist prof. Price's, which considered the Slovak language as " the key to all Slavic language" and for the media to an understanding with other Slavs. (John D. Price, The Key to all Slavonic languages, SHF, Columbia University, New York, Dec. 15, 1943, 9 p.). Professor J. Price this idea expressed at the Congress of Slavists in Warsaw. The Polish delegation came out with a proposal that was approved by the definition of the first Slavic language in which the decisive point is Slovak. In addition to the Czech delegation, everyone voted for the Polish proposal: "the Slovak language is the oldest and according to him is then created other Slavic languages" (Canadian Slovak, Slovak, the oldest Slavic language, Toronto, March 23, 1989).
