what is your clutter secretly saying?

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Is your clutter really a sign or a symptom of another issue? Sometimes when we find (and address!) the psychological root of our disorganization, clutter, or mess, the actual process of decluttering and organizing becomes much easier. This can be incredibly transformative because for many people, outer order greatly contributes to inner calm. Please visit the channel for detailed help and support for this issue, and know that not only are you not alone...change is absolutely possible!

✧ This channel is dedicated to self-growth and improving well-being through decluttering and transforming the toxic habits that keep us from living our best life! Thanks so much for watching!

✧ Nena Lavonne has a MA in Psychology and is a certified life coach, author, and motivational speaker. Nothing brings her more happiness than helping others lead more meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling lives. Nena also has a weekly podcast called "Pathways To Happiness" which is available on multiple platforms.

✧ If you need additional support and feel that your mental health is suffering, seeking help from a licensed mental health professional can provide further guidance, support, treatment options, and coping strategies. This channel is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing on this channel is intended to substitute therapy. Please know that positive change is possible!


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What I'm learning from my clutter... (Lots of clutter... Organized for the most part but that It's mainly of emergency preparedness items, fabric & sewing supplies, and clothing for myself and my sons. )... that it is mainly blocking the garage door and that the pathway to the backyard through the garage has gotten very narrow over the last few years. The pile of clothing in my bedroom is like a wall between my bed and the door.
I think I'm afraid that someone will break into our home... Again. So I've blocked the straight paths to us and completely blocked what i think of as a weakness in the garage: the actual garage door. I don't own a vehicle and for years ago the garage was my sewing room on one side and seasonal items. We had food storage prior to the epidemic but went through it quickly due to helping family members that were going without. Since then? It's tripled. It's All Tripled.
*What needs to happen first is that I need to sit my two sons down and explain why I did the things I did and ask for their help. If they aren't comfortable with that, call my friends and or get professional help. THEN...
Step 1. I have installed security cameras to help me overcome this self inflicted barricade against the world. My next step is to install security lighting outside and inside even tho the cameras are motion activated and can record in the night light.
Step 2. Organize our emergency items in a way that they are more accessible. Donate anything that is close to expiring so that it doesn't go to waste.
Step 3. Organize my sewing supplies and fabric. Pair it down to projects that I've wanted to do and or haven't finished. Store some fabric for future projects but work on donating at least half of it.
Step 4. Really take a look at my knickknacks to figure out what I want to keep and why. What do I want our living area, kitchen and bedrooms to say about me and my family? What kind of feeling do I want to feel when I'm at home?
No feeling of happiness, joy or feelings out of obligation? No room for you in our home! Donation box and out to the curb ASAP with a huge free sign!

I've been binging on your videos @NenaLavonne (and saving boxes) and you have helped me more than any therapist has in twenty years!
You and your gift of sharing your struggles and how you overcame them is a Godsend!
You are a true blessing. Thank you for helping me to see the light through the clutter, so that I can shine bright again myself! May you be blessed with what you stand in need of for sharing this gift! 🤗🙏🏼💛


I don't struggle with chaos. I struggle with why I don't "know" how I want it ordered.


It's priorities, fix stuff, clean stuff later.


Bless you Nena, your videos are always great comfort. You look so beautiful today🤩🧡!


Can you call my wife and get her to hear this message? 😂
