The Hidden Messages in Your Clutter

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Everything we own tells a story about who we are, what we value, and even the struggles we face. So today, we will uncover the hidden messages in your clutter and discover how they might be holding you back from decluttering.

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0:00 Intro
0:21 The Company You Keep
2:03 The Story Your Stuff Tells
5:00 A Personal Reflection
10:36 Step 1: Choose The Best Place to Start
13:52 Step 2: Set a Realistic Goal
14:31 Download Core Values Worksheet
14:40 Part 1
16:11 Part 2
18:07 Part 3
19:21 Step 3: Slowly Let Go
21:04 Takeaway


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#ronaldlbanks #minimalism #decluttering
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Decluttering is not about subtraction, but about creating what you want your life to look like


I am pretty young, not even 20. Always loved to try new things. My clutter is all the hobbies I tried and loved. Unfortunately a day has only 24h and with adult duties there's not that much space for fun. What I needed to hear was : You can do whatever you want, but you cannot do everything you want. And even though there are great memories attached to all the equipment, I need to focus on what I'm really good at and what is important to me. Let go of my fantasy self. Good luck everybody!


The clothes in my closet would call the authorities on me for holding them hostage 😭


Mu clutter includes endless unopened mail, clothes, beauty supplies, pictures, stuff from my mom (who passed away), and art supplies. I try to declutter every day. This video was very helpful and informative.


Clutter can be a symptom of retail ‘therapy’. A ‘therapy’ that has no end.


20:26 "Its about creating space for the things that matter to be seen, used and appreciated by you"
I need this on my wall


Something many people may neglect in decluttering, is cleaning out your purse or wallet. I used to do this every friday.

All the little receipts and scraps of paper that accumulate. Coupons, business cards etc.

I would clean it out weekly.

Then I'd clean out my CAR. And finally taking the car through the car wash. It's somewhere I spent time in daily. Having these areas clean felt really good.

Making it into a weekly habit meant that it never really got overwhelming .


I started with the bathroom because its a small space but very meaningful.


All my clutter is essential for me because I’m broke and I hold on to things that have material value


My roommate who is also my ex-spouse just died and so I'm going through a massive decluttering, not just of my stuff but of his stuff too.
I really needed to hear this because sometimes I find myself breaking down into tears when I'm in the midst of this task.
And I'm moving at the end of the month so I really must keep my head up and keep moving forward. Wish me luck.


I know this is completely irrelevant to the conversation but I have to say as someone who works professionally in the photo industry, the image quality on this video is absolutely incredible. I haven’t seen an image these crisp and clear on any other YouTubers page. I also really like the lighting for your minimal aesthetic. I can tell a lot of thought has gone into this even though from the content (sitting in front of a camera with a mic) you wouldn’t acknowledge this.


One dynamic I wish minimalists would address is that if you have varied interests or fix things yourself, minimalism is a detriment. To do your own repairs on clothes, cars, appliances, computers, etc. or to explore hobbies to their fullest, you must have money to pay for these services rather than have the materials/tools available to do the repair or take your hobby to the next level. Minimalism is for the financially abundant, which is a very small slice of the population nowadays.

This doesn't mean you have to live in clutter. It does mean you have to have many items.


I really just came to the realization that I think the reason the person I was with before still comes on my mind heavy is because I still have some of his gifts. I’m getting rid of those now and anything else that reminds me of him. It feels really good to let go.


My clutter holds on to growing up and not being able to have my own things. My Sister always wore my clothes. Everything was shared. Things I loved were given away. Now I love and keep everything when I should donate. I don’t need everything, but I love a lot of it. My Mum’s clothes… even though, on her deathbed, she said to “throw everything away”. Its also a Barricade. Failed relationships. If I make my bedroom as horrible as possible, It won’t make it easy to invite another bad relationship in.


My basement would tell you I excel at procrastinating and have more interests than time! After my hubby passed away I slowly decluttered 70% of our belongings and moved into a much smaller home. (596 square feet). My basement holds the excess. I recently started working on decluttering it, then got injured and can't lift. But the progress I've made has already made a huge difference in how I view the basement. I'm excited and can't wait to get back to work on it.


I am in a phase of selling everything from vases, to gadgets basically anything that is not being used is being disposed of. Looking to simplify my life


What does my clutter say about me? I've been many versions of me.

My partner of nearly 19 years died unexpextedly in April. Now that all the rituals of death are completed, the big question is what do I want my life without him to be. Who do I want to be now? Will my current stuff support this new me?

I don't have the answers yet. Grief still takes up a considerable portion of my time. This is a huge change and I agree with you to take one's time with decluttering.

I am extremely gratefull to the previous me that started the my decluttering journey a year ago March. Otherwise I would not have the well developed decluttering muscles to cope with clearing out not just my things but, an entire household (maybe even the house itself.)

At 68, the what am I going to do with the rest of my life question has a rider of, "what time I have left."

My goal for the the rest of this year is to declutter enough stuff to be able to comfortably move if I find handling this house too much for me to handle.

Thank you Ron for your thoughtful presentation. It made me think happy thoughts about my friends and my stuff. My friends are keepers. My stuff not so much.

Peace and love.


I LOVE my clutter. Im an artist! Its lightly organized chaos.


My clutter is consistent with what used to belong to my mom, when she passed away 12yrs ago. But now my sister has a place of her own, I'm able to pass these things to her so I can make room for my space to start fresh on my journey. It has made a difference, even though there's more for me to condense, I'm happy to see the house looking better than it has in years.


After I retired, I decluttered work related items including clothing. After moving, the entire house underwent a realistic purge with items necessary and items loved remaining. Yes, I am not a minimalist but we use our entire home and continually evaluate what we use and what needs to go. Our home says we love books, music, and art. We are blessed.
