Dr Amy J Baker, Parental Alienation Expert

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Dr. Baker is a nationally recognized expert in parental alienation, and parent-child relationships, especially children of divorce, and emotional abuse of children. She has a Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Teachers College of Columbia University. She is the author or co-author of 10 books and over 120 academic articles on topics related to children's well-being.

In this episode, we discuss the 17 primary strategies of parental alienation, 5-factor Baker model, the research behind it, how the court system addresses parental alienation and why its not listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual).

Amy offers many services including telephone coaching for targeted parents, telephone clinical case consultations, and in-person and virtual trainings for legal and mental health professionals.

What is parental alienation?

Parental alienation is the term to describe the overall problem of children being encouraged by one parent - the favored parent -- to unjustly reject the other parent -- the targeted parent. The specific behaviors that they engage in are referred to as parental alienation strategies. Parental alienation often but not always occurs in divorced families.

Allow us to introduce your hosts, Mick Smith and Kindra Riber, who are fervently fighting to put an end to the excruciating pain caused by divorce, parental alienation, custody battles, and the disintegration of families. Their mission is to equip you with the necessary tools to heal and recover from the aftermath of family trauma and drama.

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