How Parks And Recreation SAVED Andy Dwyer

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In the beginning of Parks and Recreation, Andy Dwyer was a shiftless, layabout, that took full advantage of his girlfriend Anne Perkins. But after that first season, the writers of Parks and Rec fell in love with Andy, and began his rebirth as one of the funniest, most charming characters in a sitcom. Without a doubt Parks and Recreation saved the character of Andy Dwyer.

#ParksAndRecreation #AndyDwyer #Nerdstalgic

Editor - Dan Smiley
Writer - Chris Teregis
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I love the irony that Andy was meant to serve as a foil to make Mark more likeable and ended up having the exact opposite effect


It shows how Parks and Rec started off as similar to the Office. Andy was basically the Roy to Anne's Pam. Just like the rest of P&R, he gets a lot better once they did their own thing, instead of clinging to the formula.


"how did you become Star Lord? "
"I stopped drinking beer"


I never saw him as a "villain" rather a man-child who's too stupid to recognize when he was showing toxic behaviours. Ann mothered him so he never had a reason to take responsibility and grow up. They were wrong for each other since she tended to mould herself into whoever she thought her boyfriend wanted her to be and Andy was never challenged to be anything else but a man-child. So she remained stuck in this role as caretaker and Andy's growth was stunted and he was left clueless about why Ann would get so frustrated with him. Neither of them could grow while they were together. Neither could provide what the other truly needed.

Meanwhile, April was a good fit for Andy because despite their age differences they had the same level of maturity which allowed them to grow up together. And while April looked after Andy much like Ann did, April also didn't put up with any of Andy's crap. Andy had to figure himself out and shed some of his toxic behaviours and learn from his past mistakes with Ann before he could be with April. But that didn't mean he had to lose his personality and be someone he's not either. Plus, he looked after April too and they mutually respected each other's individuality and quirks which made them work as a couple.


IMO Andy was always likable in his own way- nobody writes a banger like The Pit without having a bit of Himbo in them deep down. Glad the writers saw that too.


What's funny is that he completely forgot he dated anna until she reminded him and (debatably) some of the audience that they did date


Ron Swanson was also originally intended to be an antagonist to Leslie Knope, kind of a proto Councilman Jamm. But he became a beloved cranky father figure.

Mark Brendanawicz was intended as the romantic lead for Leslie and the heartthrob, but audiences couldn’t connect with him.


I actually like how ALOT of the characters in the show really evolved and changed. Showing that people adapt and change depending on whose around them if given the chance. His relationship with Plaza’s character too was the best.


I love that they never completely Flanderized Andy’s character. He stayed the lovable, silly goof with a good heart the entire time (after the first season). Compare that to Joey in Friends, who in later episodes, did things so dumb you couldn’t believe a functioning human could do that.


I actually liked Andy in the early season because I saw him as just another man child character which I didn't mind. When he changed over the show, I just saw that as a natural progression. I didn't realize people didn't like him in the beginning.


I think it was more the casting of Chris Pratt that lead to the writers rewriting Andy, rather than the writers suddenly deciding to modify the character for the sake of modifying a character. Pratt is naturally charismatic, comedic, and "likable, " qualities that don't gell well with the oafish manipulative parasite Andy was first conceived as.


Ah yes. the andy bernard syndrome. An unlikeable character that was meant to be in the show for a few episodes, brought to life by a really great actor that the writers didn't want to waste, so they changed it to become a more likeable person. Funny how they're both called Andy tho


We really have to give credit to Chris Pratt's comedic timing. Some of his lines and acts were improv such as "You have connectivity problems" or surprising everyone naked. He really acted like a kid who doesnt grow up rather than a man child that the writers expected him to be.


Andy: As your prom king, I'm your ruler.
Prom crowd: [laughter]


The problem is Chris is so lovable. He came off more like a dork then a D bag.


Chris Pratt is such an inspiration. Everyone on set loved him so much they decided to keep his character around.


I always felt like I saw Andy as more unaccomplished and pitiful which made seeing him finally grow up in the succeeding seasons as something to root for and be proud of. I think we all know an Andy who's been stuck in a self-destructive rut but just needs to be pushed to be better. Andy's character is one of the most human, in my opinion.


Some of the best quotes from the show:

“Root beer is super water.”

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day… Don’t teach a man to fish and feed yourself. He’s a grown man. Fishing is not that hard.”

“I haven’t had lunch since yesterday.”

“Leslie, I typed your symptoms into the thing here and it says you could have “Network Con-nectivity problems.”

“You can address me as Eagle 1. Ann is “been there done that.” April is “currently doing that.” Chris is “if I had to pick a dude.” Donna: “it happened once in a dream.” Ben is… Eagle two.”

“Apparently if you don’t provide a basketball team, people get upset and throw things at you and call you names… like turd boy.”


its not just Andy, its every charakter in the first season. they are all mostly flawed, stupid or imcompetent people. just after season 1 everyone gets some likebale things and then P&R gets really good!


Watching April and Andy mature as the series went on was so good
