Narcissist With Low Self Esteem | When The Narcissist Is Anxious

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When you think of a narcissist, you likely think of the grandiose narcissist. The narcissist that thinks they are the greatest gift to anyone who comes into contact with them and who can do no wrong. In fact, some of the traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder include a grandiose sense of self-importance, believes they are special, requires excessive admiration, and has an arrogant attitude. By definition, the narcissist is someone who presents as over the top and thinks they are superior to everyone else. But does the narcissist always have this inflated ego or is there also a narcissist that has low self-esteem and less willing to be over the top in their actions?
The narcissist will always think they are better than everyone else. This is the facade they have to maintain to protect against narcissistic injury. At the core, however, they are insecure and have low self-esteem. They must always protect against being found out for the fraud they are. How they do this is different for each narcissist. Some are in your face and let you know how wonderful they are and how you don’t compare to them, while others prefer to stay in the background and not draw attention to themselves. For the narcissist that is more covert in their actions, they are no less damaging to the people around them, they just act in a less outgoing way.
The narcissist with low self esteem is very common. When the narcissist is outgoing and loud it is hard to see them as having low self esteem, but they do. The vulnerable narcissist is also a type of narcissist. When the narcissist is more quiet it is no less damaging to the relationship. There is still manipulation and control. When the narcissist isn’t outgoing they are still planning their next move and how they can control you. Narcissist manipulation techniques are the same and the relationship with the narcissist is a toxic relationship. Silent treatment, shmear campaign, and other manipulation techniques can affect your mental health.

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Thank you so much for covering the non-gradiose type. I believe that this type of narcissist isn't covered as much as it should when discussing narcissism. My ex is a vulnerable narcissist. But her low self esteem didn't stop her from inflicting damage narcs are known for (emotional abuse and trauma bond).


Thank you ❤️ after 3rd discard I thought is everything wrong with me.
Now I understand, thank you


Coverts are the worst, in my opinion.
Think: time-release honey badger. Blowhard Betty is easy to spot and avoid, but little Sally Sad-Sack sitting quietly in the corner will blow your goddamn doors off. You'll gnaw your own arm off just to get away- and you'll be grateful if that's all it costs you.


a conversational narcissist male who tells you so much its hard to get an equal conversation happening. He is like an audio book with no off button.


If I were one, what would your advice on fixing it be.


What about the one who always says you’re better than I am or you’re way above my level?


Can they be all 3 types???
Or interchangeable???
My most recent - was all three


i did 5 yrs i had cellys like this kinda the reason i maxed out they talk too much i swung alot


Might be my vulnerable narcissism talking but Can it be cured?


Thank you for this video. It really helped me feel a bit less crazy. I think I have been dealing with someone like this but it didn't make sense to me because he has such low self-esteem. I feel much better about leaving this relationship behind me. Thank you.


If I have used this information to harm narcs...what does that make me. I think im worse.


Had a friend who treated me like a "pet project" who he needed to help and guide a long. He had this mentality while living for free jobless in his parents mobile home.

His perceived negative opinion of me and my appearance and lifestyle choices had him convinced i was some friendless loser. I at first found his behavior strange but i figured he was just an eccentric guy. Then I realized he was basically trying to life coach me. When I addressed it he got mad and said i was treating his helping actions as insults and that i was being unreasonable.
