Mr. Giant Reacts to Why Ireland Split into the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland

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In this video, I react to why Ireland split into the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland. What they now and how do they coexist.

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Really appreciate you delving into this !My husband and I moved to the Republic of Ireland 20 years ago, my husband being from the Carribean, we never experienced the sort of acceptance and love anywhere else, a truly wonderful place to be to this day!However the North of Ireland is a very different matter, very complicated!Great reaction!🙂


As someone born after The Good Friday Agree, Born in 1999 I've thankfully lived in a pretty peaceful time compared to the Troubles and all these events that happened in the past. Never had to worry about Soldiers patrolling the streets, paramilitary groups patrolling the country side and stopping vehicles, checkpoints, shootouts, bombings, and the hassle of crossing the Republic of Ireland-Northern Ireland border. You still see the aftermaths though from Police Stations looking like Prisons or forts with police walking the streets with SMGs to bullet holes and massive "Peace Walls" across Belfast so even though I've never experienced the troubles you can still see the leftovers from that period in history. Kind of used to it so it all just blends together like living in an old city you just never question the random castle or fort.

But my parents they still have that mindset of the past you know looking out for people throwing stuff over walls, checking under their car for any bombs, watching where they go and wear, and of course a worry towards the police as the RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) were well known for a bias towards Irish Catholics as most of the force was made up of loyalists. The RUC was disbanded in 2001 and replaced with the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) a force that was much more diverse. But of course some people still worry about a bias even if things have changed for the better just stuff I never had to worry about much.

You still have to worry about things for example watching which communities you walk into and what you wear as you don't want to walk into a Loyalists area with a GAA top on with the Irish Declaration of Independence written on the back. Same thing walking into a Catholic community with the Union Jack just stuff like that. Riots are still pretty common and there is the odd shooting etc. Car bombing still happen from time to time but I personally feel safe even though Northern Ireland is seen as the terrorism capital of Europe. I live in the Country side so of course I can't speak for people living in places like Belfast or Derry.

Side note but there's a map of all the Terrorist attack in Europe since a certain date and Northern Ireland is just covered in red dots to the point where you can't even see the island. It's crazy seeing a comparison to other nations.


Ulster was colonised by people whose entire reason for being there was to be anti-Irish. They were planted there, and they keep those traditions alive today through Loyalism.


The Church of England (Anglican), which is a form of Protestantism, is the state Church of England since Henry VIII.


Regardless of the subject matter, you’re simply a joy to watch. So interested in the videos.
I’m from central Scotland originally, Paisley (fabric and thread town), Glasgow (tobacco merchants) nearby, and Greenock (sugar and fruit, so jam/marmalade and soft drinks)

Even though most of my friends grew up in relative poverty, any wealth from our towns came from Virginia and the West Indies

Oh, England is only 44% religious or so. It’s Church of England (Anglicanism). Scotland tends to be Church of Scotland (a bit meh tbh, I tried it out for a while)


No chance of the walls coming down anytime soon. Tension are growing again unfortunately.


There is also a New Ireland. It is a province of Papua New Guinea


I enjoy that good work from a Irish man👍


Im from belfast and an irish catholic who grew up at the tial end of the troubles, ive experience my fair share of hardships and both racial and sectarian abuse and probably can never truely forgive those english of old for what they did even after years of living down south in the republic. But Its worth noting that the english of old are not the english of today, i feel like we irish have a deep connecton to our celtic brothers in wales and scotland and have come to love our english cousins. Relations are definitely healing even in the north and i definitely harbour no animosity to english people of today or protestants in the north for things of the past, i have been in relationships with protestants, had english friends etc. Im proud we resisted control and im sad so many had to die, but to be able to walk the island a free irish man is all the irish ever wanted. To quote to fields of athenry one of the most quinticentially irish songs ''nothing matters mary when youre free'. Thats how i feel today, i get to travel and live in my home and experience the irish culture that could never be erased and i cherish this every day.

btw the street you metioned witht he march i grew up there, essentially the protestants who we considered opressors to us wanted to march through the area to celebreate what we conidered their oppression and this became a major issue as you can imagine. Its also part of the reason why were such huge supporters of palestine and the native americans. We love our carribean and australians brothers too <3


There are some uniquely American denominations but most started in protestant Europe. The Puritans, fire and brimstone types, came from England in the early 1600s. In England the Church of England, the Anglican Church, became the largest denomination while in the United States they have become a much smaller sect percentage wise, the Episcopalians. Methodists. Lutherans, Congregationalists, Baptists, and Presbyterians exist in Britian as in the USA. but the USA has retained a higher percentage who retain Christian beliefs. Speaking in tongues is a feature of the Quakers, the Society of Friends, founded by George Fox, an Englishman. but there are very few still in Britain. There are other Pentecostal larger denominations that speak in tongues in the USA although not limited to the USA, they are not major denominations but together they add up. Pentecostals exist in Britain but in small numbers.


❤ ☘️ 🇨🇮 *The Cranberries- Zombie* 🇨🇮 ☘️ ❤
Now you'll know why this song was so huge when it came out in the 90s regarding The Troubles.
The video is actual real footage used. Excellent video, excellent message sung by one of the greatest Irish voices, the late Dolores O' Riordan of The Cranberries. ❤
RIP ⚘️🙏⚘️


Walls are bigger 2023. Look at the art on them


The Church of England is the main Protestant church in England. More tea a d cake than fire and brimstone.😅


Oh dear lord. Irish politics. This goes back over a thousand years. If you want to study Irish plitics first study the middle east but then pick up the rule book and throw it out of the window. Look at the history books...then throw them out of the window. Never under any circumstances believe any politician of any side. The political parties on both sides make the Cosana Nostra look like the Vienna Boys Choir. The only place I have been to that comes close is Somalia. Yes, I have been in many dodgy places. Put Mr Giant in charge of the U.N. let's solve the problems, not inflame them.


The first in where America where an extreme version of protestantism. They travelled to America because they wanted a purer form


On u tube there is a video from bbc called. No offence irelands other protistants. It shows how they are treated in the republic . Spoiler its better than up north


oh your question about the way that the colonies aren't protestant. Most of the Caribbean was colonized by the Portuguese, French or Spanish before the British took them over for a load of different reasons. so the Islands would have a large protestant base making it hard to change. Also colonies where usually where prosecuted religious groups ran to because their was less care for their religion and they were kinda left alone. As all the British wanted from most colonies was products to make them money they really didn't care for the religion. In Africa it was different but I don't know much on this kind of thing so I can't really comment on it. But the main religion in English is the Anglican church, but nowadays religion is less important and so most aren't religious and more just cultural religion. People will still get married in churches and baptise children but usually they don't go to church.

Also its important to remember with the whole problems with Northern Ireland isn't really religion anymore. Its just more Unionists are Protestant & more Nationalists are Catholic. Its more with national Identity most of Catholics is Irish, whilst most Protestants is British. The third thing which is more of the Centrists are Northern Irish. But Northern Ireland has its own cultural/linguistic groups. The Ulster-scots people like me who are descended from the Scots who came over, most of the Ulster-scots that'd probably say they are Ulster-scots are Protestant but the language is still spoken by Catholics who call themselves Irish. But hopefully the language will get better protected and recognized. Claimed to be spoken by the same amount that say they speak Irish but I think the numbers higher just some people don't recognize it as a language which is fine as long as you know its not English but a variation of Scots. It isn't taught in schools unlike Irish and so it isn't protected enough. Like with Irish the number claiming to speak it is probably more than are able to speak it fluently or keep up conversation as most of them probably learned it in school and haven't spoke it much since. whilst Ulster scots is probably skewed the other way because some people deny their heritage and language they speak. I havenae asked around the region but I donnae know how many would say they do but i know most do. I hear them say words like wean & donnae. But I know those in Portaferry have a sizeable amount of speakers & then across in Portavogie most speak it and say they do. I should ask about sometime. Because it'd be a shame for our weans to grow up without a tongue we should protect. I donnae matter if its a dialect or not it still needs protecting as without it we lose a bit of our identity. The identity that we argue the other side is taking from us is either Irish or British but we neglect the Identity that is our own for many are too busy saying what they think they are they forget the little part that makes us different to those down south & across the water. In Ireland many cannae say the Th sound but here we all do. They don't add no Wee in randomly or have are unique dialect of English & only a few areas of Ulster still speak the language of its ancestors. I just find it sad that some people deny things that should be protected. the republic wants to protect Irish and we should protect it but we also shouldn't neglect Ulster-scots. then again this is the words of a Centrist, who believes they are Northern Irish & speaks Ulster-scots. Was raised Christian, Did the Catholic sacraments, & remember going to Sunday school. But now I'm neither those variations of Christianity as I'm Pagan. I'm a halfajaffa. half protestant & half catholic. But really three quarters because my nana is Protestant & my Pock (i don't know how to spell that I've only heard it) is Catholic & my dad is full protestant. why chose sides in silly tribalism when you just take the middle ground. (I had to resist using Slurs the only kinda one is Jaffa. which refers to Protestants because the orange order a protestant group that celebrates their British heritage they're the reason that the Irish have orange on their flag. but A Jaffa cake is a kind of biscuit with a sponge base an orange jam thing in the middle and chocolate on the top. but its the word I used because its how my friend referred to themselves.) but what I'm saying is the divide come more from culture. On the 12th of July the protestants parade and at the end of the day burn a bonfire to remember the battle of the Boyne where William of orange beat James something Stuart i think. Anyway the Catholics celebrate the 17th of march the Catholics celebrate St' Patricks day. they are just celebrating their heritage and identity its not really religion anymore. Last census says most people here are Catholic but most of that is probably the Poles, Slovaks, Czechs & Lithuanians who've come over. As if you look at the number of people saying they're non-religious its gone up but still the number of people claiming to be Irish, Northern Irish or British is still pretty much the same because they're the thing that matters & shows that their ain't more people who want to be joined with Ireland. I don't want to say united as Unionism is for being a part of the United Kingdom.


Church of england. Its the one where henrey 8 needed a son so split from rome abd set up his own. This week charles the turd will be head of church of england . Or COE . We have a COI too but its not royal its loyal to our state 🇮🇪


From what I heard, When The Irish and Africans were first enslaved together on the island .They both considered themselves the same ..slaves..the lived and worked together made new life together etc ..All the Irish slaves were Catholic..and they were given either a half day or full day off on the Sunday ..and another perk that eludes me at moment something to do with a new law regarding slavery in England..anyhow as said both saw themselves as slaves, not black or white as that had not started A lot if the Africans started to convert to Catholics to avail of Sunday off.. So just stayed and spread throughout the Islands..but Catholic church had too much of an influance over all the Colonies ...

Since GFA Things have changed soo much for the better, there is a whole new generation who did not grow up with the troubles and the horror that went with that ...Brexit has brought issues hopeful soon an agreement will be should never ever go back to what it was I hope to still still alot of opposition on both sides as both feel like a security blanket ....


You ask about so much Catholics on your islands.. well England spread Catholicism too up until henry the 8 came along .. he made his own religion because he fell out with rome having 7 wifes was against the law .... his change ... cost thousands of irish life's who remained Catholic
