Cooking Challenge - Buy The Cheap-ish Things (in Asda)

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Time for a shopping and cooking challenge, again, based on just trying to buy cheap things; not necessarily the cheapEST item, but a cheapISH item, in each of 8 categories.

What this is:
As always, the reason I do this is as an exercise to try to provoke myself to respond creatively; to nurture or develop transferrable skills of creativity and adaptability; to think more about what it means to 'try'; to embed a habit of thinking about and focusing upon solutions, not problems and also to experience personal failure in a safe setting. This type of exercise - in this, and in other contexts - has served me very well in life. Those skills, such as they are, have always been the driving force of what I do, on this channel, and everywhere else.

What this is NOT:
This is NOT a tutorial for cooking or budgeting. No guarantee is made that anyone else will be able to replicate any part of this video (supposing you even wanted to).
This is NOT an attempt to 'play at being poor', although it always does make me appreciate things that I normally take for granted.
This is NOT an attempt to 'prove that people on benefits or low income could get by with less' - if anything, it proves the complete opposite - because this was a difficult thing to do - that's why it's called a 'challenge'.
This is NOT a diet - it would not be a good idea to cook or eat exactly this food every day - or budget like this every day.

00:00 Intro
00:21 Parameters
01:05 Shopping
02:38 Haul
04:13 Tomorrow begins today
04:36 Breakfast (prep)
09:30 Breakfast (serve)
11:37 Lunch (prep)
18:59 Lunch (serve)
20:07 Midnight snack
20:35 Dessert (prep)
25:40 Dinner (prep)
31:23 Dinner - Starter (serve)
32:54 Dinner - Main (serve)
34:59 Eva cameo
35:21 Analysis
36:11 Scores
37:47 Lessons

Рекомендации по теме

on the bright side, no flickering stove clock!


Asda's become a very good example of what a supermarket looks like in a movie, when there's an apocalyptic event approaching.


Actually, love to see the challenge where the kitchen is limited. It shows that you don't always need the fancy gadgets like the blender to cook food.


The 500g of bacon costing one pound made me think that it is lovely that the british pound is approximately the bacon pound.


12:23 Eva's 'little nose' is so so cute. What a wonderful addition to the video!


I’d love to see a version of this challenge where you get your favorite and least favorite ingredient in each category and try to make them work together.


Shrimp, thank you. This is the kind of wholesome content I desparately need as a distraction from the existential dread that has descended upon me.


Consider making a meal for £2.50 which is what a school dinner costs


These videos have inspired me to be far more creative and less of a recipe follower in my cooking, and for that I'm eternally grateful.


25:18 Sweet corn is quite common to be put in desserts here in Brazil. There is a dessert called "curau" which is somewhat of a mix of your typical "european pudding" and corn. Its somewhat like a corn pudding but not quite. There is also like a "cake", but also not quite, called "pamonha", but there is a savory version of it. And also we have lots of corn cakes too. There is also a dessert called "canjica" which is corn cooked in a milky mixture, ussualy with cinammon on on top, but it uses a different kind of corn. I was surprised that you were afraid that corn would not work in desserts.


Your comment about the iron coming out of the pan reminded me of the Lucky Iron Fish. Project to give out cast iron fishes to people in regions that have a high prevalence of iron deficiency. They put the iron fish in any kind of soup or stew and it puts some iron into the food, easy and long lasting.


Sweet corn in desert is big in East and South East Asia, they have many desserts using corn, even saw sweet corn ice cream ones!


Friday, finish work, open a beer and sit down to a new shopping challenge vid, awesome start to my night, thanks dude!


"It made me happy. And happiness is important." Love that.


I had banana in pasta sauce the other week, and I've since started to suspect banana goes well in anything. Banana: the chicken of the fruits?


Can't go wrong with rice tbh

"It made me happy and happiness is important" That is beautiful. Remember people, whatever makes you happy is time well spent, not wasted. Allow yourself to be happy and have fun, otherwise you shame yourself from enjoying things and train your brain into that cycle which will eventually end up as depression. I think you know how I know.


"Yes I'm putting mashed banana on boiled vegetables - stay with me" Hahaha, loved that! Amazing challenge once again. So interesting!


Tips when making cabbage rolls (I've been making them ~30 years on my own and about 10 years before that with my Ukrainian grandma): par boil the cabbage to soften it (if you need to, I par boil the entire head of cabbage when I do mine) and shave the hard part of the leaf (the stem? the vein? I'm not sure what to call it) off a bit to make them easier to roll up.


Oh my god! Your almost to one million subscribers! Ive been around on your chanel for a few years now, and its been a great joy. Thank you.


I think the sweet corn dessert just needed condensed milk - it has such an asian vibe sort of korean+vietnamese+thai. Missing in your late night dolma - that cold, but almost creamy rice texture. Since it was not cooked in oil, and no lemon - the cold mouthfeel must have been way off. This was rice-y and bacon-y nut pretty successful for such a small budget. I don't think I could do that in the US. We are tempted to do a limited grocery challenge sometime.
Great series
