History of the most effective PEMF therapy

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PEMF also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, has a long history of beneficial medical and scientific use, dating back into the 18th century. Emerging naturally in the world and being essential to sustain all life on Earth, PEMF has an extensive history of healing properties and is being researched, developed, and used daily.

The use and development of PEMF technology date centuries back and have strongly rooted itself in the scientific and medical community in the 20th century, but the options we can utilize it now are endless, and the benefits of it even more so. Despite PEMF’s lack of recognition around the world, this all-valuable technology only awaits what's to discover in the years to
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Works amazingly well. The key to efficiency is a powerful rapid rise time via capacitive discharge. Anyone can make one of
these with about $25-50 in parts. A discarded microwave oven provides most of what you need. Keep in mind that it's the
ELECTRIC, not the magnetic component of the signal that transfers the therapeutic effect. High voltage, moderate current and
coils of only a few turns are needed. Anything costing more than a few hundred dollars is overpriced.


I offer PEMF therapy at my clinic in Abbotsford, BC Canada. It has healed facial paralysis from Bell’s Palsy, edema in the legs, heals wounds and injuries at a massively progressive rate…I see many clients post-op who heal 70% faster with virtually none to minimal scarring, a 3rd degree burn client who burnt herself on a electric heater, healed in 2 weeks with no visible tissue damage or scarring, anxiety and depression has magnificent results, migraines are instantly relieved and are reduced significantly in frequency if chronic…its abilities are endless. The medical industry just suppresses its recognition. This is used as an integrative therapy, non-invasive with no side effects and is never meant to replace treatment a client is undergoing but rather integrate with it safely as it’s results can never be fully guaranteed, yet I have yet to see a client that hasn’t benefited immensely. Seek out this treatment in your area.


this is an amazing video i ove how informative it is


3:05 TP field treatment = PEMF therapy?


So sold by my own PEMF treatment in the past, I became a PEMF Certified Practitioner! Helps me every day. I now use it in my household on myself, family members, Pets. Certified to work on people, equine, pets and livestock. Find someone in your area. You won't regret it!
