Debunking the Myth of the 'Golden Age of Islam'

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In their defence of further islamisation of Western nations, Muslim activists often claim that Islam had a great period of scientific work called the "Golden Age of Islam". For example, Mehdi Hasan - an activist originating from Al Jazeera, the propaganda outlet of Qatar, one of the great funders of the Muslim Brotherhood - in his Oxford Union debate even claimed that "Muslim scientists" are at the foundation of the European Rennaissance.

This claim made by Mehdi Hasan is a great disrespect:
- towards the ancient Greece, Persian and Indian scientists that actually had an impact on the state of scientific progress on the whole Eurasian continent around the year 600AD, just ten years before Muhammad made up his first "revelation".
- towards these advanced civilizations of the Ancient World and their science, because Islam was the force that destroyed them and/or greatly limited the continuation of scientific work that they had been doing for entire centuries before Islam came to stop it.
- towards the European nations during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, because not a single part of the world came even close to the progress that the Europeans produced during these time periods (and actually also already before it during the period we now know as the Middle Ages).

It you only take the scientific progress that a small country like the Netherlands produced during its Golden Age, you have list of scientists and inventions that overwhelms the "Golden Age of Islam", even if you were to multiply the list of the mostly Persian individuals claimed to have been "Muslim scientists" by x10.

In this video I debunk the myth of the Golden Age of Islam by digging into the broader historic context and discussing many of the individuals claimed by people like Mehdi Hasan to have been "Muslim scientists".

Footage of spread of Islam taken from Bill Warner of Center of Study of Political Islam.

Paul Nielsen

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Strong message: The science in Islamic regions were done in spite of Islam not because of it.


We even talk about "Arabic numerals" whereas in fact they took their numbering system from the Hindus in India. The Arabs still have not developed a symbol for zero! They just use a dot.


I am an ex-Muslim. Therefore I am an apostate and my life would be forfeit if I wrote this under my real name.
Islam is not a religion of peace, and it is not an ideology that embraces science.
Even in the west it is understood that Galileo and Newton did not make their brilliant discoveries based on their understanding of Christianity. There is no such thing as Christian physics, just as there is no such thing as Islamic algebra.
The great minds of history had to struggle against religious dogma in order to enlighten the world.
Kepler wanted to prove that we live in a world governed by perfect spheres and heavenly circles, but the data of his observations didn’t match Church dogma.
All of the classical thinkers who happened to be Muslim were the beneficiaries of Greek and Persian science and philosophy, and were all labeled infidels at one point or another.
Mehdi Hasan does what all Islamists do; he revises history to put Islam in a positive light.


It's crazy how much harm islam has done to the world yet we keep accepting its presence like nothing happened.


I am Indonesia and I gladly confirm that there is no scientific progress by muslim here :)


It made absolutely no sense to me that a religion which is anti science and anti progress back then made such a contribution to science and in the modern world basically somehow got tired of it.

Islam made no contribution at all.


It is said that when the Muslims conquered Amida (Diyarbakir on the Tigris), they hauled away a million academic scrolls - none of which survive.

Muslims of that era were the same as lSlS today, destroying every statue and text they can find. lSlS destroyed the whole of Palmyra.


Do Muslim Science apologists not realize that scientific progress doesn't rely on one particular individual at each step? Numerous people study the same fields (not just today), and at some point one of them will come upon a discovery. If Einstein had died in his teens, would scientists never ever have discovered relativity? :))


It was about time someone made this video!


there wouldn't have been a need for a renaissance if the muslims didn't burn all those libraries 😆


Islam stole everything from zoroastianism


In a most prestige university, thefact a group of supposed most clever people applauded so loudly an obvious nonsense of an Islamic activist is most disturbing.


Many of the Founders of the Translation movement of early Abbasid Period were Nestorian Christian monks and Physicians Like Hunyan Ibn Ishaq, Yuhanna Ibn Masawiyah who translated and improved upon huge amounts of ancient greek works into arabic and wrote treatisies on opthalmology. Infact the Academy of Gondishapur was a center of Assyrian Christian Intellectual center in the Persian Sassanid empire long before islam. And now islam shamlessly takes all the credit for it.


Instead of the black history month rubbish taught in our schools, videos such as this would be much more beneficial. History Debunked is also another excellent source of proper historical perspective rather than the woke agenda being pushed eveywhere by our institutions.


Imagine labeling the renaissance, enlightenment age and industrial revolution part of a christian golden age. Copernicus would be turning in his grave.


''Islamic golden age'' was just an echo of Greek/Roman and Persian civilizations, that's why islamic world didn't even come close to repeating anything like it for the last 1000 years.


not a single person actually knew what was being said and was just clapping out of academic virtue signaling group pressure


This is such a dead on video. Mehdi Hassan and his obsessive need to bolster his ego and ward off his stunning ( and most certainly obnoxious) insecurity through cultural appropriation. Whatever the contribution of those he references one things for sure, he or Islam would never hold a candle to any of the scholars, Muslim or not, he oh so wishes to associate himself and his precious Islam with. We'll _never_ see that a-hole in any lab or study solving any of the worlds problems or making any contributions to the repository that could be considered the knowledge of man.

Edit: I truly despise the type of people that knod, approve and clap so instantaneously and automatically at his, or for that matter any other sjw activist's, every word, utterance or assertion.


Clapping their hands like a herd of sheep.


This religion is barbaric ... if anything developped in that region is not because of this religion but rather common sense of the people