First Ever Ultralight Flight, Thought Might Die

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This is the story of my first quicksilver ultralight flight. My cousins on the ground were thinking I might crash and die. #ultralight #airplane #quicksilver
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A two seat float plane ultralight ride in Canada one year. Right at the height of the Ultralight craze. Almost ran out of lake before we lifted off. A plexiglass windshield kit in your future, in case you slam a duck or crow, or a big juicy bug. At least get a clam shell snowmobiling helmet and protection for your feet and rudder pedals. Wear a quick-open Saber chute, in case you have to bail due to ??. Look for a enclosed ultralight with recovery chute, as you fly your Quicksilver. Early Morning, or NO WIND with a Used Quicksilver. No fun when you loose a prop. Check the bearings and shaft when you loose a prop. Nice Flight!, Congrats!. It truly is a different world up there. Different perspective on things.


Having grown up flying with my father in bonanza’s and many other aircraft over the years.. my first time flying an identical Quicksilver was a concerning experience… it’s like no other flying experience I’ve ever had, Your sitting on what feels like a lawn chair with no enclosure around you out in front of the wing… everything that make up the aircraft is behind you, ,, I felt like it was the first time I had actually flown.. what an experience both exciting and terrifying at the same time…. Second flight was PURE Joy 🤩


Many years ago a friend was in a bad situation. Assembled an ultralight with friends and is cousin. On the maiden voyage He almost died on the most stupid way possible, by drowning! Somehow he end up upside down on an irrigation ditch, at the end of the field.
Not more than 40 to 60 cm of water deep. Cousin and others running trough the field to reach him. Saved him on the spot. Since he was stuck with the head under the water and couldn't get out by himself!
In the words of Shakespeare "All's Well that Ends Well". Be careful out there. 🙂


I can understand the eagerness of wanting to take your new bird up into the sky, but always, always go with your gut instincts. Never take a chance like that again it may be one that you won't live through to regret.


Love all the camera angles. When I was 17 I bought a weight shift quicksilver. A psycho girlfriend destroyed it though. Then I bought and built a TBird single seater. Then a landlord scammed me out of it... So now I just build custom pedal planes...LOL


I’m reminded of my first solo, nervous but the kind that heighten’s your awareness and focus. Talked to myself the pattern throughout and position announcement’s helped calm me and was successful.


Great story! I bought one used in 1978. Tried to get it up but couldn't since landing gear had been added to a smaller engine since it's original manufacturing. Great video! I know what it is like to buy used and have things not work-out. Keeping the faith.


I have the same story. Ultralight was a rotec rally 2B. Very similar to quicksilver. No flight training. Just a 40 flight manual broke down into 3 sections. Ground training, hop and pop, and first solo. I skipped section 2 when I failed to sit the plane down before I ran out of runway so I just pulled the stick back and started to climb. The manual said climb at least 500. When I got about 100 feet I knew I was dead no matter how high I flew so I climbed to about 700. Flew around for 15 minutes and lined it up with runway. Every time I got close to the runway a cross wind kept pushing me off course so I flew around. On my fourth try a set it down in middle of runway. Got out and kissed the ground.


This is EXACTLY like MY first flight, also in a quicksilver but a weight shift...Later, I had an engine failure and crashed into the top of a hill.Had NO idea I could put my right foot up behind my head...Your narration while being filmed from the starboard wing was spectacular !!!! Like being there with you ! Very exciting to watch !


I love how the dog is cheering you on.😂


I put 450hrs on my old MXL back in the '80s. Build two Kitfoxes and my current RV-6A in the '90s.


Great Job. I was cheering you on the whole way


Me too! SoCal, little field not there anymore, Quicksilver 'ride', sometime in the 1980's. Then hang gliders, sailplanes, SEL (power). The absolute most fun, well for me? Hang gliders.


To the dog: If you can catch it you can keep it. (Hee hee!)


Love the guage cluster. Lots of useful information 😅


That looks fantastic, i use to fly a thruster 600 tn in 1997


Lesson learned. Be careful. I’ve been flying since I was 17 and I rather be on the ground wishing I was flying than the other way around. Enjoy…


The prop came apart because you dropped something out of your pocket. It would be really odd for a leading edge to delay, I had a good career, 7000 hours and many props ;)


You are braver than me and I have fixed wing and rotary licences😊


was the wood prop a Catto? The rubber comes off on those.
