Bear breaks into 5 Sierra Madre homes in under 2 hours
Bear breaks into Sierra Madre home
Bear break-ins in Sierra Madre 🐻
A literal bear-a-cade? Black bear breaks into Sierra Madre home
Bear believed to be inside Sierra Madre home after ransacking fridge
Bear breaks into five California homes
Bear captured in Sierra Madre
Bear sightings forcing a change of plans in Sierra Madre
Sierra Madre woman returns home to find bear inside
Curious bear keeps returning to hideout under Sierra Madre home
Bear captured in Sierra Madre
Bear captured in Sierra Madre
Curious bear returns to hideout under Sierra Madre home
Bear in Sierra Madre moves into homeowner's crawl space
Sierra Madre residents on edge over growing number of bear encounters
Bear Strolls Through Sierra Madre Backyard
Sierra Madre cancels outdoor event due to increased bear encounters
Bear captured on video roaming Sierra Madre neighborhood
Bear discovered eating bucket of chicken
Homeowners at Camp Nelson demand action after bear burns down cabin
'There's a bear in my kitchen': Recent bear encounters have Burbank residents on edge
Sierra residents warned to stay away from foraging bears
Belly-scratching bear among a surge in recent Southern California sightings
Homeowner scares off bear that pushes through screen door in South Lake Tahoe
Bears are trying to take their land back
Poor basement bear looks like he is suffering from a bad hip....
That thing is huge!
They’d better get some of those mats that give bears an electric jolt anytime they wander into unwanted areas .
Damn 5 home invasions in 2 hours those are numbers da brothas would be proud of.
The women in these homes chose the bear.
At least the bear can help you when there’s a burglary problem while you’re sleeping.
If windows or doors are open/unlocked, it is an intrusion ( and not welcome ) not a “ break in “. They have wandered into our kitchen in the past when we’ve left the back door open - since our back patio/deck area is connected to the mountainside below the national forest trail.
The bull and bear always trying to take over territory, only the courier can truly make it into the Sierra madre
" Hi I'm Mark Brown " ! .. " This bear Could have been after you " ! And Then " You Could have been on the News too " !
That’s 24 minutes per home. Even amateur thieves don’t take that long in a house. 😅
Not a black bear ⚫.
But still a brown bear. 🟤
Yogi stole oreo cookies from my aunts kitchen last year.
So yeah keep him on the flag he's coming back to his land! Reparations!
He would have been a rug in the first house he broke into in Michigan.
1:16 is that a tracker collar around its neck? shouldnt authorities have know it was in a populated area?
Throw moth crystals in the crawl space. Bear won't like that smell.
The video is "pretty cute"? The woman who was recently eaten by black bears in California didn't think that.
The California Department of Natural Services will euthanized the bear. Those idiots kept feeding bears and the animal gets use to it.
Five holmes in two our that better than Pookie and Ray Ray Pookie and Ray Ray some time cane get out the got dang bed some time if you can believe that the brothers ya but it true g
Heard they also let it go after stealing catalytic converters