Using Stardrop Mod Manager | Mango Explains Modding Stardew Valley

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Welcome to my short guide on the AMAZING Stardrop which is an awesome mod manager for Stardew Valley.

00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Stardrop UI
04:42 - Installing Mods
05:32 - Installing Stardrop
06:45 - Updating Stardrop
06:57 - Profiles
07:39 - Linking Nexus
08:17 - Launch With Steam
08:49 - Reporting Bugs
09:29 - Outro

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#mangoexplains #moddedstardewvalley #stardrop
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very useful video. i'm new to using mods in general, used to be dead set on playing vanilla games with the zealotry of a crusader. so naturally i didn't know shit about mods and how they work. but when i saw what stardew community creates i was in awe with some of the things i saw and decided to give mods a chance. videos like this one made that intimidating process far easier and way less confusing. thank you so much.


Thanks for making this video, I saw so many stardew players make videos/posts about how great the profile feature was but you're the only one that I saw that mentioned how to actually use the profiles with the play button in the stardrop module! Which I get, it's obvious in retrospect but to someone new to using mods it's an important step that's frustrating to miss.


I was looking for a manager like this and you not only gave me one but a tutorial to match your review, of course I'm making the switch.


Star Drop Is Amazing. But the video mentions quickly that you can unzip the stardrop file anywhere without showing the process and that confused the crap out of me. So if you are having issues make sure that your first step after you download star drop from Nexus, is that you drag the star drop folder from Win Rar in your downloads, to your desktop, or wherever you want the folder. The confusing thing is that you can totally run the setup program whether it has been saved to the computer or not, but nothing will work as far as file paths etc. Mango. Fun vid, but talking just a little slower, and switching screens a little less quickly would make things Sooo much easier. Thanks for pointing the program out. I think it will be very helpful by letting me turn on demanding add ons for say a day or two in the game without making it take 20 minutes for everything to load.


Hey thanks a lot! I was watching a very good tutorial on how to download and play with mods by Wickedy (which is very good btw) but the video failed to explain how to properly activate Stardrop... I'm so glad I found your video! I'm trying to get back into playing Stardew after a long hiatus and mods are going to help me do that so thank you for helping me!! <3


I wish I had a video like this when I tried modding first, thank you so much


Thank you so much for the video! Geniuenly helpful even a year later


Thank you so much for this epic guide that’s gonna help me out loads!


thank you so much for this video!! last time i modded stardew I did it manually and when it came time to update my mods I was so overwhelmed I just gave up and didn't play. This is sooo much better thank you!!!


Great video, you explained everything perfect, thanks so much for the help.


Thank you for the video. My old mod manager sucked so this is nice change.


Thank you for this video. I've always just downloaded mods manually and have multiple mod folders for my different save files. I'll give this a try, it looks like it would be much easier to keep everything organized and when starting a new save with different mods.


Going to give it a go look very easy to use I'm currently using Vortex which is more designed for modding multiple games and not tailored for just one.


It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to Mango's tutorials. - Rebecca B.


Stardrop seems like it is real user friendly. Thank you for the information.


Hmmm... 🤔 Definitely something to consider! ☺


Very odd. I have a mods folder, I have SMAPI and use the mods regularly. But copying the path to my local files caused Star Drop to say that the mods folder path does not exist where it is saved on my computer.


Multiple mod load-outs may get me on board! =)


Thank you so much!!! I have one question though, am I able to sort mods into multiple sub folders in the “Stardrop Installed Mods” folder?


Okay, so this may be a dumb question, But once I make mod profiles on Stardrop, how do I run the load game I want to play with that mod profile? like, I have one save file that I want to play with all of my mods from my default folder, but other save files I just want the few mods in my other profiles to load. Does this make sense?
