What Is Tuple Data Type Function In Python? copy( ) -Python Short Series Ep. 55 - #python #datatypes

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Hello Dear Coders,
In the Episode 55 of the Python Short Series, we will learn about the List Data Type.
A set in Python is a collection of unique elements that are unordered and immutable. Sets are useful when you need to perform mathematical operations such as union, intersection, and difference between two or more sets.
In Python, sets are created using curly braces {} or the set() function. You can add, remove, and check for membership of elements in a set using built-in methods such as add(), remove(), and in operator.
Sets are also iterable, which means you can loop through the elements in a set using a for loop.
Overall, sets are a powerful and flexible data type in Python that can help you perform various operations efficiently.
So stay tuned with this Python Short Series too learn all about the basic and advance of a Python with this simple shorts video.
Till than keep practicing...
#python #programming #coding #datatypes
In the Episode 55 of the Python Short Series, we will learn about the List Data Type.
A set in Python is a collection of unique elements that are unordered and immutable. Sets are useful when you need to perform mathematical operations such as union, intersection, and difference between two or more sets.
In Python, sets are created using curly braces {} or the set() function. You can add, remove, and check for membership of elements in a set using built-in methods such as add(), remove(), and in operator.
Sets are also iterable, which means you can loop through the elements in a set using a for loop.
Overall, sets are a powerful and flexible data type in Python that can help you perform various operations efficiently.
So stay tuned with this Python Short Series too learn all about the basic and advance of a Python with this simple shorts video.
Till than keep practicing...
#python #programming #coding #datatypes