The Origin of Life on Earth.Full Documentary

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Understanding where did we come from.
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As a Research trained Sociologist with other Academic Focal Points, *I just feel the desire to share a perspective on the value of "Information:"*

This Production is a bit dated.
The greater facts of "Orgins" of plants, animals, "bi-pedals", and humans of various eras, is known...
It will filter through to the general Public in due time, and that should actually be within the next 2 years, although, there's Ego Minds in Academia and Power Positions that are throwing rocks to stall "Fact Flow".

So, we are best advised to make an effort to keep the mind balanced with Higher Minded Conscious Thoughts and *understand that true, ethical, intelligent, well studied, minds realize that: opinions, hypotheses, and theories, are just that, the Standards of Scientific Research require that the Research be free of predetermined desires in outcomes and the facts are derived through a host of QC and QA measures, such that the Data Outcome reflects the Greater Truths.*

No other input is acceptable.

Clear the mind of preconceived ideas heard and stored in the Subconscious so you may maintain a greater balance of content that's facts.

Ego is necessary for healthy self confidence, but it has no place in Fact Science and History Subjects.


I thought Iron was the most stable element in The Universe, and didn't decay.


اصل الحياة البكتيريا
Please look for the secrets of the first bacteria that appeared in the earth
The bacteria evolved into multiple cells . We hope to discover the secrets of the origin of the first bacteria on Earth
Bacteria have only one cell
What are the stages of the emergence of the first bacteria on Earth?
We ask you to work, research and discover in order to explain the secrets of the origin of the first bacteria life on Earth


who is the blond woman with the crown at the end of the video?


Humans might be able to re-create the beginnings of life in the lab. But how did Earth do it by itself without " intervention ".


What is the precised definition of life? Does it have any mathematical form? I am not talking about DNA. I am talking about an equation that describes why and how life had begun on earth.


Dr Tyson. He says Global Warming is a result of civilization. He IS a doctor.


I think there is an intermediate piece between science and the bible and that is the force which created the supernova.. I call him God!


If you believe that life just happened in nature without any intelligence guiding it, then it is absurd to believe it only happened once (because that would mean it was a miracle).
If it happened once, then it happened many times, and that would mean that we didn't all have ONE common ancestor, but many ancestors for various beings that evolved.
