Division in the Early Church

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Division in the Early Church was something that St. Paul speaks of in his first letter to the Corinthians. Those in Corinth were claiming to belong to Cephas or Paul or Apollos or Christ.

And this factionalism likely revolved around who a person was baptized by -- Cephas, Paul or Apollos, for example.

To learn more about this passage in 1st Corinthians, about baptism, and about Paul's overall message to the Corinthians in his day, subscribe today to The Mass Readings Explained:

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I learn something new every time I watch one of Dr. Pitre's videos. God bless him!


Thank you very much Dr Brant Pitre, , , GOD'S LOVE AND MERCY BE WITH US ALWAYS!


After learning about Dr Pitre and listening to his talks, I learned so much and over time obtained all but one of his books, the one I do not have I cannot find under $100 or more. He has become my favorite modern day theologian's. Second on the list is Dr Scott Hahn


I love the laugh at 3:33 because of the realization of what he was going to say


I had this very question when I read that sentence, "For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the Gospel..."


Dr. Brant Pitre, , can I ask you the questions that the other religion used to bully about our Catholic beliefs, , , WHY DO WE HONOR, OR PRAYED ON MOTHER MARY AND SAINTS, , , I want to answer them correctly because I always got hurt every time they told me that we practice idolatry 😢, , , please help sir!, , , and thank you!


"5/30/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: I have bestowed many gifts upon this generation, and lo, the small of My flock have received knowledge and revelation beyond compare. Yet I ask you, who has truly received? Who has been humbled by My words and given thanks? Who among all these scattered flocks has taken joy in My gifts? Beloved, who among this great multitude seeks out My will, to know it? And who, among all these so-called believers, takes pleasure in My Law, saying,  “I delight to do Your will, O God, for Your Law is written in my heart”?[1]
Yet My people remain foolish, and this little flock envious. For I tell you the truth: Unrighteous jealousy is the companion of fools. For those who envy also grab hold of jealousy, walking hand in hand with covetousness. Beloved, there is but One who sees, One who knows, only One who searches the hearts and minds - I AM HE. How is it then that My people sit in judgment, judging My Word and My will, resisting My ways as they look upon others with contempt? Shall you also seek to ascend above The Most High?! Shall you sit upon My throne?! For I tell you the truth, each time you sit in judgment and question My ways, you walk in satan’s aspirations; you follow in his footsteps![2]
And when I bless another, why do you not take joy in it? And when I correct you, why do you resist and question My ways? Am I not The Lord? Do I not give to each according to their faith, according to that which I see in their heart? Why do you in your arrogance set a line for Me to follow, or think within yourselves there must be a better way? And how is it you continually compare yourselves amongst yourselves, knowing this is unwise?[3] Beloved, I have prepared a place for you! Therefore offer up thanksgiving, and cease from your complaints. Forgive and bless, let go and obey, love one another and wash each other’s feet. Take joy in all I do, especially in that which I bestow upon another. And when I feed you, eat from your own plate and give thanks.
Little flock, it is the last hour, yet many of you have stepped backward. Let it be known to you: One who treads the path, going up and down, stepping on and off at their convenience, treads not the path, but is like one who treads water. By no means shall they be able to keep their head above water, nor shall their strength deliver them in the Day of Troubles.

Therefore heed My words, and also do them;
Be wise in your dealings with Me,
Humble yourselves and remember...
Blessed are those who run to Me,
For they shall be blessed in My presence;
Even more blessed are those who run to Me,
Then obey My Word, for their blessing
Is complete and they are at peace...
Deliverance they shall surely know...

Says The Lord."


Often a belief that rendering someone more honor will cause a disorder popularity that need correction or it could be internal dislike that the viewed interpretation needs orientation to what really matters is Jesus Christ the Great King. If correct then absolutely true, if not a sign of insecurity creating ignorant errors and division. I have seen it!


cant wait for Protestant comments on this one: how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in DISUNITY Psalm 133:1???


It's actually because every Christian has a specific calling in service to Christ.
Taylor made for you.
Work out your calling with fear and trembling and mature into sainthood.
God bless you


Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. (Jude 1:3-4, 17-19 NIV)


If Catholics claim to own an earthly appostlic succession. Then they must accept they are the successors of Diotrephes in 3John 9..
Namely they are the successors of the ones that kicked out the beloved apostle John and his brethren. Kicked him out from Johns very own church.... Wow. You gotta be a special kind of arrogant to kick out the beloved of Christ.. but there you are. They really do love the preminence.
And that same spirit continues to the end.


Jesus didnt baptise with water either... This is where catholics get the gospel wrong....John 4:2 KJV — (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples, )


Isn't this division a sign of flaws in the scripture itself?


Christ never sent Paul anywhere. He never met him or spoke to him.


Answer is simple, Paul was a false Apostle ?
