Paul Washer is not saved - Beware of the Calvinist false prophet

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Paul Washer is a popular evangelist, a heretic and a dangerous false prophet, who has deceived multitudes to believe that they can't go to Heaven unless they live a good life. That's works salvation. Paul Washer is not saved. He teaches that man has to have works in order to enter Heaven. Do not be deceived. All you have to do to be saved, is to cease trusting your own works and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ's blood as the full payment for your sins(Acts 16:30-31). We should do good works after salvation, but these have NO bearing on whether we are saved or not. The Bible says in Romans 4:5: ''But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.'' Meaning a person with no works before during or after salvation, but with simple trust in Christ is saved eternally. This is because we go to Heaven based on our trust in what Jesus did for us, not on how we live. Despite what Paul Washer says, we DO have FREE WILL after salvation, and we CAN decide whether we're going to walk in our new perfect nature, or whether we will walk in our old sinful nature. There's a battle between the two natures going on in every believer(Galatians 5:17 KJV). That's why Paul says:

''This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.'' Galatians 5:16

^^ because it is NOT automatic that a believer will walk in the Spirit, and hence it's not automatic that a believer will abstain from ''the lust of the flesh''. It's a FREE WILL choice.

Once we get born into God's family, God disciplines us on this earth when we do wrong(Hebrews 12:6 KJV), because we are His children(Galatians 3:26 KJV), but we don't become unborn from His family. The new birth takes place once; it's a one time event(John 3:36, John 6:47 KJV).

Paul Washer's accursed gospel is that of disguised, masqueraded works salvation, taught under the guise of the ''new nature'' while totally ignoring the fact that believers have free will and an old sinful nature as well.

Paul Washer is also exposed in other videos I recently uploaded to my channel.

Paul Washer is an aggressive Calvinist, and thus he preaches the fifth point of Calvinism(perseverance of the saints) almost anywhere he goes. The doctrine teaches that the few who God chose to save before the foundation of the world(second point of Calvinism), will persevere in good works till the end. The doctrine is not Biblical. Paul Washer is a heretic, who teaches a false works based gospel, which will take him to hell, and many others with him.

To be a hundred percent sure that you will go to Heaven when you die, click the link below:

To get hold of many life changing sermons by Pastor Steven L Anderson, visit the Faithful Word Baptist Church website at:

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Last time I checked Jesus saved us from all are sin, past, present and future.


Guys, know what? maybe you are all saying that you are all good with these comments, against or pro Paul Washer.. but the best thing to do is to hold your bible, talk to God to reveal you His words more and more..
God bless us all..


You're probably aware of the old adage: "Where there's smoke there's fire." That's how Paul Washer is referring to works. Works are the smoke that proves the fire (salvation) exists. If there's no smoke then it's safe to assume there is no fire either. This doesn't mean that works are what save you, but faith without works is dead. Works are simply the evidence that you've experienced saving faith. Genuine faith in anything is, by definition, fruitful; it always modifies your behavior.


While it is true that salvation is by believing and by grace through faith the Bible makes it absolutely clear that if a person has truly believed works will show up as a fruit of the Holy Spirit dwelling within a person. This is evident in James 2:14-26, Ephesians 2:10, and Hebrews 11. Works are the evidence that you do have saving faith. That is what Paul Washer is trying to convey to people and that is the point Steven Anderson misses.


I was recently saved from this heresy I always doubted my salvation and would often cry out to God and pleading to change me and for assurance of salvation. I now finally have it. It truly is by faith in the Christ Alone. His blood paid it all! All my trust is in him. Please if your caught in Calvinism run as fast as you can I know they sound good they are the true wolves in sheep clothing but it will lead you to hell if you did a hold of it and believe in it if you are a calvinist it does not make you a reprobate unless you refuse to be open the truth some Calvinists are reprobates I think most of the teachers are but all I know is today if you are here and stuck in this as I was you will never find true rest Jesus says" take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Mathew 11:29-30 there is true rest only in Christ I will pray for all who are deceived in stuck in fear because of this garbage


Plus, scripture says we are "sealed" by the Holy Spirit. I used to drift in and out regarding "once saved, always saved." But the moment I was enlightended regarding the Holy Spirit's sealing, I never looked back. I think of the cross and the empty grave and I rejoice because I know my salvation is secure as well as my eternity. Carpenter, I'm looking forward to meeting you in eternity.


Paul Washer says in one sermon that Gods hates us. It is the opposite. God loved the world so much, that he gave his son to die for us.


Calvinists seem more interested in crossing up the words written by Paul, Peter, John and James rather than the words spoken by Christ himself


Yup. People who believe they can lose their salvation think they have to live up to a certain standard, and that if they dip below that standard they're going to hell. Another form of works salvation.


I’d much rather be like Brittany Spears than be self righteous like Paul Washer.


Washer is a Calvinist which is, by definition, heretical!!!


My heart is burdened for all these people who think Paul Washer is going to hell


Lastly, I think one of the evidences of true salvation is works. You don't work to get saved, but works reveals your true love for Christ and shows that your faith is alive. "Faith without works is DEAD!"


Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.


As a saved person, I was never able to bear listening to Paul Washer. Where is his joy? If he's saved, someone should tell him to notify his face!


People need to get off this works stuff.. define work's? We all do some good some bad what separates the Christian from the sinner is the belief in Christ. That is what God values.


Jesus said unless ye repent ye shall all likewise perish, there is no twisting his words. If you continue to live like the world you will end up in hell period.


How am I deceived? Are you saying that you can pretty much live like hell for years & not live in obedience to God and still go to Heaven? That's a common misconception and a teaching that will send you to hell. We can not do what we want & live how we want & still expect to get into Heaven. If God is a just & holy God what gives us the right to be a drunkard, a fornicator, an idolator, etc? The American church is so far from God we can't see clearly. The truth is here & most can't handle it!


Paul Washer looks like he is one of the most miserable men in the world. No Spirit-filled joy, no love, no peace.


From what I see, this all stems from a major misunderstanding. Works are necessary, not because they are what grant you entrance to heaven, but because they are the proof of what does. Real faith does not happen without sanctification. A regenerate heart will without fail grow in conformity to the will of God.

Often Ephesians 2:8-9 are referenced to prove the absence of works from the process of salvation. And that is absolutely the case. Nothing we do can ever even hope to have any effect on our salvation. But you can't disregard verse 10 immediately following: "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." The whole purpose of salvation is so that the believer will conform to the image of Christ. A lack of this conformity in one's life is proof that their faith is superficial and incapable of saving.
