Israel Vs Hamas Military Strategy & Guerrilla Warfare

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#israel #gaza
In this video, we will talk about two military strategies: Israel’s Asymmetrical battlefield tactics and Hamas’s guerrilla warfare strategy.

“Like How will the IDF react to an ambush?”

The soldiers will disembark from the Namer fighting vehicle, laying down suppressive firepower and smoke screens to conceal their movements. Gunners and soldiers outside the danger zone will identify enemy positions, provide precise suppressive fire, and aid soldiers in their assault on the objective.

While Hamas will employ guerrilla warfare tactics, utilizing tunnels to target the weaker rear armor of the Merkava, specifically focusing on the doors used by infantry soldiers to enter. This rear section is notably less fortified compared to the front and sides.



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IOF (Israel offensive force) is mostly powerful and well trained to combat unarmed civilians, women, and children.


You missed a lot of Hamas's strategies, you didn't talk about how they use mortars to cover their troops, you didn't talk about the snipers, you didn't talk about booby trapping building and blowing them up when IDF soldiers take cover inside, you didn't talk about how Hamas fighters run up to tanks and place explosives on them and many more...


nobody can defeat the faith and the human spirit


I liked very much that you wrote "Hamas army" and did not describe them as terrorists, as some Westerners and Americans do, who have forgotten that their governments are the cause of all terrorism and chaos in the world. I love those who have a true vision.


IDF soldier are highly trained to fight against women, kids, and unarmed people.


U cant defeat those who seek death more then life


When you have nothing to lose the battle field becomes your playing ground


bro, I don't know how to react to this battle, but the important thing is that some Hamas documentation clearly identifies enemy destruction through zero distance, and honestly this is quite brave, some even fired RPGs at such close range that even the merkava's protection system was not activated. In contrast to what Israel did, their documentation did not seem to prove the elimination of the enemy from zero distance, they were only proven to eliminate the enemy through air strikes or drones. In the video it can be seen that the number of Hammus troops killed as a result of firefights from zero distance was less than the number of deaths of IDF troops. and their Merkava documented by Hammus.


The one who understands well in combat is not the one who has the equipment to win, but rather the one who has certainty in his heart that he will be victorious, and this is what we see in all life lessons.


Hamas strategy: Man vs Tank.
Israel strategy: Army vs babies


only thing we saw idf fighting against walls


Israel's war is not against Hamas, but rather against the ten thousand children who were killed in Gaza, but in fact it did not kill 1% of Hamas..


وما النصر إلا من عند الله ☝🏻✌🏻🇸🇾🇵🇸
‏اللهُمَّ يا من لا يُهزم جُنده ولا يخلف وعدُه ، ولا إله غيره ، كُن لفلسطين الحبيبة وأهلها ولغزة ولمقاوميها عونًا ونصيرًا .. 🤲🏻


There's another tactic hamas used to bypass the tank defense system. In their combat videos they've shown fighters running up to the tanks to attach an explosive device directly on the rear door then remote detonate. You can see this if you watch the countless go pro footage they released from the battlefield.


I think your analysis is a little further from reality, Gaza is a large prison locked up since 2005, and the fighters often use poorly manufactured weapons, like YASSINE 105. and most of the attacks are carried out from a very close distance to their enemies, what is called zero distance, on the other hand Israel uses weapons to obliterate the city before each advance of their force. which explains the large number of civilians killed in this war.


The fact is that IDF tanks and soldiers are burning while we are watching this video


The fact that barely armed resistants dominated high cost army with tanks and air power is just funny


IDF be like: we don’t know what this guy is saying, and we didn’t do all this 😂


That's why they call Israel Diapers force 😂😂😂😂😂😂
