Simple Explanation of Mixed Models (Hierarchical Linear Models, Multilevel Models)

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Learning Objectives:
* The assumption of independence and "duplicating" your dataset
* Consequences of violating independence
* HLM vs mixed models, vs multilevel models
* What mixed models are doing geometrically
* Fixed vs. random effects
* Visual representation of
- random slope/intercept models
- random slopes models
- random intercepts models
Simple Explanation of Mixed Models (Hierarchical Linear Models, Multilevel Models)
Linear mixed effects models - the basics
Mixed Models, Hierarchical Linear Models, and Multilevel Models: A simple explanation
Linear mixed effects models
Fixed and random effects with Tom Reader
Mixed Model Notation - A Simple Explanation
Mixed Models, Hierarchical Linear Models, and Multilevel Models: A simple explanation
How to decide whether an effect is fixed or random in mixed models
Mixed Model Arts
Mixed Model Analysis: Real Example
A Simple Explanation of Random Effect and Fixed Effect
Mixed Effects Models Part 1: What is a Mixed Effects Model?
(Simplified) Linear Mixed Model in R with lme()
Understanding Generalized Linear Models (Logistic, Poisson, etc.)
Multilevel and mixed models, random and fixed part
Mixed Effects Models: A Conceptual Overview Using R
Mixed Model ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Simply explained
Explaining Variance Explained in Mixed Models
L11.1: Intro to Linear Mixed Models
Fitting mixed models in R (with lme4)
Easy way to extract estimates from mixed models
Linear mixed effects models - random slopes and interactions | R and SPSS
confused by random effects structures in mixed models?
Introduction to mixed models for psychologists using R. Video One.