confused by random effects structures in mixed models?

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This video overviews the paper, "Balancing Type I error and power in linear mixed effects models" by Matuschek et al (2017). I recently came across a mixed model where the covariance between a random slope and intercept was 1 and wondered why. This paper covered that, but mostly focuses on whether or not simplified random effects structures are okay. Another school of thought is to max it out. Guess what? It can be okay!
All is set up in terms of lmer in R, if that's helpful.
All is set up in terms of lmer in R, if that's helpful.
confused by random effects structures in mixed models?
Linear mixed effects models
R Tutorial: Random-effects in regressions
Multilevel and mixed models, random and fixed part
How does Random Effects work?
Fixed and Random Effect Panel Data Model (Examples in R Programming) | Statistical Modelling
Lecture 9.1 Introduction to Mixed Effects Models
Day 22: Mixed effects models applied to fMRI data
Class 1: Overview, data layouts, models, examples, random effects, corr. structures.
3 Mixed models series: Simulating data using the 2-stage random effects formulation
Random effects model
On treating random effects in linear models as fixed and testing whether they are zero - S. Haslett
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2. What Are Mixed Models?
Nested ANOVA
2 Mixed models series: Two stage random effects formulation
Covariance structure in Mixed Models
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Simulated Maximum Likelihood, part 1: Random effects models
Emotions and the Brain
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