why God cannot forgive lucifer #shorts short

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Almost, God can forgive all who are willing to repent and that have lived. Satan out of his spite has refused to live as he has chosen to be the opposition of all good. When Christ was on Earth, he atoned for all who have lived, all who were living, and all who will live, so long as they are willing to recieve his Atonement and repent of their sins. All of us lived as angels before we were born, but didn't not yet have bodies, when we came here, we all had a veil placed over our eyes (we had our memories wiped) so that we could ve tested with no certainty in our minds that God is real so that we have to rely on faith and put all of our trust in Him. If I jumped onto a net that I knew could not break, I'm not trusting it not to fail, I'm trusting that if I close my eyes and jump, that it'll be there to catch me. As Satan has this perfect knowledge that God is real and turned away from Him, even if he were born, he's shown that he would still turn away with a perfect knowledge or not.
In the parable of the ten virgins, five were wise and five were foolish, the foolish virgins ran out of oil and had to go buy oil, but the doors closed while they were away and they were locked out. When they called to the bridegroom to be let in, he said to them that he couldn't for they knew him not. Since they refused his blessings, they denied it for themselves. God and Jesus Christ know all of us perfectly, and so they are not capable of not forgiving, but what matters is if we are capable of forgiving ourselves and changing so that we can accept his forgiveness.
