The Mystery of the Huns

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While its true that there was some controversy about the origin of the Huns, the consensus after recent decades is that they were Turks of Oghuric affiliation, mostly based on credible studies confirming that the vast majority of attested Hunnic names, as well as all Hunnic successor clans are of evident Oghur Turkic origin.

All Hunnic tribes (entirely Oghur Turkic) :
Akatziri, Onogurs, Utigurs, Sabirs, Bulgars, Saragurs, Kutrigurs, Barsils, Balanjars

Recorded Hunnic names of Turkic origin :
Aigan = moon prince; from Turkic aï & can
Alp Ilutuer / Ilteber = heroic chieftain; from Turkic alp & iltäbär
Althias = six; from Turkic Alti
Akkagas = white rock; from Turkic ak & kayač
Atakam = elder shaman; from Turkic ata & kam
Balach = calf; from Turkic Malaq
Berik = strong; from Turkic Berık
Basik = governor; from Turkic Bârsiğ
Bleda = wise; from Turkic Bildä
Bochas = either gullet; from Turkic Boğuz; or bull, from Buqa
Dengizich = ocean-like, heavenly; from Turkic teɲez & dêɲri; or, more simply, great lake
Donat / Donatu = horse; from Turkic Yonat
Edeco = good; from Turkic Ädgü
Ellac = to rule; from Turkic el & lä
Emmedzur = horse lord; from Turkic Ämäcur
Eskam / Esqam = companion of the shaman; from Turkic Eŝkam
Hereka / Kreka = pure princess; from Turkic Arïqan
Ernakh / Hernac = small man, heroic man; from Turkic Ernäk
Iliger = prince man; from Turkic ilig & är
Karadach = black mountain; from Turkic Qaradağ
Karaton = black cloak; from Turkic Qarâton
Kursik = either noble; from Turkic Kürsiğ; or belt-bearer, from Qurŝiq
Kutilzis = blessed herald; from Turkic kut & elči
Mundzuk = bead; from Turkic Munčuq
Oebarsius / Aybars = moon leopard, from Turkic Aïbârs; or dun leopard, from oy & bars
Oldogan / Odolgan = either red falcon; from Turkic al & dogan; or chubby, from Tolgun
Oktar / Uptar = brave; from Turkic Öctär
Ruga / Rua = wise man; from Turkic Ögä
Turgun = still/calm; from Turkic Turkun
Uldin = six; from Turkic Alti
Zolban = shepherd star; from Turkic Čolpan.


Huns & the Hunnic language being Oghur Turkic has been the academic consensus for decades, with the fields top scholars Heinrich Menges, Pulleyblank, Pritsak, Maenchen-Helfen, Hyun Jin Kim, etc. all agreeing on that

The suggestion that Hunnic was a Turkic language arises from the identification of Hunnic names and Hunnic lexical items as Turkic, some attested in the surviving literary records, some recorded on artifacts recovered by archaeologists. The decipherment of the inscription on the Khan Diggiz plate by Mukhamadiev (1995) reveals the language to be West Hunnic.

The conclusion that Hunnic belongs to the Oghuric branch of Turkic arises from the reasoning that the known vocabulary shows the language to belong to the "r-" and "l-"type, as summarized by Johanson: "It is assumed that the Huns also were speakers of an "r-" and "l-"type Turkic language and that their migration was responsible for the appearance of this language in the West."

The Hunnic inscription on a dinner plate belonging to the last ruler of the Huns, Dengizich, was identified as Turkic. The Hunnic sample of Khan Diggiz plate ;

kinkeg dikkiz ükü essä – kijü sax sax saxynil gür täηrig

English translation : Beware of king Dikkiz the Wise's blow ! Retreat to the Tengri (God) beyond the world!


You people are literally cutting whole nation's history in half!

Huns are true ancestors of Mongols. If you want to research about Huns and about their originality. You will never understand it unless you go to modern Mongolia and see it yourself. Mongols are still following Hun traditions. Even Chinggis khaan said it himself that he is a descendant of Huns and our people(Mongols) has never rised like this(1206) except Hunnu Empire before. I know this because I read Mongolia's secret history that survived under Russian culture attacks. The historical researchers even compared Hun history to a Chinese history and made a great progress that Huns are literally Mongols. We are so close to prove this with science.

Here's a fun thing.
Says an Anatol turk: Chinggis khaan is turk
Modun Shanyu is turk

Says a Kazakh: Chinggis khaan is kazakh, Hun is kazakh

Says a chinese: Chinggis khaan is chinese and so on...

Huns did not appear from anywhere!
Huns did not left elsewhere!

They are still living in the heart of Central asia Mongolia.
Mongolia will rise again and no matter the hard situation they are in. They always have been.


Due to their large population and enviable military power, the Huns are feared by many nations. The successful military tactics of Attila's men, their ability to strike lightning fast and retreat just as quickly, shocked more than one general. It is difficult to wage war with such an enemy, and Rome understands this best. The Germans were also strongly impressed, and they weave the image of Attila into their sagas, and this is not accidental because the Thuringians, the Burgundians, the Skyrs, part of the Franks, etc. n. were subject to the Huns.

It is only natural that a people who appear to be a real threat to everyone would be demonized. This is the reason why the Huns were made blacker by the devil as well. And the reason why the old Bulgarians were defined as Turks and foreigners in the Balkans is that our ancestors were repeatedly identified with the ethnicity to which Attila belonged. Teofan the Confessor uses the expression Unogondurs-Bulgarians. Patriarch Nicephorus prefers the wording the so-called Huns and Bulgarians.

However, the Huns are not Turks and are not related to them. No old author who saw these people called them Turks, nor described them as having non-European features. The most important is the testimony of Priscus Paniycus because he personally met the Huns and spent some time among them. Priscus visits Attila's residence and gives a description of a settlement with houses made of beams that are well polished. The home of the Hun ruler is distinguished by having two towers. We find no mention at all of yurts, shamans, kumis, and no mention of Turkic speech:

"Having waited for some time until Attila advanced in front of us, we proceeded, and having crossed some rivers we arrived at a large village, where Attila's house was said to be more splendid than his residences in other places. It was made of polished boards, and surrounded with a wooden enclosure, designed, not for protection, but for appearance. The house of Onegesius was second to the king's in splendor, and was also encircled with a wooden enclosure, but it was not adorned with towers like that of the king.”

Priscus (cited by G.Tsenov) explains that the Huns used a drink made from honey and called it medos, the translation is of course redundant. And for the drink made from a wheat plant, the chronicler mentions that the name is kamos. Whether kamos has a connection with the Thracian glossa kemos-a kind of plant, or as Tsenov says, is an early variant of our word chimney, is a matter of another subject.
In this case, it is important that the glosses handed down by Priscus have nothing to do with the speech of Asian peoples, nor with that of Iranians and Caucasians. The third Hunnic gloss is given by Jordan, who claims that the Huns called pomena strava. To this day, the word is used by Ukrainians for a funeral feast. Progressive researchers such as Gancho Tsenov and Alexander Moshev connect the Hunnic gloss strava with bait (the old meaning of this word is food bel.moya) and with worth-making a memorial to a close person.

The information of Priscus Paniyski is valuable not only because of the glosses. Thanks to this author, we understand that the Huns belong to the European race. Priscus is unable to distinguish between a subject of Attila and a former countryman. And thanks to Ammianus Marcellinus, we understand that the Huns were not only Caucasian, but also fair-haired.

Describing the Alans, Marcellinus claims that almost all of them are large people with fair hair, resembling the Huns in everything. The only difference is that the Alans are more civilized: "Moreover, almost all the Halani are tall and handsome, their hair inclines to blond, by the ferocity of their glance they inspire dread, subdued though it is. They are light and active in the use of arms. In all respects they are somewhat like the Huns, but in their manner of life and their habits they are less savage.”-Am.Marc.XXXI.2.21

We get information about the ethnicity of the Alans from Procopius of Caesarea, who knew them from personal experience. He defines the Alans as part of the family of the Goths, and of course he has repeatedly clarified that the Goths are an alternative name for the Getae - Proc.V.1.3, Proc.V.24.30, Proc.III.3.1:

Not only the Alans are included in the huge family of the northern Thracian Getae, the same is true of the Huns. Again, we have to go back to Procopius's information because he knows well the people he writes about and does not rely on second- and third-hand information. This author asserts that in the past the Huns were known as Massagetae: “Massagetae whom they now call Huns; and the rest were almost all inhabitants of the land of Thrace.” – Proc.III.11.37

Although he writes from the point of view of a Roman citizen, and even though he is highly prejudiced, Jordan provides valuable information about the Massagetae, calling them Getae and explaining that they inhabited Lesser Scythia (Dobrudja note my) after the death of Cyrus the Great (in VI BC ) and that the city of Tomy was founded by the Massageta queen Tomyra: "After achieving this victory and winning so much booty from her enemies, Queen Tomyris crossed over into that part of Moesia which is now called Lesser Scythia--a name borrowed from great Scythia, --and built on the Moesian shore of Pontus the city of Tomi, named after herself. -Jord.(62)

To posit a kinship between Attila's Huns and the Getae would certainly astound many people, but the facts can be verified. Let's see what we've found out so far:

1. The Huns live in houses made of massive beams and do not use yurts as a permanent residence.

2. The Hunnic glosses have nothing to do with the speech of the Turko-Altaic, Iranian, Caucasian, etc.

3. The Hun drinks are made of honey and wheat plants, this shows that they were settled people, not nomads.

4. We cannot talk about the arrival of Huns in Dobrudja only in late Antiquity, because the Huns inhabited this area about 1000 years before the time of Attila.

5. The Huns are identified with the Alans and the Massagetae (the Mizo-Getae, my note), and they, in turn, with the Getae, a dominant group among the Northern Thracians.

In fact, there is more evidence that Attila's people inhabited the lands north of the Danube from ancient times and belonged to the northern Thracians. In the distant past, clothing was a mark of ethnicity. Geths are known for their forward-curved hats.

This attribute, better known as the Phrygian cap, was also worn by the Huns, but modern translators have mutilated the words of Ammianus Marcellinus. The old author is clear: “Galeris incurvis capita tegunt” –Amm.Marc. XXXI.2.6. - "Curved hats cover their heads", but the translators decided to present the adjective incurves-curved, as round, and thus the true shape of the Hun hat and its Thracian character is hidden.


Huns are counted as the first turks, Huns didnt start in europe, they were the first turkish empire in east sia, known as the greater hunnic empire, than they migrated to europe because of the harsh terrains of the east


HUNS are turkish and turkic people.They dont have anything about mongols.


NO mistery hun =.Scytian.Son Ernak and capital Panonia is Bulgaria 😉


Thanks, but why most people love to pictured us as a mongolian race ‽ We moved overthere from the europian iceage, and than moved back to our original place = inside the entire " bastard " - " car-pat " ian montains = the center [ in any way ] of europe . Etc...


According to Chinese sources the Huns were Mongolians.


DNA test says that europian huns was thracians.
A writers that live with europian huns write in notes what they see. Because of this notes we understand that they carry thracian clothes and have got thracian culture and traditions!


Father of huns are in India ...skandgupta ...the gupt ruler ..olikar dynasty
