The Best Reading Skill No One Ever Taught You

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The best change I've made to my reading is learning how to properly read multiple books at once. Going from refusing to touch any other book before I finish the one I'm on, to reading many many at once has completely changed my life. Here's how to be able to do that properly, without forgetting or losing track.

To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
1:01 Training your Emotional Brain
5:21 Training your Rational Brain

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I don't know when I picked up this habit but reading multiple books is a great way to avoid reading fatigue and a great technique in general


I could sit with this lady and listen to her and watch her for hours


The best part apart reading multiple books is noting how they might be in conversation with each other, even surprisingly--even if they are in different languages, literal or metaphorical (genre, time period, subject matter) etc.


Totally needed to hear this Elizabeth!
Had a readers block for many years since Uni. I bought some books but each one bored me due to hard-going or academic nature. There have been many traffic jams. Latest, over all of flockdown.
Fortunately today, the tube has offered up some wonderful insights that will change my course. 1stly re-learning the use of a paper notebook instead of only a distracto-phone. 2nd'ly, Multi-bookism, and shaking-off the queuing spell. Your insight hit upon something I have been feeling - A dedicated tool for a job (different reading format association for a book/subject) - eg. a dedicated computer for music composition only thus removing distractivism.
Your video reminds me of an ultra-nutritious chewy bar needed for hiking because it packs in so much 😜Thank you!



Great Material! Very applicable to my experiences thanks for sharing.


This way to learn is powerful way to get more from the books,


Can you elaborate on “don’t believe everything you think”? Maybe in a future video? Thanks, Franklin @ Planet Earth.


Excellent video. I utilize something similar with music and the piano.


I make a point of reading multiple books at once. If it suits my mood I read it.


I'm currently reading 3 books at the same time!


Please. If you want to read more than one book at a time do so. If you want read one book at a time, do so. The best 'reading skill' is to simply read. There are no rules on how to read. You pick up something with text, and read it. I grew up with parents who read all the time and my mother ran the library at the school I attended (and I helped out in the library). Never once did anyone tell I couldn't read more than one book at a time, so I have no clue where you got the impression that more than one book was a rule somewhere. And I often mix genres when I read, especially if I am reading something challenging. I need a break form that to process the information, so I read something completely different.


Who was the author that wrote multiple books at the same time? The name was sort of chopped when it was said, so I couldn't understand it.


I literally NEVER feel like reading period...there's no cure.


lol, I read one book at a time because I always read them in one sitting, then wonder why I'm stiff, have a headache and desperately need to pee :S


Sorry, I paused your video to watch another video in parallel. I'll get back to yours asap.


A lot of people told me that reading multiple books at the same time diminishes the message of each particular text.
I am a musician and I tend to perform better in terms of lyricism and music production when I can hop between tracks and work on what ever stimulates my creativity.
Thanks for opening my mind up to the existence of this concept!


this video literally just changed my life. for years I've gotten so mad at myself for taking months to finish a book when I have so many more books I want to read but you just made me realize I CAN READ THEM ALL AT ONCE! bless your soul. 🙏


Something that I would like to warn people about is overpressuring yourselves. When I got my kindle, it opened me up to carrying a lot of books with me at once. As a result, I would browse and download multiple books to read but what ended up happening was I was under too much pressure to finish all the books and ended up not reading at all.

Elizabeth asks you to read according to your mood, which I feel is a good solution. I want to get back into reading multiple books again :)


What got me into reading multiple books at once, was the comparison to watching TV.
Series are shown in episodes, sometimes you can binge watch, but often there is only 1 episode per week. However you can easily watch multiple TV shows in a single week, without having to see an entire series to the end before starting a new one.
Just swap TV episodes for book chapters, and suddenly NOT reading multiple books as once seems rather a strange way to read.


The reader bill of rights
1. The right to not read
2. The right to skip pages
3. The right to not finish
4. The right to reread
5. The right to read anything
6. The right to escapism
7. The right to read anywhere
8. The right to browse
9. The right to read out loud
10. The right to not defend your taste
