Why DSD over DXD?

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Why not stick with PCM if DXD sounds so good?
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Happy to hear your honest response today. If the end result is closer to the sound of music then I’m a happy guy.


Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ Celebrates 40th Anniversary With Double-CD Set

Mastering the anniversary package from the original analog master tapes, Mobile Fidelity will also make the original Thriller available as a 33rpm LP, limited to 40, 000 numbered copies, as well as a hybrid super audio CD (SACD). An UltraDisc two-LP set of Thriller will be released at a later date.


I know it isn't a quick upgrade but these claims could be really impactful if you included A-B sound comparisons.

Nowadays there's been so many other, good comparisons published that any similar claims without example appear much more like snake oil.

Whether the tests agree or disagree, the results would be extremely meaningful (if done properly), especially coming form a source like yourselves.


🤗GREAT PROGRESS IS BEING MADE AND WE LOOK 👀 FORWARD TO IT …everyone can’t appreciate what they have NOT TASTED 🤔😍😍😍


Paul has good ears Octave have the complete recording and playback system to do these tests in real time very very few people can do this !


If the befits are mainly while recording and it's possible to keep PCM in the rest of the chain maintaining the higher quality - I hope you understand that Zepher filter is a golden egg. I'm sure all the big guys in the recording industry like Apogee, Antelope, Lynx, RME and Avid will get in line to get a license.


Only way to do it correctly is to mix in Realtime and record a live band straight to DSD. Then put that recording on SACD, never touching pcm. Takes time to mix live but it's the right way.


I use to like the scotch adverts with the skeleton did you ever get them over there probably on yt


It sounds like whatever the conversion "process" (from Sony) for DSD to DXD is the problem. If this Zephyr ...filter is essentially doing the same thing (DSD -> DXD) but at better quality, then that brings into question how Sony is doing the conversion. Is it some magic proprietary chip that only Sony can see into (a la SACD DAC chips in SACD players)? "DXD" isn't *the* problem; it's just the medium. It's all PCM in the end: Sony ouputted DXD or Zephyr outputted DXD. As Paul eludes to, the D to A / A to D conversion absolutely depends on the quality of the hardware (or software). Same goes for the process to convert DSD to PCM. And I get that if Pyramix is/was the only game in town, then that's all you have. That doesn't mean it's the best way to do things, though.


Just wait when the super duper dapper DXD Codec comes out. You will be able to hear the people in the audience breathing. 👍


Hey Paul… please don’t discontinue the PerfectWave and DirectStream before i can pick ‘em up… or at least have sales contact me before you do. Thanks for investing so heavily in High Quality Digital


The greatest-sounding albums in my high-resolution collection are my DSD256 and DXD albums. Now, are they equal? That depends on the listener, in my humble opinion.


Paul, did you at one point in another video say pcm converted to DSD will sound better due to the simpler D to A converter process?


Is the Zephyr filter available on the market?


Either Paul misunderstood the question or doesn't want to answer.
Here's his answer. I'm stubborn and like dsd.


I've never understood why mixing DSD isn't easy.
Why the usual error distribution technique (noise shaping) is not enough. It would be just a dozen simple program lines.
Can anyone help me?


What is the Zephyr filter? Can you point us to some info please?


any difference you can hear between DSD and PCM can easily be shown on a FFT spectrum analyzer. the real question is ... what ARE those differences....?


Yes, DSD is closest to analog, DXD is PCM, the sound quality of DSD can be inferior to that of DXD, and yes it depends on the recording, mastering, and digital to analog converters. I have a question regarding this process, but my question doesn’t completely focus on the topic of this video, but it is about conversion from analog to PCM to DSD and back to analog. The question is this: Could electrical issues with analog mastering equipment, along with one bit delta sigma conversion be the reason for any additional sonic artifacts heard on the final product of a recording mastered from analog for DSD? I’ve read where Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab said that additional coloration or other sonic artifacts was not their intention and that the sonic artifacts heard were only a product of the master tape. Please enlighten me on this.


Omg Paul you’re so not wrong or right! I love the explanation… but…
I think people are looking for resolution their systems don’t resolve. Trying to look for sounds they can’t get.
I have a $5k+system British and am mooned with aptX cd quality sounds.
I won’t lie and say I’m an expert finding online lossless music. I don’t see paying for it. Not enough content.
The day will come. I’ll wait for it.
