I sucked at building in Minecraft so I spent a week making this...

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Some people can use Minecraft as their canvas to create magnificent works of art... I am not one of those people.


I sucked at building in Minecraft, so I spent a week watching building tutorials and using all my skills to create the most ambitious build I've ever attempted.

Also, a big shout out to @GeminiTayMC for world edit tutorials so good that they're still coming in clutch 5 years later.

Some of the tutorials I followed incase yall are interested
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What I hate about seeing really experienced builders is when they do the entire thing and then go back and are like "look at this detail! the shading! the texture!" but you miss all of the progression, the drafting, the "aha!" moments. I LOVED seeing your frustration points, I LOVED seeing you come up with different designs, come to terms with giving up on perfection, coming up with the glowing mushrooms!!! This video was so much fun and I'm so excited to see your other minecraft videos :)


im genuinely obsessed with minecraft and didnt even notice that i was watching a mc vid from someone who doesnt usually post mc videos it felt so natural to hear you and watch you play it
i loved your build!! such a wonderful build for something so new to you :3


The clip of Pearls secret life tower in the montage of building tutorials 😂


mumbo's episode of secret life was not helping you were just watching for those for fun. caught in 4k (:


Honestly I’m incredibly impressed considering this video was supposed to be experimental. The editing, pacing and overall vibe is immaculate. I would actually love to see more builders post their process like how you’ve done. It makes me wanna try to build despite how terrible I think I am at it lol


Minecraft is basically virtual Legos. Thus, any build is always valid no matter how big or small, realistic or abstract. It's art. It's whatever You make it. I've made everything from basic houses to Tardis's, to a full size Galleon style airship, and never used World Edit. And every one of them I consider a personal work of art. The most important thing is having fun with it. And yes, I very much enjoyed this video! Great job! You make a perfect Minecraft Youtuber! :)


Ah yes.. The best build ever. Mumbo's Tower.


as someone who routinely watches professional Minecraft YouTubers, I 100% could have been convinced that you are one
this is insanely beautiful, and to know it’s the result of just a week’s work (and your art school knowledge) is even more amazing!


I absolutely loved all of the art metaphors!
Is it a metaphor if it's objectively true...whatever. The connections. I especially liked the thing about just getting something down on the page, because that's definitely the hardest part for me. And even if it's just some primitive shapes, it really helps my motivation and inspiration.

Really enjoyed the video, and I'm definitely going to go play Minecraft now. Thanks, and great job!


Gurl, as I builder myself that has worked with quite a lot of builds for servers. You are doinh so well! I just feel it, just some more tutorials and stuffs and you could be better. This is so good. The tree itself has a nice shape and the leaves were nicely added, wasnt sure how i felt for it when you were just adding it but gurl it turned so good at the end. Maybe because i liked trees airy in a sense but this type of leaves might be something i would build in the future. And the frustration with structures are so relatable, specially when something isnt measured properly. You did great with it tho. Love the palette you choose for it, it is integrated nicely with the surroundings. Tho in conclusion, you ✨slayed✨. Your major really did shine in this video. Your creativity has served you well this time. You should do more building stuffs videos in the future if you want to.


This really inspires me. I’ve had this build idea in the back of my head for months now, and like you said- building in Minecraft is really intimidating. But the fact that you- a beginner in Minecraft builds- made an amazing build? Inspires me to actually jump into Minecraft and actually try to build the ‘dream’ build I’ve been wanting to do!

Your build is amazing, the tree, the buildings, the little mushrooms! And the foxes are so cute!

Love all your videos, and I would definitely love to see more Minecraft vids interspersed with your other projects!


Hi Jess! Im a newer fan of your content and I enjoy your videos so much!! You inspire me a lot ❤


I play on the Switch at the moment so I’ve never had access to world edit n this is the first time I feel like I actually understand a bit of how it functions thx to u explaining ur learning process with it. I really think that this kinda perspective where u don’t seem like u know anything until u try it, is so damn refreshing n I think will help a lot of newer players feel less intimidated by bigger projects. Keep being awesome


I will say after finishing this video BRAVO on the editing!

It really reminds me of watching one of the hermits Build something i didnt even realise you were still a newbie in building.

Definately reminded me of Pearl building stuff with the editing.


This is incredible! I think this might be one of the best floating islands I’ve seen made!


I'm in the extremely early stages of making a 100% custom world and you have given my confidence that I can do it. I'm artistic but my medium is cakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc. I've made a few Minecraft-themed orders, but there's no comparing the two, truly. You including what some may call "cringe" moments is what makes this relatable and something that feels attainable. Thank you so


Ooo this is a different kind of video but I'm still super excited to watch! You're videos are simply amazing quality every time and so enjoyable to watch!


The thing I liked most about the video (and the channel as a whole) is how relatable it is! It was so fun to see the WorldEdit learning curve, can't wait to see more building videos :D


I really liked this video. I've played Minecraft for around 10 years. And the fact of the matter is, ive never once in my life finished a build. The max i would do is one house, or a underground dug base that was all rectangles. Every modpack I ever played, i ended up quitting bc of my building skills. This year i decided to fully commmit to a modpack and build no matter how hard it could be, and i had so much fun with the whole seeing inspo and trying out my own tweaks. Earlier this week i was on the verge of quitting bc a project was being really daunting for me inside that world, and only after this video was i able to experience the joy of building again through someone else, and i logged back in and gave my all to that build (still wip) and im super happy with it now. Tysm Jess bc you really pushed me forward and this build looks amazing!!! I cant wait to one day play with world edit too (bc i play survival), and then try and copy paste it in my survival word.

This was trully refreshing and i was hooked to every single second of this video


This was so fun to watch! I’m glad your trying out new things! Keep it up :D
