1%er Approaches Veteran Biker Over Patches

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A lot of guys fail to realize vets made the biker culture what it is.


For those of you who are unaware, that patch on his chest with the diamond is the insignia of the Marine Raiders. It’s the Marine Corps special operations regiment. Definitely a group of guys that have been there and done that and have seen some shit.


The 1st Marine Division insignia is a diamond with a large 1 on it and closely resembles a 1% patch. It was created after the Battle of Guadalcanal in WW2. It existed long before MC's started wearing it.


Got stopped at a bar by a 1% because of my Veterans Vest..Once he realized what it was he bought me a beer and shook my hand.


Be respectful but most of all if I have a patch that I earned especially since I was in a combat zone, not a soul here on earth is gonna take it from me. I was willing to die for it then, I'll do it again.


I grew up around a lot of Mongols and most of my family was 81 in the city I grew up in. I know how they move and what clubs of that status are capable of. But, buddy has a Marine Raider patch. For those of you who don't know that's one of the most well rounded units the SOF community. They're training specifies how advanced an individual can operate themselves less then in a group setting. I would just hate to see a veteran like that have gift wrap someone over somebody trying to flash their nuts. Because 9/10, someone with that training is walking away from a gun fight.


I’m a Veteran. Please remember a lot of Veterans have disabilities also.


That diamond belongs to the Marine Raiders. The *BEST* of the best of my Marine Corps. *A LOT* of people don't understand, we been rockin Unit Patches with diamonds in uniform before any MC. I think it's awesome that Devil kept it respectful and hopefully was able to pass down some knowledge so others can understand as well as open up dialogue without any sort of miscommunications.

#RAH #0341 #Ghostin


it's great to see some common sense from both sides. Respect to them and respect to Demon's Row getting out a positive message.


This is really sad and the main reason I refuse to join any real MC. You ride in a club and agree to the clubs rules fine completely can respect that. BUT if your not in a club then those rules don’t apply. The Marine 1 is a US citizen 2 put his life on the line for his country so I don’t think he has to answer to this BS and even worse the MC member in my eyes crossed the line. If anything the MC member should have thanked him for his service and went on his way because if it wasn’t for us veterans these clubs wouldn’t have the freedoms to act and behave like people in a 3 rd world country’s. It’s bad enough we have the FBI. ATF and local law enforcement up all our asses and now the IRS and we as fellow bikers brothers want to treat each other like shit. It’s time we start acting like men and unite and focus on real problems like the over reach of our government. Brothers shooting other brothers and all this hate. It’s sad. Respect is earned not given. All these big clubs have military members but yet they hate and fight each other just think the power they would have if they all United and acted as ONE. I be willing to bet people would respect that more it be a force the government would fear and a force Harley would have to listen to. I like your you tube channel I think your trying to do the right thing. Fact is fact United we stand divided we fall. 🇺🇸


Sose that yellow half diamond shape patch is MARSOC Raider, to put it in the best terms I can think of on the fly, MARSOC is loosely the Marines answer to the Navy SEAL teams. I was a Raider in my beloved Corps. That situation could’ve gone bad quick for the 1%er if both of them been a hot head so props to my Marine brother for keeping a cool head.


I’ve recently gotten into the HD riding lifestyle and I’m active military so I appreciate how much information your videos offer for people to learn from. A lot is common sense but some things are just little things I hadn’t previously thought of. I appreciate you!


This Bullsh*t gets on My Nerves. What would make Someone Think that joining a Club Somehow gives Them the Right to go around telling other Men what They can and Cannot wear..


Respect = Respect. My encounters with 1%ers have always been respectful. I've never had a problem but I also stay in my lane. However, I've been witness to knuckle heads who fuck around and find out. Living in Myrtle Beach, it's always the Biker Tourist (or Bikers who just moved) who come down and think it's a joke, they think they know someone of importance or they think for whatever reason they are untouchable. Unfortunately, some people you can tell until you're blue in the face, they won't listed or even try to understand. Those people need to experience it for themselves. I do my best to stay away from knuckle heads.


Sounds like that 1%er wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. The marine schooled the old codger.


All the respect in the world to those who served our country honorably. Good story, good ending..


In my house, Everyday is Veterans Day, and no one should mess with the vets, he’s a vet, he doesn’t need to answer to anyone, patch or no patch…peace


"that diamond" is a very important symbol in the Marines. It's called the raid symbol and is also incorporated in first Marines unit symbols. Many Marines have it tattooed on them. I could imagine that being a thing that could go bad for either party. People have lost best friends, bled, and killed behind that patch. I couldn't imagine on US soil catching wreck over using a symbol you earned. No parties should be disrespectful it's a learning opportunity


once you see military anything you show love and respect


Respect and keeping calm cool and collected are huge in this world. I ride with a military group and have had bumps with various dominants around the country, I always make sure I approach them first, introduce my self and show the respect, have never had an issue, more often than not they are curious what brings us to the area. Keep up the great work Sose
