Passing 1%ers And Motorcycle Clubs!

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#sosetheghost #demonsrow #1er
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Imagine wanting to be an outlaw bad not having to follow any rules. Then joining an outlaw m.c and having a whole bunch of rules you have to follow


Was driving in the fast lane one time. There was a group of bikers on the lane to the right and the back one pulled into my lane and wagged his finger. I laughed at the guy, crossed over 3 lanes, passed on the inner most lane and kept driving. Imagine going through life being that fragile. South Park hit the nail on the head about bikers 😂


Combat veteran here brother, no disrespect, but you have a jailbird mentality on respect. I didn't serve my country just to come back home and tip toe around these sensitive man boys. Also, if you're a 1%er and you're reading this, stay in your lane and stay out your feelings. I'm gonna pass you, regardless of how you feel about it and if you feel some type of way about it, tough luck. Keep it rolling or you're gonna find out why I got PTSD from serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. 🤙


Respect is earned. Criminal behavior doesn’t deserve respect.


Imagine being so self-centered that you think that being overtaken on the road by another motorbike is disrespectful... 🙄


It’s insane how petty our lives can become ——- Some of us never move past 10 years old


Oxymoron: wanting to be a bad ass motorcycle rebel with no rules and a free spirit… then joining a MC with tons of rules and a complete pack spirit 🤣


As a member of a sport bike MC, I dont slow nor wait for permission to pass from any club, 1%er or not. I do pass with more than enough space, from the other side of the highway if possible to keep it safe. Same as I would with any other riders. I have yet to catch any issues but im ready for anything. All these clubs need to realize that people these days dont take sh*t and either they change their petty made up rules or theyre gonna learn the hard way. You dont see car clubs telling other cars to ask for permission to pass.


My story on ‘respect’ and passing a so-called 1% gang. My girlfriend and I were riding our bikes on a 3-lane surface street. We came up on about 4-5 guys with colors that were in the center of the 3 lanes. We were in the left lane and, since it was clear, we were going faster. We went to ride by these guys like they were any other bike or car on the road. The guy in the back swerved into our lane and starts waving his hands and making us slow down.

We were both saying in our comms “WTF is this?”. This guy intentionally impeded our progress on an open and public road for just one block. Then they turned off on a side street.

In my world respect is earned, not forced upon you. I know how the real world works, I’m not going up against a bunch of thugs just because they think they own the road. I stayed back and let them be…but I have zero ‘respect’ for them.


This is additional evidence of what i've suspected all along. Guys who have to act tough (bikers, gangbangers, etc.) are the softest, most sensitive people. They act tough to hide that fact.


This guy sounds like he got a 1% on his GED test.


Is 1% stands for doing 1% over the speed limit and thinking you’re fast?
Bro if a sport bike is flying past these guys have no chance of catching it anyway !


Passed up two guys in a club, I was flying (I didn’t know it was people in a crew, I was just cruising) they got mad passed me up then didn’t let me pass. Road around them and they tried to follow me for a few miles. I just ride to ride man wave at everyone and be on my way. But the entitlement from people in clubs absolutely drives me crazy.


It’s wild that I can buy a bike, be excited about my purchase, and find out the hard way that I unknowingly have to follow unwritten gang culture rules. We’re living in a world where you cant pass people on a public road because it’s “disrespectful.” Life is a spoof.


Passing is not disrespect. This is america. We will pass whenever and wherever we want. As long as its safe it should never be a problem.


I respect everyone on the road by reading movements and not impending anyone or being in the way. That being said, I ain't waiting for permission from anyone to do what I wanna do.


It is mind boggling to me that grown men are unable to comprehend just how childish all of this is. the idea that someone else passing you is offensive or disrespectful, there’s no other way to put it it’s just plain silly. This is the same concept as street gangs killing each other over so-called respect. The world would be a much better place if people would just treat others the way they want to be treated furthermore cannot respect someone you do not even know respect is earned not given through fear something else a grown man should know.


As a 20 plus year member of one of the most notorious Clubs in the world I can tell you the roads are open.I got a rule.If you're not owning the fast lane then get out of the fast lane.Nothing worse than someone clogging shit up.Passing is all about respect.Thinking you somehow run things just cuz of what's on your back just proves what you're really made of.Pass with respect.Just like how I will pass you.If I'm tooling along and someone in a car or bike comes up behind me I'll move over just like if I notice a rider hanging back cuz he sees my patch I'll wave him by.I don't always want to blast down the road so who am I to hold up the world?


I rode up on a big pack of 1%ers in the UK who were going really, really slowly on the motorway (well under 40mph when the limit was 70) and the riders at the back of the convoy were weaving in a way that made it obvious to me they didn't want anyone to pass. So I hung back and waited. And then a little old lady drove past me in a tiny car and tried to overtake them and I watched as they repeatedly blocked her, made threatening hand gestures and kicked at the side of her car until she eventually got spooked and dropped back. But you know, they sometimes help out charities so that's fine....


My story on respect and passing: in CA about a month ago, tourist area, traffic stopped on the freeway. I'm lane splitting which is legal here, you're expected to split between the first and second lane. I see a group of bikers coming up behind in my mirror, so I find an opening, move to the right and let them pass. First and second rider acknowledge me, last rider motions me to fall in behind them. Let me tell you the traffic parted for those guys like the Red Sea parting for Moses. A little respect went a long way.
