Why France Is Preparing for a Large Scale War

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Preparing for high-intensity war means fielding forces that are capable of achieving victory in a high-tech future, and that's why France is currently in the middle of a 20-year modernization program named “Scorpion”. Check out how France is looking to become the most powerful military in Europe in today's epic new video.


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France's biggest weakness is lack of logistics capability. Actually most NATO countries have that problem as whenever there's an exercise, it's always the US tasked to ferry equipment & supplies for them. It doesn't do you any good to have forces at home when you're needed 100s of miles elsewhere to provide defense for NATO countries like Poland or Lithuania.


France is very probably a greater military power than Russia with smaller but far better trained and more professional forces, along with top quality armoured vehicles, superb aircraft such as the Rafale and a powerful navy with nuclear submarines. All this top quality weaponry is produced in France's large and hi-tech industrial sector.


3:00 It's not just about losing tanks, but the tank crewmen operating them. It takes at least several months to train up a combat effective crewman. During the Cold War, the use of universal conscription by most European countries created a reserve pool of trained men able to quickly replace such losses in the event of war.


The way France handles its military is truly astonishing. They seem to have the best of everything; nukes, large navy, large land forces, all you would want, with a very limited budget compared to the US.


This is kind of like the Spanish civil war and American civil war. The nations of the world, even those not actually fighting, are using this as an opportunity to fresh up their tactics for current warfare


I'm glad to see France upgrading its military. Five stars for France.


I myself never thougt that I would witness a war in europe in my life. I thought it was good that germany didn't spent so much money on military. This war has changed my mind on that topic.


I find some usual US condescendance towards French in this video... dommage, elle était pas si mal... about the doctrine, French have their own and even if they look at other (not only US ones) they are "brainstorming" about and improve their own doctrine in the end, the one which suits french army the better.
I would recall that the "what seems" old french weaponry Rafale is the alone to have done a draw with the so superior F-22 Raptor in red flag exercices...
The Leclerc has the best results in firing at the highest speed due to a costing but revolutionary suspension.
The french system of Communication PR4G done early in the 90's was the best in the entire western world and in advance by at least 15 years... now, US/UK has followed and surely leapfrog the master, but the fact is that France hadn't waited to modernise, upgrade or improve her weaponry and her doctrines.
Oh and BTW French did their own independent nuke detterent force... fully independent from USA, a contrario to UK which has needed american vectors for their nukes.
France has a small army, maybe/surely too small for her policy, but the french army is well equipped and efficient.. .with few french did great job in mali and in the sahel area. Not an easy task, but done with french weaponry, french will, french soldiers, french doctrine and french money (mostly). Not so bad for a third world country if I refer to some of the comments here.


France just made the best decision for their military they ever had. The US used to use this type of thought, but have forgotten the history. Good job France.


One more detail: Belgium has joined Franced in it's scorpion program. Equiping itself with the Jaguar RV and Griffin VAB. No tanks for itself yet, But the joined exersise nature of the co-operation makes it important to have inter-usable vehicles. (On another note Belgium also ordered 322 JLTV variants from Oshkosh - so is also buisy with boosting it's landforce capability)


We can argue tank losses all day but US and French tanks are far superior and armored compared to the common Russian T72 and T80 with also less mechanical problems


as a german i am happy to have france as a strong ally on our side.


“The stockpile” should include a large amount of production machinery and specialized equipment / tooling. It shouldn’t take a year+ to scale up to mass production of any high use munition or drone. We should be able to expand production on these dramatically and within the time frame of weeks to months.


The amount of PTSD someone is gonna get from the buzz of a drone will be insane


Nice video ! As a frenchman I'm interested to hear about how other countries perceive our military forces. This video describes our projects on land but I think we should also modernize our marine forces to support our pacific lands possessions. We have a role to play there to secure our economic/diplomatic interests and prevent a global conflict from happening


France fields a powerful military with sophisticated capabilities, including advanced jets, well-trained commandos and nuclear weapons. Today, French military doctrine is based on the concepts of national independence, nuclear deterrence and military self-sufficiency. France is a charter member of NATO, and has worked actively with its allies to adapt NATO—internally and externally—to the post-Cold War environment.


The biggest shock is that Gulf War era Iraq was a bigger threat than modern Russia is. I've always though that Russia was a bit of a paper tiger, aside from it's nukes, but I never could have imagined it would be this bad.


love the animation and art style of these videos hats off to the team that makes learning fun to look at.


"Amateurs discuss tactics; Professionals discuss logistics"

-Napoléon 1er


Russia was always going to try to get those countries back that they took in WW2. Years ago whenever I mentioned this people would look at me like I was crazy. Love these videos, very informative.
