Alfred Hitchcock Presents 10 Tips for Screenwriters and Directors

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Alfred Hitchcock Interview on Writing and Directing his movies The Birds, Psycho, Rebecca, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Vertigo, Dial M for Murder. He was a film director and screenwriter. He is one of the most influential and extensively studied filmmakers in the history of cinema along with the greatest Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino. Known as the "Master of Suspense", he directed over 50 feature films.
tip 1 - 1:01 - Create suspense with Hitchcock's famous Bomb Theory
tip 2 - 2:45 - Make the audience scream and cry and they will come out of the theatre giggling. People go to the cinema to feel something
tip 3 - 4:13 - Give the audience some exposition but when you give it, it must appear to be something else
tip 4 - 4:53 - Direct the audience, rather than the actors (avoid cliches)
tip 5 - 6:24 - The quality of identification is most important for the audience's emotions
tip 6 - 7:14 - Whatever the content, always put your effort into creating an emotional response
tip 7 - 8:05 - Mystery is just an intellectual process, while the suspense is an emotional process
tip 8 - 9:10 - Learn the Kuleshov Effect to know how to "Show, don't tell"
tip 9 - 10:25 - Your story begins with only a couple of sentences
tip 10 - 11:11 - Happiness is a clear horizon - that's when you're the most creative. Hatred is wasted energy and it's all non-productive
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #screenplay
tip 1 - 1:01 - Create suspense with Hitchcock's famous Bomb Theory
tip 2 - 2:45 - Make the audience scream and cry and they will come out of the theatre giggling. People go to the cinema to feel something
tip 3 - 4:13 - Give the audience some exposition but when you give it, it must appear to be something else
tip 4 - 4:53 - Direct the audience, rather than the actors (avoid cliches)
tip 5 - 6:24 - The quality of identification is most important for the audience's emotions
tip 6 - 7:14 - Whatever the content, always put your effort into creating an emotional response
tip 7 - 8:05 - Mystery is just an intellectual process, while the suspense is an emotional process
tip 8 - 9:10 - Learn the Kuleshov Effect to know how to "Show, don't tell"
tip 9 - 10:25 - Your story begins with only a couple of sentences
tip 10 - 11:11 - Happiness is a clear horizon - that's when you're the most creative. Hatred is wasted energy and it's all non-productive
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #screenplay