How Does God Answer Prayers? | Jennica’s Story

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It was like, I didn’t feel like God was talking to me. I just felt alone, like no one was there.
It was about 10 years ago I was in a car accident. I had dealt with pain, but it got really, really bad, to the point I couldn’t even lift up my kids at some point.

It was just this downward spiral of “God’s not there for me.” I just prayed to God and I said, “Will you just tell me how you speak to me?”

I had a friend reach out to me from high school and she had a lot of back problems and stuff like that. The way she described her pain was exactly the same pain I was having on a daily basis, and she also had three young kids. It was like, “You’re not alone. Someone else is going through the same thing.”

It just made sense to me that God talks to me that way, because I’ve always loved people, so why wouldn’t he have me talk to other people and have other people talk to me?

I think sometimes it takes going through something like this to truly understand how He talks to you and have a real relationship.

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Love this! God answers prayers in various ways - sometimes the Spirit speaking peace to us, other times through the actions of someone else. And yes, I highly recommend meeting with missionaries - I was a missionary myself for two years in North Carolina and loved helping people learn about God and develop a stronger relationship with Him.


This truly is the true church in the Earth today!


Please say a prayer for me🙏 I'm asking God for a sign


I've always struggled with the concept of a spirit Being who is described as mystical and basically an entity of some kind. How could I have a personal relationship with Him. Knowing who He really is and His true nature makes much more sense to me and I completely understand why I can have a personal relationship with an actual Being.


It amazes me how God finds ways to talk to me in such personal ways. The lyrics of a song can be personal message from Him to me. Small moments during a walk that stand out to me. I can always feel Him there with me even when I feel so alone.


I was baptized at 7 . I endured chronic back pain for nearly 6mths or more to the point it took me at least 30 minutes to overcome after my partner at the time had to slowly assist me with sitting up at snail speed which took at least 5minutes to elevate me.. which had me in tears . No amount of pain killers worked . After so long of going through this pain worse then labour.. gradually disappeared. And i haven't endured it since.. ❤🙏


Please pray for us, my name is MULISA Mercy, i'm widow.
I have 4 children, i ask My God to do something for us.Please pray for us.


Please say, a prayer for my family and me.I have had alot of problems Thankk you 🙏 ❤️ 💙 💕 💓 💖 🙏 ❤️ 💙


God please take my pain away let me walk again please heal me


Please pray for me
I need a financial miracle to pay off my debts and find a home and love with a woman who loves me


Look for a feeling- clarity, a feeling of"rightness", and it must be in tune with church doctrine. Be aware of thoughts. Bad ones come from "the other guy", so ignore those. Sometimes I get new ideas and my motto is if it won't hurt and perhaps will do some good, I'm going to try it. And I pray and trust the Lord to guide me if there is a another direction. It will always take a lot of practice throughout our lives to hear and heed the voice of the Lord. But, it is so worth it.


A man❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤I love god


why do people believe god is real and lives above the clouds in outa space?


The holy Bible is God's complete and completed written revelation to mankind.
Any church that denies that, or wants you to read and believe another 'scripture, ' will lead you into deception.


Have you ever heard of the King James Bible? It's just the most popular book ever printed. EVER!
God doesn't talk to you through relationships with other people. If you want to hear what God has to say to you read what HE has written to you. In this age of Grace read Romans through Philemon.


I honestly believe that when most people pray to God they are praying to a God that doesn’t exist…I’m pretty sure that Genesis 1 is the only truth & that God is nothing but love & that everything he created was good & that the only rules we were given were to procreate, rule over the earth, & subdue it. It states that we are allowed to eat the fruit of any tree on the face of the earth.
Unfortunately, most of the world has accepted Genesis 2 as the truth & this is the “God” they pray to & is the cause of all of the suffering…Genesis 2 is based on “the generations of man”. God in Genesis 2 is referred to as the Lord God. Everything he created is out of order. Woman is taken out of man-Genesis 1 states that “Let us make man in our image. In the image of God he created them. Male & female created he them”. The Lord God in Genesis 2 goes against the rules of Genesis 1. He tells them they can’t eat the fruit of the tree of life. The serpent innocently tells Eve that she can eat the fruit & that it would help her be able to tell good from evil. Then the lord God is nasty, unforgiving, punishing, & overall mean. He refuses to forgive Adam & has put him to sleep & never woke him up.
Basically, the world follows the Antichrist. What loving God would send his son to be brutally murdered by being nailed to a wooden cross??? That makes NO sense!! The world is cruel & people are mostly selfish….Disease, war, famine, poverty, & the weird rituals & judgmental rules of organized religion are the very things that create misery.
That’s my personal belief after truly asking to know God with all my heart.


Good! Luv it!. This content desperately needs S M Z E U S!!!
