Why Doesn’t God Answer All of Our Prayers?

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In this clip from Dr. Peterson's Exodus series, the panel discusses why God is not a gumball machine that you can put a quarter into and get something out of it when you pray.



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"God wants to change me, before he changes my situation" sums it up


'The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.' - Søren Kierkegaard


That revelation at 7:49 is the key to life --- "this circumstance of sadness, depression etc....is God loving me." --- such truth!!! My deepest sense of reality, my deepest connection of who I am and who God is have come right on the heels, or in the depths of my lowest moments.


All prayers get answered. Sometimes the answer is no.


Perhaps the real question is why can’t we see how God answers our prayers? I had a very silly childish prayer which was quite constant when I was a very young child. I used to pray that I could fly. Literally fly. I kept praying for that until I didn’t. I never literally gained the power to fly…but in retrospect, I discovered in conversation with my children the other day (40+ years later) that from a very early age I began to have very vivid dreams of flying. They were euphoric, gave me so much joy, were beautiful and innocent. I had those dreams many times. I only realized now that I am older…he did answer this very silly but real prayer…in my dreams. I think God always answers our prayers but not always how we think he will answer them if that makes any sense?


What i absolutely love about Peterson is how he always pursues the bond between theology & practicality or the spiritual realm & its practical nature. I’ve been telling my own brothers & sisters in Christ now for years that if theology isn’t practical it’s not genuine theology but rather some twisted distortion there of. Jordan says what the church currently needs to hear to become relevant again.


I’m my lifetime to see prophets of God studying together is amazing I’m happy for this, I knew God would always give us a way to reach Him, how I would love to meet them and share more of all my visions and dreams


Best quote in a movie, "God answers all prayers, even if the answer is still no." - Deep Impact.
My mother said No a lot 😆


I think prayer is not just about asking God for what I want. It's about having an intimate relationship with him. We don't talk to someone to manipulate them into giving us what we want, we talk with someone because we want to get to know them. I feel it's the same with God. He knows us better than we know ourselves so I trust he knows what's best for me and that he has a larger perspective than just me and my problems.


Priceless conversation 💫 what a great blessing to listen to these men. Thanks you JP ❤


This what the daily wire provides for Jordan Peterson and what he provides for them. Im a 27 year old young man from Australia how could you get someone like me interested enough to wanna pay for a subscription to the daily wire yeah content like this exodus series it looks well made and well thought. These are great minds taking on some interesting subject matter. Like you cant replicate that intelligence tv doesn't come close and subjects like this arent for children.


We don’t deserve mercy. Mercy is given to us without merit. God’s love, grace and mercy is on a different level than man’s. Anyway, I’m listening during breaks. Thank you gentleman 👍🏻✝️❤️


Absolutely good discussion!!! To hear the intelligent people is the best


He answers. You might not like His answer every time. But you should know He knows what’s best.


Yes, the conversation is fantastic, but that table... simply majestic. That entire set is beautiful.


Every day is a gift, regardless of just how terrible the personal circumstances may happen to be.

It took me thirty plus years to begin to understand it and realize that God speaks to us all, every day, in what gets put before us.

Some 30 years later, I am still amazed when I look up to see that God is still paying attention and bringing his presence to be known,
to a lowly biological pattern recognition device such as myself.

If I can ever get past the imposter complex, maybe I'll be able to better spread the love that God has shown me...

...and indeed shows everyone daily, if they but look for it.


It's important to be grateful for what you have and your current situation. We need to take the good with the bad. This is part of trusting God's plan which can be greater than anything we imagined


The statement near the end about God's self limitation corresponding to the human heart, and its effect on free will is probably the most beautiful thing I have tried to make sense of in my life.


Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.


My god what a table, also a great collection of expert thinkers!
