Pot Odds in Poker Explained - Quick Trick to Remember

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This course is tailor-made for someone who has little or no experience with poker and wants to learn the fundamentals, the most basic principles that allow you to win money when playing with casual (no strategy, just fun) players.

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this was the best video on this subject I've seen.Showing all my beginner friends this one


Really great explanation, i understood it completely


I can't find the table of probabilities in your site.


I have a question:
In your example, you used:
Pot = 100, opponent bets 50, pot odds = 3-1. You need to win 25% of the time or more to break even.
But isnt this...false? I say this because if you are on the flop, then you still have two cards to show up. Your chance of hitting your outs by the River are 60% (using the rule of 4 and 2), but the next card is not the river, its the turn. Essentially meaning that:
Pr(Flush) on Turn = ~30%
Pr(Flush) on River = ~60%
Now your pot odds require a win rate of 25%, so in this particular example, its an easy call because even the turn has a >25% of hitting. But isn't this 25% break even point dependent on the villians bet after the turn being 0? If it is non-zero (which it will be if the villian continues showing strength), then isn't the real pot odds:
Risk: 50 + [Uknown Turn Bet]
Reward = 100 + 50 * 2 + [Unknown Turn Bet]
Odds = Risk / Reward.
Am I saying something silly here?


When you calculate the pot odds, how do you deduce your odds of winning out of 5 times? Did you make that conclusion based on your outs and probability? I was confused at that part.


What kinds of adjustments should be made based on number of players and position?


at 05:00, why the odds of hitting outs is 30% if the flush draw alone has 9 outs? that is 36% Plus 8 outs for the open ended straight, that would be 32%, wouldn't we sum both and get 68% ? EDIT: OK I forgot that at the turn you multiply by 2 (or cut in half the odds you got at flop).


Great video! Is there a way to take into consideration the total number of cards actually dealt out? Example, if there are 9 players at the table, and you end up heads up with an opponent, there are 14 cards that are gone from the deck that the other players folded. If you are on a flush draw, you have to believe that a certain amount of the cards you need have been folded by the other players. If you estimate that 1/4 of the cards are each suit, you have lost 3 outs. I don't know if this is accurate, but I have always thought about this!


Thank you for this video, it's so simple and clear. I'll subscribe.
However, I think the rule of 4 - 2 is for the turn and the river not for the Flop and the Turn, Or I have missed something ?


3:22 if you hit jack or 10 is also good .so the odds are not 15 but 19


Thanks this is a good explanation...why do you assume at 2.57 that your opponent has at least a pair of Queens?


Nice vídeo, ty for the content!
Could you do this same format but applied to PLO5 (Omaha 5 cards)?


why do you bet 70% of the pot? seems kind of loose to bluff here, should depend on your stack size, am I right?


Actually, when the outs are above 8, the calculatıon gets ınaccurate. The rule ıs (say, you have 15 outs: flush/straıght):

(15*4) - (15-8) and thus, the result shall be way more accurate.


Hey, just making sure we are on the same page. At 2:29 example u talk about a 4-1 bet, we bet 100 to win 400. We need to win 25% to break even and yet u say in this video that if we win more than 1 out of 5 times its a good bet which is false. We need >25% to profit not >20%


Wow this guy has big hands. Like, his actual human hands


I don’t get why winning 20% is acceptable compared to pot odds being 25%


also, at 1:35

Shouldn’t the pocket ace second card’s probably include the other cards that were dealt?

So if we’re LB in a game of 6,

4/52 * 3/46 ? (Assuming the ace wasn’t dealt to another player)


Your channel name is why I clicked lol


At the end of the video you should photoshop yourself turning into Goku from DBZ.

Awesome video though
