The Only MUST-LEARN Mechanics To RANK-UP In ROCKET LEAGUE... (Top 9)

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In this Rocket League guide, I go over my top 9 MUST-LEARN mechanics to Rank Up...
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🎬Intro By: PoptartWithAGun2903
🎞️Edited By: Merch
🎨Thumbnail By: Totema
🔥More Videos:
0:00 - Intro
1:26 - Mechanic 9
2:41 - Mechanic 8
3:40 - Mechanic 7
4:47 - Mechanic 6
6:00 - Mechanic 5
6:53 - Mechanic 4
8:13 - Mechanic 3
9:27 - Mechanic 2
10:43 - Mechanic 1
12:18 - Conclusion
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- SpookLuke 👋
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He’s right about the double jump pop, I catch some many people off guard by just popping it up


Counter point to speedflips being essential. If you don't want to learn then, then watch your opponent closely on kickoff and position yourself for the second touch instead. I'll be honest, I find it a bit easier to win doing this than constant speedflip kickoffs


This helps me so much, I knew most of the important basics but this video has given me a road for not just improving the mechanics I already have but also new aspects to the same mechanics. Thanks luke you’re a lifesaver :)


I do agree that bounce dribbles are essential and are a great mechanic but, at the lower ranks you don't really get a lot of space and time because everyone just ball chases and hits the ball away.


We all need accept we suck no matter how many mechanics we learn


Funny that when you're in the lower ranks and you're trying to get the ball to bounce before you clear it, here comes your teammate hitting it before it lands for no reason and hitting it off a wall for a perfect pass to the other team... then they hit you with a "what a save" 🤣


Flakes road to SSL with no mechanics is a good watch to implement some of these mechanics


Would be cool if someone made a training pack for all of these mechanics. It could be a go too for warm up regimen before comp. If these are the most important, specifically training on these to warm up should be a no brainer. Spooky Warm Up.


Holy moly the editing is on another level.


Well done Luke! I agree with your assessments. I've started to implement all of these more consistently and have seen a huge improvement. I have started learning how to do Bounce Dribble well, even to where I am starting to do them without thinking about it, and it is so effective.


08:45 you say that people in lower rank give you a lot of space. Never found an opponent who gave me space. All ballchaser in 1v1 and a lot of ballchasers in 2s and 3s


Havent played for a long time, and completely lost my feel for the game. I used to be diamond, so nothing fancy or anything. But this vid makes me wanna play again! Those bounce dribbles seem fairly easy to learn and make a lot of sense!


To be honest? I'm surprised people don;'t use half flips more often when needed. It's one of if not the EASIEST mechanics other the jumping.


Man, I have this problem where my perception for lack of a better word is stuck on my camera. The best may for me to explain it would be if my car is reversed and the ball is on the right side of the camera but left side of the car, i always flip right on accident, same with inverted controls on like backwards aerials and stuff. This also affects everything I do because I don’t have to be reversed, that was just the simplest example I could think of. Speed flips I can’t seem to get down in game because If in ball cam I just won’t do it right. There’s other things too I just can’t think of them off the top of my head, just wanted to put this here for advice if anyone has any. Does this just get better with practice, or is it just an issue with me?


I solo queue a lot and it hurts the most when I get teammates that can’t defend at all


What is your hot potato drill? You mentioned it but I haven’t seen you talk about it before.


Halfflips are just so satisfying to do in a row in both directions so that you basicly drive :D


Your video editing is getting soooo good. Great video Luke!


In football (soccer) parlance the clears mechanic is a half volley. Full volley is taking the ball on no bounce.


Clears: Yes, yes and yes.

I see champ 3's that can't clear well, wich is insane o me.

might be because I was almost forced to play defense in the lowest ranks ro rank up, and/or that I have a background in football, but bouncetimings I allready learned in silver. No excuse for that shit anywhere in champ. It's easy.
