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“They can’t explain why we have buttholes”
Me: *“umm personally I’d rather not have to discard a chunk of brown stuff through my shlong but ok”*


"why we have buttholes"
id rather not vomit poop


The reason there are more right handed people are there is because it is actually a dominant trait


Fact 1:Baby eels, also known as elvers, are typically born in the open ocean, specifically in the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean. They then migrate towards coastal waters, including rivers and estuaries, where they grow and mature. The exact details of their life cycle and migration patterns can vary based on the species of eel.

Fact 2:Yawning is often triggered by a variety of factors, including tiredness, boredom, and changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. It's thought to play a role in cooling the brain and increasing alertness, but the exact reasons for yawning are not fully understood.

Fact 3: A bicycle in motion is primarily kept moving by the force of inertia. Inertia is the property of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. Once you start pedaling and give the bicycle a forward push, its inertia allows it to continue moving forward even after you stop pedaling. The rotational motion of the wheels also contributes to the bike's stability and forward movement. Additionally, the force of friction between the tires and the ground helps provide traction, allowing the bike to grip the road and maintain its motion.

Fact 4: The prevalence of right-handedness in humans is thought to be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. While the exact reasons are not fully understood, some theories suggest that it might be related to the way our brain is structured and how functions are distributed between the two hemispheres.

In most right-handed individuals, language centers are predominantly located in the left hemisphere of the brain. This is known as lateralization of brain function. It's possible that this specialization played a role in the development of right-handedness.

Genetics also play a role, as there may be a hereditary component to handedness. If a person has a family history of right-handedness, they might be more likely to be right-handed themselves.

Environmental factors could also influence handedness. Cultural practices, societal norms, and everyday experiences might encourage or reinforce the use of one hand over the other.

Overall, the exact interplay of these factors and the reasons for the prevalence of right-handedness are complex and still being studied by researchers
Fact 5
1. Why do we sleep?
Sleep serves several essential functions for the body and mind. It helps with memory consolidation, tissue repair, and the regulation of various bodily processes. Sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, and it allows the brain to rest and rejuvenate.

2. Why do we laugh?
Laughter is a complex social and emotional response. It often occurs in response to humor, but it can also serve as a social bonding mechanism. Laughter triggers the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like endorphins and reduces stress. It's a way humans connect and communicate joy and amusement.

3. What is pain?
Pain is a complex and protective sensation. It typically occurs as a response to tissue damage or injury, alerting the body to potential harm. Pain helps individuals avoid further injury by prompting protective behaviors. It involves both physical and emotional components and is processed by the nervous system.

4. Why do we have buttholes?
The anus, or "butthole, " is part of the human digestive system and serves as the exit point for waste material (feces) from the body. It plays a crucial role in the elimination of waste and maintaining the overall health of the digestive tract. The presence of an anus is a common feature in many animals, as it's necessary for the efficient removal of undigested and harmful substances from the body.


Other people yawning triggers my yawn 💀


Everything can be answered but not everything needs to be questioned

A Wise WAN☺️


Friction force on the tire keeps the bicycle going and the kinetic energy that it gets from that increases it's inertia which makes it so that the bicycle tends to continue it's motion while the rider perfectly balances his/her center of mass on the seat. Add both of them and there is your explanation


"Why we have buttholes" killed me


You yawn when your tired because your body feels like you need more air in your body to keep you energised so when you yawn you take a deep breath.


The force that keeps a bicycle standing and in motion is called the balance force or the centripetal force. When riding a bicycle, multiple forces are at play to maintain balance and keep it in motion.

1. Gravity: Gravity pulls the rider and the bicycle downward, which provides stability. The downward force helps maintain contact between the tires and the ground, allowing the bicycle to stay upright.

2. Inertia: Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes to its motion. When a bicycle is in motion, it continues moving forward due to the inertia of the rider and the bike. This forward momentum helps keep the bicycle stable and prevents it from falling over.

3. Centripetal force: When a bicycle turns, the centripetal force comes into play. It is the force directed toward the center of the circular path caused by the friction between the tires and the road. This centripetal force allows the rider to make turns without losing balance. The angle and direction of the bicycle's lean help maintain stability while turning.

4. Rider input: The rider's body and actions play a significant role as well. By shifting their body weight, adjusting the handlebars, and using their limbs for balance, riders can maintain stability and control the bicycle's motion.

Overall, it is a combination of these forces, along with the skill and control of the rider, that keep a bicycle standing and in motion.


People have butt holes to eliminate semi solid waste.(2) yawning means that you are tired.(3) people sleep 😴 to get rest so their own body can repair itself.(4) physical pain warns people about damage being done to the body or part of the body.(5) bicycles remain in motion due to balance ⚖️ and volosity( speed 🚄 control 🛂) (6) baby eels hatched from fertilized eggs .(7) right ▶️ handed people are less likely to expose certain areas of the body to potentially lethal wounds.(8) people 😂 to express joy / happiness 😊.


when he talked about yawning... I yawned 🥱


The real question is why do we exist in this universe


i know what is pain actually like im not joking

it’s something that when your brain cells like starting to get the feeling thats why there are some brain cells cut thats why there are some people dont feel pain it’s because the brain cells are cut❤
i would be happy if you liked pls i mean its ok if u dont:)


These "issues" are April fool questions in the middle of August!! 😂😂😂


I answered every question - eels come from eggs, a bike stays up right due to YOU balancing it and if not leave a bike standing without a kickstand… don’t worry, I’ll wait. And for what is pain - go run into a wall at full speed or jump into oncoming traffic. That feeling you felt during the impact - that’s pain.


"I thought we were an advanced society"
Me asf


1. It’s parents.
2. What he said
3. Aerodynamics
4. Dominant Trait
_Rapid Fire_
5. To have energy
6. Idk
7. Hurt
8. To get rid of waste


"Firstly, we have you getting no bi-"


We feel pain as a reaction to something being wrong. Our body uses pain to alert us when there is something wrong mostly
