UK MPs vote to legalise assisted dying bill - what happens next?

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The effort to legalise assisted dying in England and Wales has cleared its first hurdle in parliament.

After an impassioned debate - MPs voted to pass Kim Leadbeater's bill by 330 to 275 - a majority of 55.

Among those supporting it was Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and his predecessor Rishi Sunak.

The bill proposes that assisted dying is available to terminally ill adults with 6 months left to live but that it must be approved by two doctors and have judicial oversight.


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"We are shortening death, not life" Dr Prinsley's profund words sum up everything as far as I'm concerned.


We all hope to live a long and healthy life and not suffer unnecessarily at the end. Give people the right to choose whats best for themselves.


To me, its utterly wildly incomprehensible how anyone can be against this. If you are, please answer me this: If you were terminally ill with lung cancer, progressively dying while in unbearable crippling pain as fluid filled your lungs (always happens with lung cancer), leaving you to slowly and helplessly drown from the inside out - like being waterboarded 24/7 for weeks or even months - wouldn’t you want to call it a day? The so called slippery slopes (which wrent an issue in countries where its legal) unfortunrely don't even come remotely close to justify forced months long torture


Imagine being on the side of "forcibly keeping people alive". Slippery slope arguments are not enough to defend your position fellas.


It's incredibly naïve to believe that the 'safeguards' will stop this law from being abused.


With cuts in adult social care, cuts in palliative care, mental health services, what are you talking about Marie?


Why do people think it is any of their business whether someone chooses to die. It should be like ordering something from Amazon.


Thank you! The amount of loved ones I have seen struggle through until the bitter end when you wouldn't put any other animal through that, has been heart-breaking. To me, every single human being should have the right to do with their body what they wish. I am sure there will be people who will want to stay until the bitter end too and I completely respect their right to be able to do that as well, of course, but there needs to be choice and I am so grateful we will finally have it.


I thank all the MPs for their thoughtfulness and rationality, I don't know how I would have voted but I am glad the debate was so good and I am happy to support the result


coercion does not have to be overt, or personal: societal expectation is built by what is legal: for what is legal will be seen as moral, and from permission there will come a more or less subtle demand that the dying choose death: and the criteria will undoubtedly expand.


Im a nurse ive seen many patients who are palliative die horribly and in pain. I dont beljeve there is a palliative care model that can achually deal with that amount of suffering.


We can totally trust our honest, decent, caring politicians when they say they are introducing something for 'our own good'.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Cryptocurrency is not a fad, it's a revolution, and the future of money is digital. Investing in cryptocurrency is like investing in the early days of the internet.


The wish to not be a burden is a choice people should have. I certainly would like to have it. To argue that emotional coercion would be the only factor for people to make a decision to end their life puts them in a pathetic context of inferiority. Personal dignity for all.


Finally, some common sense coming out of the UK; I can hardly believe it.


3 YEARS to be implemented. those suffering now and wanting to die will have to carry on suffering


When was the last time The Bible was updated?


Yeah assisted dying for those with terminal illnesses and who are specifically asking for that is fine.

But give a few years and they will loosen these conditions, just like they did in canada, next you thing you know they are talking about offering death to people with depression and offering it to terminally ill people left right and centre rather than those who express a want to pursue this.

So yeah i agree with this first stepping stone, BUT i also recognise that the slippery slope has begun and i do not trust our healthcare system to get this right.


Oh no, GOD have mercy…. What a wicked bill that is being passed.
I fear for many vulnerable people. Whose voice cannot be heard. Who will be manipulated by relatives, and by the state. Lord help us.


Humans are not Infallible....they make mistakes. How will you deal with mistaken cases where someone maybe misdiagnosed as terminal.
