Tricks for Outwitting Sneaky Coworkers

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Tired of having to worry about sneaky coworkers? Learn how to handle these challenging situations in this video!

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It's particularly difficult when that person is more senior than you (but not your boss).


I’ve been through this. This type of co worker is so exhausting and this sneaky behaviour often comes with micro aggressions, micro managing, outright gaslighting and so on. It often contributes to a toxic workplace and it’s just so draining. Thanks for making this video… I guess it’s more common than I thought.


Soon as he said keep a positive attitude I tuned out. It’s a negative situation what do mean positive attitude


Insecurity? Who isn't insecure? Almost no-one...

Personal view: How about the cause being greed, jealousy, competitive nature, entitlement, ambition, desire for more money, desire to knock out the competition.. The problem with these people is not that they are insecure....the problem is they have no moral issue with behaving deplorably, no problem behaving in damaging and destructive ways that hurt other people.

Still that's a good example of pushing interactions into written communication. Thanks!

Hedge it professionally, cut of the tentacles. Also good. Thanks!


Co workers give so many mixed messages it’s so confusing on who is sneaky and backstabbing!many more then less!!!


I don’t know if it’s a common thing or I’m just very unlucky but in every single workplace I’ve worked, there was a sneaky coworker that ruined my experience and mental health at some point. I even regret the career path I’ve chosen now just because of these people. Corporate professional companies are much better, but small companies are the worse.


I have a coworker that seems to hide things for me. She seems to like me a lot and always wants to be around me and talk to me period but whenever I work with her I notice that everything is out of order. Paper work is missing.I have a hard time finding my tools.

Today, she came in a few minutes before me and grabbed all my tools for me even though i never ask her to. She just does it and it It seems cool and nice.. Until I realized that she was handing me.Someone else's tools. I said Thank you But where Are my tools? She said she couldn't find it.. Now this is where to come sneaky.

Told her I was going to go check the closet with the tools But she said don't bother because she already checked and it wasn't there. I said ima have to check anyways Because I might have to report my tools missing.

I walked in the tool closet and my tools We're right there. She done this a few times now. She acts.
All cool and nice, but she makes work for other people difficult. It's hard.
To tell if she's doing this on purpose or if she's genuinely making mistakes. Nobody is asking her to grab our tools though. Her help is the opposite of help. Shes weird ....


The amount of times I’ve been gaslighted 😅


Always experience this. So glad you've bought this to light 👍


I work as a therapist and now they are trying to turn my clients against me. Another coworker told me they heard others talking about me and said they are asking clients to request another therapist. Now they have clients writing a letter saying they don’t want to work with me with no specific reason just saying they don’t feel a connection. It’s really causing me distress and HR doesn’t know I’m aware of the scheme but I want to reach out to HR because they are trying to get me fired.


Loving the thumbnail (lol) Great topic


Should I report my coworker? See, our boss was in his face and practically called him slow and fooIish. Well, he got back at her. A month prior, our boss once told us she was literally sick of raspberries, because she once threw up after eating expired raspberry pie. Well, yesterday, there was some raspberry tarts in the break room, and my coworker told her they were cherry. But then she tasted raspberry and threw up. He "innocently" claimed he thought they were cherry, and she bought it. Well, later, I saw him laughing to himself and giving himself a self-five. I think he tricked her so she would feel naus eated and embarrass herself at work. She was disrespectfuI and beIittIing to him, yes, but to do this to her? Should I tell her?


Thank you, is what i needed to hear. ❤
Their behaviour is not our fault.
