I Tried Tesla FREE Self Driving (FSD) | I'm Shocked...

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It has been over 100 days since I Purchased my New 2024 Tesla Model 3 Performance and this is my Review. From Home Charging, Range, Performance, Build Quality Issues, and if I think the Refresh Model 3 Highland is Worth it.

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Model Y Refresh
Model Y Juniper
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FSD has changed my attitude toward driving.

Until about a year ago, I would have said that I’m not interested in self-driving cars, because I really enjoy driving.

Then I had my first ever (non-trivial) accident in 47 years of driving. Nobody was hurt, and there was no damage to the stationary object I hit. There was considerable damage to our car though (not our Tesla).

However, that accident took a lot of the fun out of driving!

So I really appreciate FSD allowing me to relax a lot in terms of the minute details of driving, so that I can concentrate instead more upon searching my environment for sources of danger — pedestrians, bicyclists, other cars, weird road repairs in progress, etc.


I'm slightly kidding. You have one of the most amazing cars ever in human history and your tone is like eh its fine


9:54 "Hit Something for Science!" Sounds like a great name for a channel.


You can setup another profile with Autosteer enabled. Then you will be able to switch back and forth between Autosteer and FSD while driving by just changing the profile


I just bought a 2024 AWD model 3 and I freaking love this car. Other than trying to get all my charging plugs situated at the house it's drama free. FSD hack, during the day wear sunglasses and it won't ask you to touch the wheel nearly as much.


12:46 this was way too funny for some reason


I like the camera setup that you have right now. The center view and then the pip of you talking. Maybe just change the angles sometimes to shake things up. But for me. What you have is all I need.


Amazing video quality. The frequent commentary helps a lot to keep interest. It was cool seeing your experience with it!


I do a 2X monthly drive round trip, Boston to far northern Maine and yes, after dark on I-95, FSD and lane change on Autopilot is basically a no-go for huge sections of the Maine drive.


I just completed two 900 mile trips with FSD. Here are my conclusions => 1. 95% of the time it performed perfectly. 2. 2% of the time it would have caused a probable fatal accident. 3. 3% of the time it performed somewhat unacceptably.
So, how did FSD try to kill me 2% of the time ?? Three times it would not permit vehicles to merge in the lane in which I was driving even though there were no vehicles for hundreds of yards in the left lane {U.S. roads}. One of those times a trailer truck was merging and just when the truck was about to side swipe me, I used manual override and swerved into the left lane and permitted the truck to merge.
Two times as I was driving, there were several white lines where there should have been only 1. I suppose the road crew had painted the additional lines because of construction and lane shifting. So, maybe it's the road crew's fault, nevertheless, my car chose to follow one of the lines that led in to several trees and not the line that led to the main road.
As for the "unacceptable" actions, when it passes a slower vehicle and has passed the vehicle, it will cut too close in front of that vehicle making me feel uncomfortable. Also, it takes sharp curves faster than I like and anything that is laying loose on the seats or dashboard will slide off. Next, in my area there are many steep hills. There are speed limit signs for trucks only. So even though the speed limit for cars is 55 mph, the car will read the truck speed limit sign which is typically 35 mph and slow to that speed at which time I must use manual override to continue at 55 mph.
Many times I received a notice on the LED screen that my FSD may be "degraded because one or more of the cameras are obscured." This only happened at night and I believed at first that headlights from vehicles behind me were blinding the camera but that turned out to be false because frequently I was the only car on that section of the road. However, the FSD continued to performed normally despite this warning. I did stop once to make sure there were no bugs or mud covering the lens of the cameras.
And, yes, as others have stated, occasionally there is phantom braking. A.S.S. worked almost perfectly.


I have FSD subscription and use it 2 hours daily for my commute. I think the FSD issue at night happens more frequently at night, not because it can't see the lines, but because the camera is occluded by headlights and can't determine distance from the passing car. Reason it works on auto steer is it keeps you in that lane. That being said, FSD at night on those dark highways has gotten much better over the last 6mo.


JJ, another straight forward video and thanks.

Another +1 for the multiple profiles and ability to switch Autosteer & FSD. No steering wheel nagging!!(and the FSD crowd truly does go wild!). Yup, improper lane choices, active school zones and avoiding potholes all still need work but soooo much better than it use to be. It now does a notably better job with marked speed bumps too and, especially rotaries, which used to freak FSD out, especially with a new one. And those "degradation" notices are SOP in dim, low light conditions. Helpful hint that Tesla will probably never, ever put in print: With clear four and two way stops, with no cars or conflicts, FSD will allow you to do a rolling stop using a bit of "right foot intervention". Ditto rotaries, where you can smoothly approach and dart into a lane with that bit of RFI. Well done and let's see some more please.


just bought a 2020 that had fsd snd premium connectivity for life of the vehicle. love it every software upgrade makes it more valuable


I'm slowly becoming dependant on FSD. Ya it's silly sometimes when it accelerates too fast or brakes too hard BUT 95% of the time it's just so nice. Now we don't even need to touch the steering wheel which is what we always expected. Currently auto pilot settings are : Chill mode, Limited lane change, hov and toll roads turned off.


Hey mate, thanks so much for your videos. Just picked up a new Model Y and the FSD is amazing. Your videos helped me make the decision to buy even though I'm in an apartment. Keep up the content!


2:00 A caveat regarding minimal lane changes (next drive) (MLC): The stupid setting only lasts until the end of the next drive you do, after which MLC turns back off. SO, I have to remember to turn it back on at the beginning of every drive. On the plus side, one doesn't have to dig through the configuration on the screen, you can call up the "chill-average-aggressive" menu by pushing the right scroll wheel button to the right or left and then touching "Minimal Lane Changes" so, it isn't a big deal to set it, it is just a bother that one must reset it every time you get in the car.


I believe, while traveling on dark roads and the car cabin is dark, the cabin camera can’t see your eyes. FSD will revert back to the nag. FSD does work on dark roads. I, myself, live outside the city and dark night roads are the norm during night drives.


My free FSD ends Sunday, and I am pleased enough with it that I am going to do a monthly subscription for a while. I primarily am curious about improvements that are coming. And I want to test smart summon. Self parking is great in my Model X, and is better at parking in the center of a space than I am able to do. I tested FSD when the car was new and didn't trust it. And I tested it again during the last free test and thought it was just ok. This latest free test is a game changer as far as I am concerned.


11:15 AMEN! I really didn't think it would make that much difference for me, and I often have at least one hand on the steering wheel, especially in tight, low option situations that could require quick disengagement, or just to dodge armadillo carcusses and popholes, or to keep the car from cutting too tightly on a turn, etc... So I figured that the little bit of other wheel shaking was a minor thing (I've driven about seven thousand miles on three long highway trips this year (most with Autopilot, but it had a similar, "shake me so I know you care" behavior), and didn't find it over-burdensome), but once I started using the new hands free system, wow. you are right!
