Awakening of the Rebellion - The Mid Rim Sieges Against The Empire (Ep 27)

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Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.

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The Empire builds a Flak turret right in front of Shack's face. Shack then: "Something suddenly shoots at me?!" 13:13


I love how Shack had artillery and (for the last one) air support available, yet both times forced his depleted infantry forward into dual anti-infantry turrets. 😂


“We’re never going to corellia” *talks about attacking corellia for the next 5 min as he lingers* we know the desires of your heart Captain XD


I love that there's that one smuggler flying through the core of the galaxy just laughing to themself that they're getting paid by the alliance to do it


My vote is for Corellia, you can take out their research labs and if you take and hold it you can build Corellian battleships (i think)


I love Vader's angry breathing as he just watches the x wings destroy his building while he can't do anything about it


Personal Log:

Davon Cress, serving onboard the Venator-Class Battlecarrier "Liberation"

Liberation Quick Response Force

Operation Feather is going rather smoothly. Compared to Operation White Moon, (the war against the Hutts), it's all gone well and according to plan. Frankly, I think it's very well timed too. With the empire's massive losses over Dathomir and Muunilist, they've surprisingly had a hard time healing their wounds. We haven't seen much imperial activity outside of the construction of two of the empire's SSDs. From what I heard, they may have cancelled the other. Though, the Bellator is still in play. Operation Feather changes that though.

Luke took his unit to Manaan as part of the operation. Vader and his unit were stuck there after we blockaded the planet. Bringing a few aerial transports as well as X-wings for scouting, Luke managed to flank the Empire far behind their lines. Vader was caught off guard, and the entire unit engaged at range while Luke dueled him. I've managed to nab a holovid of the duel from a favor. Many of the unit's blasters were simply deflected by Vader while Luke swung at him. Eventually, all the footage showed was a red fuzz being deflected wildly off everywhere. Footage ends with Vader retreating alongside a unit of armor. Never thought i'd see him run like that, but here I am.

Then came the battle over Cato Nemoidia. Their garrison was easily overwhelmed by Snunb alongside an escorting MC80 Justice. From what I've heard from Shack, command may no longer be relying on the Dauntless as the main brawler of the alliance. While being an effective close range brawler, it only functions well at a short range. I would know. Either command sees potential in long-range orbital warfare, or are trying to get more support from Mon Cala. Either way, we're gonna see more MCs.

Luke's unit took the surface a few hours after. They raided an old droid factory all the way from the clone wars. Got themselves a few AAT droid tanks. I believe we definitely gave the imperial veterans a little wake up call that day.

Well, that's all that's happened this week. Brask told me about a rumor onboard the Liberation. Pirates infiltrating, one of them being killed. Told him whatever they're doing, they're probably doing it badly given how we know about them. Might need to tighten security here like I did on The Arquent. Either way, busy day. Davon Cress, out.


Shack, there is the Maw and Trandosha still left in enemy hands. You might need to take care of them soon. The Zhar region has an Empire leader (Jerrod?) you will need to deal with.

Furthermore, the Wheel needs to be taken as soon as possible. Ackbar is crucial for the Mid Rim Campaign. Especially when you are going to face the Ark Hammer. I don’t know where it is but I have a gut feeling that you are going to encounter it soon.

Finally, the CSA can be demolished easily if with a new separate fleet and army. That can act as a secondary response should the Empire or Black Sun stage a counterattack. Make life easier. ;)

Hope these suggestions helps! Look forward to the next episode.


Lore for the reason why that second AAT got stuck: the repulsed lifts failed due to age and lack of maintenance over the years LOL
you got lucky Shack. You didn’t seem to notice that the Empire was building the Executor but the Black Sun took it out.
Suggest you do a recon in force against Rendili, see if wiping out the orbital facilities stops the Bellator construction. If not, maybe try the same against Kuat if casualties were light. Just blockade the planets, don’t bother taking them. Once you’ve stopped the Bellator construction, invade and conquer Corellia


Everyone watching this seeing the flak cannon get built “NO NO NO HIT IT WHILE JTS BEJNG BUILT”
Shack “so vader is so angry right now”


You could try a space raid on Mandalore to try and draw the fleet away from the wheel. A joint operation from the North and South fleets


Senior Captain's Log
Orbit of Scipio
Week 152
[Begin Log]

Well, looks like the Southern Fleet is having all of the fun. With light casualties, they have taken Manaan and Cato Nemoidia. They are beginning a push into the Core, and many in the Northern Fleet are getting antsy. With any hope, the battle here will be quick, so that we can continue our other operations. The capturing of Mandalore and ghe Wheel are both glaring objectives that need to be achieved.
Back up here, I had to deal with some bad guests, Harrison and Sonquel trying to bug me on Uncle's behalf, killed Sonquel as a message and Saber Squadron escorted Harrison away from the Liberation until he jumped to hyperspace. Apart from that, I took the Fourth Great Company out with Rouge Squadron to destroy an Imperial base on the Jade Moon, it was pretty entertaining. Oh, and Tanya's surgery went well, she was up and walking a week after her appendix got taken out. Well, that's all for now, Nartha out. [End Log]


All Battles:
10:06 Manaan Ground Invasion
17:25 Luke VS Darth Vader battle
That was pretty awesome
33:39 Cato Neimoidia Space Invasion
44:11 Epic Cutscene moment
47:13 Cato Neimoidia Ground Invasion
Absolutely great episode


Always love the story telling in these videos.


Corellia is a great target. Loving this series!


"Personal log, captain Galen, Gauntlet squadron. Yesterday we finished mop up operations on Manaan; meanwhile, fleet scuttlebutt is becoming increasingly partisan on whether the target is Corellia or Kuat, and i even had to break up a brawl between one of my own flights and the ground crew. Anyways, Gauntlet was flying CAS for most of the campaign, and we lost 2 pilots. One of them was a rookie, kid probably never knew what hit him; the other was a veteran, survived Dathomir and had just kicked his spice addiction, too. My XO was on the ground, serving as air coordinator since the ground-pounders didnt have one. She took it pretty hard, blamed herself for not making sure the approach was completely clear of AAA before calling them in. Its not her fault; she's used to seeing it all from the air, not the ground. Id better- kriff, thats the alarm! We must almost be at Cato Nemoidia already; I guess ill have to talk to her about it after the battle. Alright, this is Captain Galen signing off."


Alliance assault frigates and mc40s are definitely needed to assault fortress worlds like kuat!!!!


21:50 Take cover on tier 3 infantry increases their fire rate significantly. So be in cover whenever you're engaging.


Rogue Squadron Journal
Week 152 - Scipio
Lt. Witton Bogre - Rogue 4

The sieges of the Mid-Rim worlds have begun. In an effort to take pressure off of the northern front, command has decided to make a drive into the Mid-Rim. Commander Skywalker has led this offensive better than anyone could have hoped, and now our forces sit on the edge of the Core worlds. It's said he even drove Vader himself into retreating. Even when he's not commanding Rogue Squadron personally he's looking out for us. As I understand it, Corellia is within our crosshairs now. Hopefully the day is soon coming that my homeworld will be freed.

Here though things have slowed as continue to lick our wounds. As for Rogue Squadron personally, we were sent on a vital mission to raid the imperial storage base on the Jade Moon. Thanks to the intelligence agent Nightswan had collected weeks earlier we had learned that this base was a major supplier of materials to the imperial navy's shipyards. Specifically their star dreadnought construction yards. Using a recently stolen and repaired sentinel class shuttle, Captain Saul and his Fourth company, loaded up and set out with us to hit the base.

Using the codes provided to us by Nightswan we were able to move in and land undected. The Imps never saw us coming. Rogue Squadron cleared a path for Saul and his men right up to the base's front door. Unfortunately things took a turn when the defenders managed to activate a base shield preventing Saul's team from entering. It had to go, the problem was it was located at the end of nearby canyon that was littered with AA batteries. The only good thing was that none of those AA guns were in the canyon itself, only above it. So we dived right down into it at full speed, compared to the training Luke made us do in Beggar's Canyon this was child's play. A couple of protons later and the shield was down and our guys were inside.

As we rushed back they grabbed everything that wasn't nailed down and destroyed what was. After clearing out the last of the imperials we took our spoils and headed home. Knowing we had bought the Rebellion another few weeks that wouldn't see any construction on an SSD.


I would take Corellia, and then back track in the other direction to do hit and run raids on their bigger ship yard. What I mean by hit and run is, I would take in a fleet of nothing but X wings and Y wings, and Target the Shipyard, then the Base Station. Once those two targets were destroyed, I would then retreat what was left of the Fighters and Bombers. Have a Great One!!!
