The Life and Work of C. S. Lewis with James Tunney

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Here he describes a crucible of consciousness at Oxford in the early twentieth century when a group of writers converged around C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien at the Eagle and Child pub. They were known as the Inklings.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:18 C. S. Lewis & Tunney
00:06:37 Lewis' religion
00:20:47 Reinchantment
00:28:49 Scientocracy
00:41:36 The afterlife
00:49:47 Amputated spirit
00:56:19 Eudaemon
01:05:46 Conclusion

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on March 28, 2023)

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove's Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.


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Statement of Comment Etiquette for New Thinking Allowed


Tunney is consistently a great interview.


Wow! It’s funny I was just thinking of when James and you were doing another interview and I couldn’t be more pleased. I admire the deep thoughts by CS Lewis, what a great topic, thanks to you both for the work you both provide. In addition please do 100s of more interviews with James. And keep your channel going for years, peace to both of you.


Listening to all the Tunney interviews over the years and researching all the points made is like putting together pieces of a jigsaw and what an amazing vista is being formed..


CS Lewis has had a huge impact on my soul, beginning with his book "Out of the silent Planet" when I was 10 years old. I consider that book and the other two in his "Space Trilogy", "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength", to be profound classics of spiritualism because in them he unites his Christian theology with ancient paganism as represented by the Greek/Roman gods.


Superb, supernal, exquisite. Great questions & a grand quest for answers. Two great Seers. Two great revelators. I hope you hear the thundering applause! I’m confident you do!


The Screwtape letters is one of my favorite any author !, Thank you once again Gentlemen !


I recommend "The Great Divorce". And thank you for this interview: I have been a fan of C.S. Lewis for a long time, but I learned many things here that I did not know. So, thank you both.


Great talk, thanks Jeffrey and James. We are on the Two Towers at the moment.


What an absolutely MATURE conversation. If I had an imprimatur I would stamp it.


Excellent questions. Excellent answers.
Thank you gents 🙏


James Tunney claims England has never recovered from the Dissolution, something I agree with. It has been said that 95% of all indigenous art was destroyed in the years following the reformation, which given that the vast majority of the people were illiterate and the Mass was in Latin, would have left a chasm in the communication of ideas. It has also been noted that England is provider of the greater part of the ghost story tradition, which is directly linked to the violent ending of the monastic houses. This cosmic upheaval has left a schizophrenic purview of reality, with an imagist past never fully sutured by the literalist hegemony. This may be why imaginative literature has played such an important part in the English canon, with hidden truths only referred to indirectly and at one remove.


Also, great paintings! The one behind you, James, I haven't seen before. Love it! Thanks for that too!


Absolutely fascinating hour! After each interview with him I come away so much more enlightened, positive and with an urge to read more about the subject. So impressed at his breadth of knowledge too!! xxx


What an incredible discussion. As a ten year year old I was introduced to CS Lewis by my sister and she read to me The Screwtape Letters which was part of a course she was taking in high school. Years later I was helping my nephew read The Narnia Chronicles, I fell in love with those books and am so grateful to James Tunney for his further insight into the minds of these great men, Lewis and Tolkien


Listening to this I I realize how I have been advocating to the fairy world, watching and feeling it being extinguished by concrete and machines. it will survive because it resides deep within our subconscious and we so clearly resonate to its themes. Maybe Mr. Turney could talk more about the fairy world and its lore. thank you both ever so much!


Absolutely excellent as usual, brilliant thoughts and words, a real feast for the thinking mind, if I could put forward a suggestion of a topic between yourself Jeffrey and james that I would love to hear a discussion on, " frank Herbert's DUNE" specifically the butlerian jihad and the war on thinking machines and robots, I really appreciate your efforts and have watched and waited patiently for your videos, again thank you so much for your time and efforts, when you hold a candle for someone else it also enlightens your path, blessings and prayers from dublin in Ireland.


I am so happy to see another interview with James! I read some of Cs. Lewis books last year to my daughters I actually fount the 1st book the magicians nephew the most fascinating really worth reading before the lion the with and the wardrobe .


I too love your conversations. Such a treat for mind and spirit.


OMG! I came to hear about Narnia and Frodo and I leave with my world view completely upside-down 🤯
