Bots In Classic WoW Are Hilarious...

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Bots In Classic WoW Are Hilarious...

With most people in Classic WoW reaching the max level, there is now an upsurge in bots grinding in the levelling zones. In this video I take a look at how these bots work, and how they work with gold selling websites.

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While I was lvl 55 I found a mage bot in azshara farming nagas at the beach. I hate bots so I used him as my personal farming bot. He was opening on mobs with frostbolt so I was using Arcane Shot rank 1 to tag the mobs right before his spell was landing, so he keeps the aggro and thinks that he tagged the mob. While he was killing that mob, I was killing another one. Double the XP. Did that for hours, helped with grinding fatigue.


Just farm some honor on them and then damage them enough while fighting a mod and let the mob kill them so their armor breaks


Keep the bots for the authentic classic experience.


I was doing some farming and got a whisper saying I was going to get reported for being a bot, my response "I'm not a bot but your Mum says I'm like a machine" :)


Blizzard doesn’t care those bots are paying 15/m lol


Had someone think I was a bot once, while I was doing a "critter crawl". It got kind of like I got into a pattern while playing. I like doing things like fishing, herbalism, and doing silly low grade stuff like grinding critters. I did chat with this one person that came down and kind of watched me. It was pretty funny, and I wouldn't know how to bot on a bet.


vaulty is a bot in some sense as well, he repeats the same sentence over 10 times just to make the video longer, that's almost painful to watch


I've reported a bot for 1 week straight in the badlands while mob grinding. Absolutely nothing has been done yet and the bot is still there. I even messaged the bot and said "your bot is poorly scripted" I then got a reply "Do you have better one?" The player then said the leveling experience is boring and bots until 60. I've lost a lot of faith in the reporting system because of this.


"There is this one gnome annoying me, following me around wherever i go, i didn't want to target the player so i ran, i afk'ed a bit 3 times while numb locking and i ran to three tree's that was so embarrasing i have ADD So i HAVE TO REPEAT EVERY SINGLE THING I DO PERFECTLY, i tried running to a far away zone to shake this gnome off, but he just won't get away from me"


AHAHAHAHA when you said "no one who has made it to level 60, will struggle with trees this much" i bout pissed myself...great content.


I run into these all the time. Usually 3 mages that all look alike or hunters with pets whose names consist of chinese (I'm guessing) characters. One tip off was watching one of these hunters kill something, loot it, skin it, attack a nearby mob and kill that, loot it, skin it and then run back to the first mob and loot the skin. I was on my warlock in Tanaris at the time so even though it was a blue server, I screwed with the bot by fearing their mob repeatedly. Eventually it got far enough away that their pet would either vanish or get ganked by more mobs. During my fearing, the hunter would turn and aggro another mob while the feared mob was still up and they'd melee the thing. Then I just let my fear run out letting the mob return and gank the now petless hunter. I did this several times before they insta-camped. No sitting and waiting just vanished. They were back 20 min later and I resumed my fun. I told this to my guildies and one of them suggested another thing I could do was to fill their empty inventory slots with heavy Leather balls.


Imagine blizzard employees botting and selling gold to players.... Couldn't be!


Do damage to them but dont kill them, let the mobs kill them. That way their armor will break and wont be able to continue. If they try to heal, silence, stun or interrupt them.


I like how this video is the definition of trying to reach 10 minutes for the money.


The thing is, if you make a anticheat too aggressive it might ban innocent people too. just flagging account who keyboard turn is not enough evidence or a ban.


great video bruv
sometimes I feel like a classic WoW robot when I'm playing, perhaps these "bots" are just players that have gone mad.
but seriously tho, hopefully there will be some sweeping bans in the future for botters and gold buyers/sellers.


I once ran into a group of 40 bots all in the same guild, reported it but nothing happened.


Blizzard will do nothing for bots as long as they have subscribed.


Once played through a starting zone, found a troll that just stood there... Killing boars... over, and over and over again. He didn’t even move... it was disturbing


Saw a (rogue) bot some time ago grinding the wyvern in thousand needles. Watched and killed him a few times, even running in circles with him for about 5 minutes as he did in fact react and run to me (he didn't try another path to get to me, just followed in the circle... was funny as hell). Afterwards I kited him into the feralas zone where the feral druid in the video was. Thing is... those mobs were too high level for him. Watched a while and indeed he resurrected at the same spot every time, just to get killed again by the mobs. Not only will his armor break, but he wouldn't get away until the person behind it would notice. I left with a very good feeling. :D
