INSANE Mate In 2! ♚ Challenging Chess Puzzle ♖ Improve Your Chess

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#Chess #ChessPuzzles #LogicPuzzles #ChessforCharity #childfund #Puzzles
In this video, I show an amazing chess puzzle. Try your best to figure it out! Be sure to stay connected for more chess content! :)
Composer: Fröberg 1939
FEN - 2Kn1n2/1NPPP1R1/R1N1kqb1/b1r2rP1/4P3/B6Q/8/8 w - - 0 1

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i was trying to mate the white king for a sec


Wow! That was too complicated to solve in my head, but after setting up the position on my board and playing through the lines, it became clear that white wants to somehow get another knight on d8. The problem is to both control d6 and e5 so one of the knights can capture on d8, or deflect either the a5 bishop or the black queen from defending the pawn promotion there. The stray pawn on g5 made me think that one of the lines must involve the black queen moving away, and there aren't many places she could go except the a1-h8 diagonal. Qc3 looked crazy at first, but whatever black plays in response allows one of the four ways to get a knight on d8.
Excellent puzzle, but it took about an hour to solve!


I would have said 1. e8=Q+/Bxe8, 2. bxe8=Q+ but what I didn't saw (I needed to check with an engine to discover) that this wouldn't be a a checkmate yet because 2. .../Qe7
Of course, in this case there's 3. Qxe7# but that's mate in 3, not 2.

Anyway, I count that as a small victory for me, because I usually not too good with these puzzles, so at least I've found a mate =)


How about:
1.Nb7xNd8+, Ke6-Kd6
2. e7-e8=N++


2 more variations after 1.Qc3!:
1 ... Nxc6 2.d7-d8N# (Black Nc6 is pinned now!)
1 ... Bf7 2.exf8N# (not 2.Ncxd8++ Kxe7!)


Maybe start with whose move it is? Or write it somewhere?


I was wondering why exd8=N doesn't work, sure the queen can capture, but you can follow up with cxd8=N which is checkmate I think, because the tile that the queen was on is covered by the pawn.


What a position. 🤣🤣

I thought so much about moving the c6 knight to give a discovered or double check to Black's king. But I took another look at his possible escape this point he can't take the d-pawn (White's king) or the e7 pawn nor can he go to f7 (g7 rook in those cases), d6 (b7 knight), d5 (e4 pawn), or e5 (c6 knight). All of those exits are shut down. My first thought was cxd8(N)+ but saw that wouldn't work as ...Bxd8 would be the retort and Black can mount a defense. But I think I got the solution now...let's see if I'm right. 🤔🤔

Edit: Doggone it!!!! I saw Qc3 and threw it out of my head because I thought it was no good!!!! D'oh!!!! 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


This is such a complicated puzzle sheesh
