Catholics, Alcohol, and Drinking

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Alcohol can certainly help us to live in the moment, grow in friendship, and simply enjoy life more, but when we drink too much we distort the goodness of alcohol. The Bible always condemns drunkenness, and in this video Fr. Mike points out why. In doing so, he also shows how to really enjoy a drink with friends or family, and enjoying a drink the right way is much better than getting drunk.

Fr. Mike is also a presenter in these faith formation programs from Ascension:

Get 18 of Fr. Mike’s best Ascension Presents videos in this exclusive DVD from Ascension:


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I’ve been sober for 31 years now and my Faith couldn’t be stronger. Praise the Lord!


"with your mouth" LOL HE'S SUCH A DAD


In Catholicism, the pipe, the pint, and the cross can all fit together.


Loved it! Just a small personal point to make on behalf of those like myself who suffer from Alcoholism! As an alcoholic I can not drink alcohol safely (meaning without getting drunk)! So God has made it very clear to me that I must abstain from all alcohol consumption because for me drinking alcohol leads to sin!! GOD BLESS ALL!!


Another awesome video father! You are the reason I've converted to catholicism. I've never been happier, thank you father you've changed my life!


I know a man who joined his wife in giving up alcohol while they were expectant, to encourage her. I thought that was pretty awesome, and gave alcohol its proper placement in the hierarchy of goods :)


hey guys pray for my application into the seminary! I hope to get in to see if God is calling me so just throw up a prayer for me! Also for the popes intentions! :) God bless!


Strangest thing how Father Mike posts a video about the question I have been dwelling on lately. Best Priest ever!


"Eat not to gluttony, Drink not to drunkenness."

--Benjamin Franklin, from his autobiography, paraphrased


I JUST TURNED 21 TODAY!! Thank you Fr. Mike; your videos are always very much enjoyable and educational. Thank you for giving your time and mind to YouTube. If not for this I wouldn't have known true Catholicism. I attended mass for the first time this past Sunday and I can't wait to go again. Thank you so much. God Bless you and all who read this. ~Amen~


I’m 12 yrs sober. I’m so thankful I found you Father. My dad passed away 3yrs ago and I’ve been struggling with my faith and wondering around for a long time. I’m very happy I have found a priest I can relate to and who makes sense to me. Thank You. I am still sober and have stayed committed to that.


I am a devout Catholic and I work in the liquor industry as a brand rep; I'm really grateful you made this video, because I've been struggling with the morality of my line of work and whether or not the idea of having a few drinks bringing people together as a good thing was a valid way to look at it. I was working in the industry before I came back to the Church, and since coming back, I thought alcohol could definitely be a gift in some ways, but I just really wasn't sure whether I needed to find a new line of work. I had struggled with drinking to excess in my last job, and I really wanted that to stop if I was going to continue in the industry. But I really wasn't 100% sure if God wanted me to work in that industry at all, but I kept getting interviews and such from other liquor suppliers. I wasn't sure if I was equivocating by participating, if that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for clarifying this! Always love watching your videos.


I personally don't drink alcohol and hate the peer pressure that arises when my friends and I go out for a meal. I wish we lived in a culture where not drinking alcohol at all was seen as just as ok as drinking it. But I do agree with Father Mike and can apply it to food. Sometimes when we go out, we go and eat at all-you-can-eat buffets and here it's important to remember to enjoy the food and the company of our friends and live in the moment, not going overboard. Moderation here definitely makes a big impact and learning to have some self-control can contribute to whether you have a great night out with your friends or not. Going overboard here makes you feel worse about yourself on so many levels, not only physically but emotionally, mentally and even spiritually too!


I can attest to this, as a recovering alcoholic, I unfortunately am powerless over alcohol. The best times were sitting and bonding over drinks with friends…in the beginning. Before I knew it, I was drinking a bottle of whiskey a day. I needed it to get out of bed, on my way to work, during work, on my way home from work, when I got home until I passed out and repeat. I’ve been sober 3 years now and I just started my journey in RCIA and my heart is fluttering with this new found love and excitement. A warning to my fellows, especially those in their early twenties. Be very careful, if you cannot enjoy a couple drinks and call it a day or you find yourself drinking EVERY day, you’re in store for a horrible journey. I used to need whiskey to live, now, all I need is Jesus. Bless you all


"We can thank God for beer and wine by not drinking to much of it". G.K.Chesterson.


Great video Father Mike! Im not irish but it really bothers me how the world has twisted the feast of St Patrick into a simply a drinking holiday instead of honoring the Saint for what he did for Ireland. Here in the states, its a big deal and its sad to see how young adults get so wasted drunk on that day. It bothers me that even non-believers and non-Catholics “celebrate” St Patrick’s day by drinking. I think its disrespectful to him. Just my opinion


My grandpa (rip) is 91 pass away and he is always drink cooler wine 2 glass daily. He’s a great heart and wonderful Catholic family. Grandpa/ma are always going to mass and pray daily and thank God to have wonderful big family!


I just turned 21 and this question has been on my mind! Thank you so much! God answers everything..Amen =D


God please keep blessing Father Mike in all that you charge him with. Keep using him to touch lives and bring us closer to you Lord. In Jesus holy name. Amen


I don't want to take any minute kind of risk related with this. I won't drink ever.

Thanks father for the video.
