The Castle Dwellers | Devlog

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The Castle, not yet a game, stood by itself against its skybox, holding polygons within


4:47 What a completely normal looking piano, I'm sure approaching it wouldn't traumatize me for life or anything.


I would highly advise against measuring anything directly against frames. If you ever change the FPS, you'll need to go back and rewrite all that code.

Anywhere you would use frames, you should instead use (frames * deltaTime), with deltaTime being the time it takes to perform each frame. This will give you a consistent mapping to real-world time, so instead of measuring in-game seconds against frames, you can map them to real-world time directly.

In any case, I love the project! I've wanted to see a game like this since, well, Majora's Mask - keep up the great work!


You should make the NPCs much taller than the player, to give a sense of childhood wonder.


4:46 The trauma room.
N64 kids know what I'm talking about.


Games with day-night cycle and npc schedules are an obsession of mine. This hyped me to high levels.


seeing the low-poly mansion with all the retro graphics and then just default player model is hilarious


I was literally thinking about this project yesterday
"It's been a long time since the last video" lmaooo


Usually tying any game logically to frame rate isn't desired nowadays but I could see it adding some old school charm haha


I am beyond excited to play this someday! Love seeing these dev logs, thank you for sharing!


6:09 another idea would be to match the ingame time with the real world time. In the evening more npc's might be eating in the dining room. At night less people are outside... etc. This would make the world much more lively and connected to our world!


PLEASE let me purchase a course on how to make this. from models to textures to the text boxes to the targeting.... its all so good


The idea of a haunted castle that is both the hub town and the lair of evil gives way to some REALLY interesting design space


Watched through all of your devlogs, subscribed & I'm ready for more!

This is a great inspiration, I can't wait to dive into game development myself!


What a treat! Instant click, thank you for all the vlogs.

Edit: Oof impossible architecture is what I'm going for with my project. Stanley Kubrick did an amazing job with Overlook Hotel.


Really hoping that Vinny Vinesauce plays this once it comes out LOL, the OOT/MM vibes are off the charts! Moreover, I absolutely love the amount of detail you've put into the environments shown here-- the gloomy ambience, the lighting, the texture work for the wallpaper and Forest Temple-esque carpeting, this is all coming together nicely! ❤


Looks amazing as usual! For the collisions id suggest a capsule or cylinder so the player gets pushed to the side instead of just dragged along if they're perpendicular to the enemy

Also, i know it's a stylistic choice going for 30fps but if you wanted to add 60fps for when pc players complain its not an option, or if someone is playing on a potato and cant hit 30, you mah want to rethink the time system and make it frame rate independent by scaling it with deltaTime


This is awesome, we definitely get a lot of Zelda-influenced indie games but very few are brave enough to take a stab at the time mechanics in Majora's Mask. It's a shame because its my favorite Zelda game by a long shot and nothing else really scratches that same itch. Keep up the good work!


I love what you're creating! It's something I'm aiming to achieve in my own way, with a stronger focus on detailed pixel art, aiming for a style reminiscent of the N64 or PSone era but more like N128 and PS1.5, so to speak. I'm still figuring it all out, but I think I've got the style down. I'm super excited to see how your game turns out, and I'll be the first in line to buy it. Your work brings back the exhilarating feeling of getting a new N64 game. As someone who collects N64 and PSone games, your project makes me feel that same nostalgia when I sit down at my setup in the living room. It's truly a treasure to see what you're doing, and you're doing it incredibly well. I hope I can capture even a fraction of that magic in my own project.

The way you manage the collision between characters made me smile because I know exactly what you mean. So awesome! Haha, the collision by default seems to work like it does in 2D games. I don't work in Unreal, so I'm not fully familiar with how the engine works. Everyone tells me it's complicated compared to Unity, but I don't know. Unity seems to be a headache at times, but other than that, I've been following your progress for a while, from the art style and environments to the gameplay. This really feels like a dream project coming to life.


A few doors that open to a solid wall or they open up to the outside with a drop off might help add to the confusion of the castle, also some castles have been known to have just enough space to walk between the walls or to trap people in the walls for torture. Just a few ideas. Although if you add to many dynamics it may become too confusing to navigate which is less then ideal.
