Stop trying to learn's not worth it!

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I think learning everything is a bad idea. I share my reasoning in this video!

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We should also note that some of us just love doing multiple skills. Like me, I love both art and programming, and game dev allows me to combine the two!


I'm in a weird place. I started out coding games back in the 80's because I simply couldn't find new games to play so I had to make my own. It was a much different time. As I got older life got in the way and all that just kinda fell by the wayside. I'm almost 50 now and I look back and see that not doing it has left this gaping hole that I could never fill so I'm picking it all back up again. I haven't really decided yet if I want to focus on any one thing. I just know that I want to make games even if I never make any money with them or if no one ever plays them.


I'd advise individuals to specialise in two-three areas (at a push) of Game Development & Programming. Bear in mind, there's always someone out there, who can do a better job than you in a field - So why not network with them, or even hire them?


I must admit as a Jack of all trades. I do agree I wished 30 years ago I stayed focus on art. But I do admit I did become an expert at many thing like graphic design, web design, really good 3d modeler, front end development and I am a good artist who can draw anything. But there are probably over 20 over things I have learn of those 30 years that I can do that I am not an expert at. Again thanks for sharing.


I took this to heart about a decade ago and it's been one of the best things to happen to me. Now that I'm finally making money with my skills, I'm starting to be able to pay for others to cover my weaknesses.


Tim, love your videos and your advice is always spot on and BUT please can you set your camera to MANUAL focus... it keeps jumping form the mic to you and back again. rant over!


I like being a generalist personally. But I can absolutely see ur concern. Even being a generalist I a lot of times go over the board learning all sorts of stuff I shouldn't be involved in. I'm trying to find a group of related things I want to be good at. Trying to find my core u know.
What a coincidence this video pops up now♥️. Tnx man 😃


Yeah, I hear you! I'm working solo now. Trying to learn an entire game studio worth of skills. It's delusional. Haha. But hey, the breadth of skills is what keeps me excited and motivated to progress. In an ideal world I'd be working on a team, but like you said, I'm not entirely exceptional at any one skill so I'm not too eager to apply for specialized positions. I feel confident that I'm "good" at some of those skills, but I think at this point my strongest skill is in the fact that I can do a whole project on my own. I can create the music, the art, do the programming, etc, and create something that I find truly unique. My hope is that those visions are unique and compelling enough to inspire others to join me, or have me join them. I feel at the moment that this is the path I need to take to discover that 'one' thing I need to focus on, if necessary. We will see! Nice video, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


I think learning everything is a great idea - this is how you can try out new things and figure out what you love doing the most. This is how you experiment. I can't recall a piece of knowledge or an experience that I've gained that was completely useless for me - I might not use it right away, but it will serve me a couple of years later. Nothing is wasted.

Or, maybe I just love to learn. :)

Anyway, I think the message that you've tried to communicate is "Don't try to become an expert in everything." I think that's more accurate. And I agree with you.

I'm constantly learning new stuff about game development and I'm trying to do a lot of things myself not because I want to become an expert in programming, or design, or animations or whatever it is. I don't see myself doing all these things in a couple of years from now. I learn that because I want to be a better manager and a better leader. I want to learn the process from the beginning to an end, I want to understand how my future employees are going to work, what to request from them and what are the realistic timelines. I want to know the pitfalls of a game dev project, so that I can avoid them once I am responsible for my future employees' income. I believe in leading by example, this is why I do that.


I needed to hear this so badly, thank you brother 5 years later and your video still holds 🥀👌🏽🙌🏾🍃


I have been a jack of all trades as well and have been down many roads too. One could see this on my own YouTube channel. But now, I am trying to zero in on becoming a better programmer.


06:56 that weird rule is like the fusion in DBZ and DBS where 2 people combine and get exponentially stronger instead of 2x.


Great video! It's much like a multi-role fighter. It can perform air to air, air to ground and anti-ship. Although it don't excel at any one of those roles it can do them all. Where an interceptor excels at air to air but falls short on air to ground. A bomber of course excels at air to ground but not air to air. So there you have it, an example if this with combat aircraft ;)


"anal about stuff"
-My future project manager shirt.


Thank you for this. I’m a medical student, but sometimes I get distracted with leaning music production, coding, filmmaking, photography, art, finance, etc etc etc. I gotta stick to what I’m good at. Thank you


You need to learn how much you need to know. _Problem solved_


I noticed with game development. When you have an idea for a game. The idea constantly changes from day to day until you scratch it completely. I can’t get anything done! Fuck!!!


I used to think that way, but now I tend to disagree. Being a game designer means you need to be creative, and the more diverse your knowledge is, the more creative you'll be.


Same thing my teachers told me. Thats why I try to focus only on two skills and do other stuff just for fun or to gain some general knowledge about it.


You're right, and although I thought about that many times, sometimes I'm affraid to put my money on someone that's not worth it, or ending up turning down the project having spending money for nothing ... but you're right, because I'm taking care of everything, while I'm learning how to draw and animate a character I'm starting to forget programming stuff, and I prefer programming over painting. I should focus on that part and let someone work on graphics.

The worst part is that I'm not working on this as a full time job, I've already a full time job that has nothing to do with programming or gaming, so I just have a few hours to spend on this.
