What is a JPEG?

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Today I show you what is a Jpeg, what it stands for and what it does to make your images really small and enable you to save more photographs on your SD card!


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Mike, you have a golden voice. You should be a BBC or Aljazeera TV presenter.


17 years ago when I first went to digital, everything was saved in JPEG. After about a year I discovered that RAW allowed more latitude in development. I wish now I had some of those early shots as RAW...


Raw - ever since the advantages were explained to me in my first photography course.


Great video, Mike. I have been meaning to say that I like your new profile picture. You look very sharp. February 5th is coming fast you must be happy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Stay safe.


When I can, I shoot RAW because it allows for more options in developing the file in processing to more precisely control the image. More data allows for the software to do more pushing and pulling. I say "when I can" though, because when shooting birds with my Sony a7III, I often use the ClearZoom feature for more reach on my lens. That option on the camera gives up to 2x magnification, but only works when saving in JPEG. That reach when needed is the only reason I switch from RAW to JPEG.


I shoot raw so I can edit the photos as much as I want without losing any of the original data.


Great video as always. I do a lot of macro stacking.... I have found it makes no difference to the final image if I shoot jpg extra fine or even just fine, but it processes the stack much faster than in raw


Thank you for your very clear explanation. I use jpeg all the time. I often hear from photographers to shoot RAW so that I can edit the images better. But I don't have any idea as to why. Watching your video I already have an idea. Thanks so much!


I'm just a (beginner level) freetime photograph, who started around thre years ago; thre weeks before my child hase born. But in your first Video, I saw, you recommended to use RAW for better post processing. So I configured my EOS 1300D to save both JPEG and RAW.
And I have to say, my editing experience were pretty good with the RAW format :)

Thank you for all the nice videos.
Besides the child photos, I also wanted to start Astrophotzography.


Hi, I shoot RAW files as I find post production, to make my images as good as I like, part of the creative process. I use Sklum software as I find Aurora and Luminar Ai cover all the control I feel I need in quick and relatively simple ways.


Always shoot RAW. Thought JPEG was something a guy named Jay would use to hang up his hat😁 — best for a Monday. Suggest follow up vid to XMP sidecar file briefly mentioned in this vid, Mike — unless you covered before. BTW, nice example of JPEG image degradation over multiple saves.


I remember when I first got lightroom and I was capturing in raw and jpeg. I transferred about 200 images into to LR and instantly filled up my cloud storage. Raw files are BIG


I had no idea that a JPEG would be degraded every time I saved it. I wonder why that is? Fortunately we don't have to worry about that, but it is interesting as to why that would happen when no editing, only saving occurred. Hopefully Thailand is treating you well, my friend. I will look forward to my Thursday fix.


I always shoot RAW. Going back ten years I used jpg but the images taken back then were not too good in terms of detail and there’s not a lot that I can now do to improve them. Having recognised that I (generally) get better at processing images as time goes by I now realise that I may wish to re-process today’s RAW files in a few years’ time, as I learn or improve new techniques. Using RAW allows me that future-proofing - and keeps hard drive manufacturers in business selling me ever bigger discs.


Let me hit you with a question/idea for the next video! I've just read an article on dxomark website and apparently Dynamic Range of every camera changes depending on an ISO settings... for instance I have a7s III and with ISO 40 or 80 DR is around 14 stops and then with each ISO stop it decreases down to 11 stops of DR at ISO of 800... and with ISO 1600 again 14 stops of DR... that's actually huge for landscape photography! And no one talks about this.


Nice n ez explained. Iam raw n jpeg. Use the jpeg as a thumnail.


JPEG at first but it didn’t take long for me to shoot only in


jpg ... don't have the patience to edit such large files. Have shot both, once edited, really can't tell the difference.


Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? I just want a picture of a goddang hot dog


What are your JPEG quality preferences? I personally save at 10/12 (leftmost of Maximum) on Ps and 85% on Lrc.
