4 Ways to Do Supply Lines - Fallout 4 Settlements

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The Brahmins always get stuck in houses in sanctuary
It's annoying


I think if you go for the Star layout, Bunker Hill makes the most sense.

It is the main trading hub of the commonwealth.


Your mechanists lair looks like an Amazon fulfillment center

Edit: Jeff Bezos' dream fulfillment center


Heh, Going to Spectacle Island "by boat"
It's so annoying when i watch the provisioner just jump into the water and start swimming brahmin in tow..


If you make the provisioners go to far away locations and have numerous provisions per settlement going to "random" settlements, granted you do this correctly, you can have a settler helping you fight at almost every location in the Commonwealth. Really handy for survival and you can pretend that they're the Minutemen "helping at a minutes notice". Done correctly this can easily change the way your playthrough will feel


I actually think that if you have robot Provisioner you shouldn't have to have Brahman fallowing them. I used big Sentry bots with robo-brain legs and packs Everywhere. Its got more carry weight than a brahman, and complains less.


7 years late i’m still learning about Fo4


I actually did my supply lines a bit different. I basically created two "trade hubs" - Sanctuary Hills and The Castle. Every settlement is more or less connected to the closest one, and the two hubs are connected as well. So it was basically like your first alternative, but with two hubs instead of one. But I'll probably give one of your options a try during my next run. Probably the one that revolves around community hubs or the highway one!


It makes sense provisioners would avoid some areas in southern Boston because there are super mutants everywhere.


7:17 don't mind me, just bookmarking Constellation, the supply chain route I want to do in my playthrough.


I love sending a provisioner to every settlement and from every settlement. happiness takes a huge hit at first because of all the resources you'll be missing out on, but it looks super funny and you will always have backup nearby in the field. I did an entire playthrough based on that concept


Ox; “I’m calling this route, The circle”
*reads screen* <<
“The Loop” Lol 😂


One idea I had which I never got around to executing in any playthrough was to set up unnecessary trade routes to create my own patrols. I could dress up and arm the provisioner, or better yet, use a robot provisioner, and have them patrol the Commonwealth and help keep it safe.


Personally, I chained each settlement together so the provisioners had the shortest possible route each as shown in the Constellation. It felt more logical and safer for my settlers. My "job" was to protect my followers, so it made sense to me. I do try to skirt outside the city or other dangerous locations. I arm my provisionists as best as I can, and I do have all the DLC, it just hasn't been opened up to me yet (I recently restarted as I had left my game for so long I forgot both the controls and what was going on in the plot xD My new character is a re-settler, working with the Minutemen to reclaim the world she lost. And has yet to actually go to Diamond City. Main plot can wait til I've tamed the wastelands, damn it!)


from a roleplay perspective I aboslutely love the "star" as the minutemen general it make total sense to organize the commonwealth not only from nearby settlement to nearby settlement but to think it as a whole country ^^ however you need to dedicate a settlement to this purpose so great choice to use the mechanist lair as it fits with the robot provisionner thing


Time Stamps:

1:38 The Star
5:09 Hubs
7:20 The Constellation
9:35 The Loop


Good video.

Another option (which is the one I favor) is modeled after how large retail corporations organize their supply chains. Namely, I have three regional hubs (Starlight, County Crossing, and Jamaica Plains) which were chosen for their centralized location relative other settlements in their area.

There is one trunk line that connects these three settlements; Then, all NW settlements connect directly to Starlight, all NE connect directly to County, and all SW/SE connect directly to Jamaica. I do have one or two exceptions (like Outpost Zimoja connecting to Starlight through Tenpines Bluff), just because it's more practical given how close they are together.

This is a nice balance between efficiency and organization. It looks like on the map, it's immediately clear when a line has gone dark. it keeps the "neighborhood" vibe, and it keeps settler travel times relatively short. It also allows me to roleplay with the idea of capital cities, with these being among my largest, and most well-designed cities.


Usually I divide the map into sections and give each a hint.

- Starlight Drive In: Northwest
- The Slog: Northeast
- Egret Tours Marina: South

I then make those hubs big in a realistic way, and add in all the merchants, clinics, bars, and restaurants. Those hubs then all connect to The Castle! Sanctuary is usually my biggest settlement that isn’t a hub too, simply because it’s got a lot of prebuilt houses and lots of space.
I also outfit all my guards with gear from the Militiarised Minutemen mod. Boy that’s a must have. And arm them out with a variety of guns from mods. For instance I usually give the Privates at Sanctuary R91 assault rifles, the Corporals AKs, and the Sergeants get Service Rifles or something a little more customised. My Scouts/Rangers also get M1A rifles and look awesome with their hoods, scarves, and mufflers. Provisioners also get Steyr AUG A1s and I typically give them the cavalry hats, rolled up sleeves, and the aviators to make them look like full on badasses 😛

Now, why am I typing all this? Well it might give someone ideas for making things more immersive or whatever 🙂


I have a setup where all of my settlements that have a water source like a stream or pond or whatever are all linked in what I call the Commonwealth Underground River, and then from those settlements supply lines extend to the other nearest settlement without a water source. I do this for RP reasons mainly.


Thanks for the vids oxhorn. You show a lot of stuff about lore and the workings of Fallout 4 that others don't. I stumbled across your channel about a week ago and I'm thoroughly entertained. Keep 'em comin' man.
