How God sees you in Christ (HD)

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How God sees you in Christ by Graham Cooke

This MP3 by Graham Cooke it always speaks to my heart and how God see all of us who are in Christ.

We all make mistakes as Christians as we are learning how to walk in our true identity in Christ. We will always have people and even Christians come against our believes and sometimes that will bring you doubt and desolation. But is okay is part of our walk as Christian to learn how to deal with it and RISE UP stronger and smarter. Listening to this video will give you joy, hope and feel Gods love for you…
He calls us his beloved it.
Colossians 3:12

Elegy: Soft Piano Music (Free Background Music Download: 17) with credit
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Wow, one thing that I love about this" you are beloved because of me, not what you're doing or have done.


I have a spirit of rejection, abandonment, and loneliness.. I suffer from these things which give me thoughts of "Why do I still do these things?" "Why can't I get it right?" "God is going to leave me for this.." "Surely I'm testing God's patience.." "Why can't I just trust in Jesus?" "What's wrong with me?"
But this video.. it was the Holy Spirit telling me that I am not alone and abandoned. That I am loved by God and should just let go of the hurt.. There are many others like myself going through these things.. and it will take time.. but I trust and believe that Jesus dwells in us and around us and will never leave us nor forsake us. Peace be with you all! Amen


This made me happy I feel like gods speaking to me, I needed to hear this I was depressed because I forgot who I was in Christ


You inherit all that he is and all that he can do.


The Holy Spirit entered my body. i really felt it when he entered me. i was filled with peace, love and comfort. God shared his love with me and gave me understanding of how much he really loves all of us. God loves the worst person out there. Even a murderer who killed 50 million ppl. God said he loves that person and hes ready to forgive them if only they ask. He's ready and willing to forgive u and remember ur sins no more. It was love that none of us could express. God told me he doesnt want hell for any of us. Hes not mean at all like some of us may see him. He only warns us because he loves us so much and wants us being reconciled back to him. I felt the holy spirit grieve in me. i started weeping nonstop for hours. The Holy Spirit was weeping for all the lost souls. He told me to pray and plead with God for forgiveness, mercy, grace and more time for all the lost sinners. pray that they come into a repentance and God softens their heart. God doesn't want hell for us. He weeps when 1 soul goes to hell. The lil bit of grief he allowed me to feel was too much for me to bear. i told God i cant handle this grief. its too much for me. God took the grief away from me. He just wanted me to know how high, deep and wide his love really is. I had hate for my enemy and unforgiveness but God gave me HIS OWN love for my enemy. And now i have love for my enemy and ive been trying to help him get saved and be reconciled back to God. There's no way u can love ur enemies on ur own. U can only love ur enemies when u SHARE in Gods love 😊💖 God is truly beautiful and he loves you so much. He doesnt want bad for u. He wants u to know and feel how much he loves you and he is for u 😊💖 we may fail God and get mad at him, but God will never fail us and will never leave us. I know this from experience😊 Jesus loves u 💖😊 read the bible starting in the book of John 😊 The NLT version is more easier to understand than KJV 😊💖

Is how God sees us through Jesus not according to how we see ourselves or what we going through. Is about him in us.. amen.


so powerful and true, thank you Jesus for saving us


A thousand Amen. Anyone in Christ is his son or daughter. No longer a sinner but a son. I love it. Very important to understand our true identity in Christ. Amen and God bless.


Wow, how can we not comprehend that. It's starts by realizing we are here for a purpose. All I can say is thank you Lord.


It's all about Jesus and only through Him do I get my identity


This is what I felt like. I couldn't explain it, but could imagine it, which leaves me silent.
Stay safe everyone! 🍃


Thank you Jesus i am Not worthy But you Alone in me


I have been having such a hard time with sin and I am in such deep spiritual warfare, but this, this was like God directly speaking to me and showing me my value in Him and how much I am loved by Him. I needed this. So badly I needed this. Praise God for leading me here and praise God for this video.


I Love this!! close your eyes and here god's voice talking to you!


This gave me so much hope today. I really needed to hear it. 💜🙏


I was dozing off watching and listening to this inspirational message and Bam the lightning strike at 5:9 revived me


How God sees us in Christ - Agreeing with God's word, love and Kingdom reality. AMEN. By Graham Cooke....Thank you Graham!




thank u jesus for all your love and thanks given in my heart I decate my life to you today for give me from all my sins and confess aginst you I know not what I do reduces me throw darkness


We are all fearfully and wonderfully created by God in his own image. Each of us is created uniquely for different purpose which is ultimately to glorify his name. A lot of times we get confused about our identity and in such times we can find clarity in the Bible. We finds our identity better when we come closer to God.
