CRIT VALUE & Why It's (Kind of) OVERRATED! CV, Crit Ratio & Optimizing Build Tips | Genshin Impact

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Is Crit Value the best measure of artifact quality? What is Crit Value? This video talks all about Crit Rate, Crit DMG, Crit Ratios, and their value to artifacts, DPS, character builds, and stat optimization and distribution. If you're into min-maxing your Genshin DPS characters, get some build tips here. #GenshinImpact #Genshin

0:00 - Intro
0:53 - What is Crit Value (CV)?
3:05 - Crit Value, Energy Recharge, and DPS
5:26 - CV in Artifact Quality
6:56 - Crit Value Distribution (Why 1:2?)

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Music: Late Night Radio by Kevin Macleod
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I personally value an artifact based on how many substats that's imo usable for the character using it. So many considerations that goes into deciding how bad/good an artifact, but my general rule is to see how many times it hits "dead substats" (substats that will not be useful for a character). The more it hits the dead substats the lower the grade.


This tutorial truly assisted me, not only in conserving my resin for artifacts, but also in better understanding the mechanics of the game and, most importantly, in enjoying the game without being pressured by damage per second. Excellent video, Sevyy<33.

If nothing else, this 2.7 delay brought us some amazing Sevy guides.

Here are my two cents: CV needs ATK (or HP/DEF depending on the character) to bounce off of. For example, I use a 17CV artifact on my Xiao instead of a 35CV one because it has 20% ATK.

That's a noblesse buff from just substats. And the artifact also has 11% ER so it's perfect for my Xiao. Even with Noblesse, and Tenacity, this is the best feather for my personal Xiao.

From all the maths I've done, up to maybe 1800 ATK give or take, 1% ATK is more valuable than 1% CRIT DMG. Of course, crit substats also have the benefit of higher percentages (4.1-5.8ATK% VS 5.4-7.8% CD) but dont sleep on ATK%.

(Unless your main dps is an empty husk with 100%CR-300%CD whose only purpose is to consume Shenhe Quills and Yun Jin Flags, which is also very valid)

Last thing I'll say is that I wouldn't go above 80-85% crit rate, just because there are external crit rate boosts (food, Geo Traveller, Rosaria, Cryo res, Abyss cards) and every point above 100% is just a waste. Crit damage buffs are limited and are always a net positive instead.


thank god you finally said it, i already pissed off whenever i see a whale rolling any artifacts and prefer 30 CV on artifacts instead of 25 CV AND 15% atk with ER. thats why i prefer watching zajef for character builds


I did a MATLAB simulation about an year ago, and found that getting ATK% rolls are not too far off in damage when compared to crit rolls. This understanding enabled me to get my first ever 6* in floor 12 of spiral abyss.
Many youtubers on those days over inflated the value of crit rolls, which skewed my artifact choices. However, after I did simulations myself I found that their analysis was not right.


I think the reason atk isn't always that sought after is that its pretty easy to get atk boosts from benny, Sara, or ttds. obviously more atk isn't bad but there comes a point where you hit diminishing returns and it would be better to invest in crit stats


another very important thing to consider is what weapons you have for the character you're picking out the artifact for. if you have a character with a weapon that provides a lot of extra crit one way or the other, it gives you much more wiggle room to work with substats like ATK/EM/ER while still maintaining close to a 1:2 or even 1:3* crit ratio

Xiao is a great example of a character who can get away with focusing more on other substats, he doesn't really need EM because he's not a reaction or VV focused anemo unit, he has a Crit Rate ascension stat, and his BiS weapon is PJWS, which has a Crit Rate substat. You may overlook potentially great ATK% and ER% substat artifacts because of how tempting stacking Crit Dmg like crazy is on him, but if you've ever used him w/ anything less than 130% ER, even with a battery, his rotations can feel really awful.


You can also do crit effectiveness: just multiply your crit rate (in decimal form) by crit dmg.

e.g. 75%CR, 150%CD -> 0.75 * 150% = 112.5%


Excellent video! I come across uneven builds in co op all the time, most notable for me is Kokomis. Yes, Kokomis. I guess people focus on building HP on her and don't put enough ER on her? So they never get her burst and you can't do a very good job keeping the team alive without having her burst on cool down. I've never died or lost a co op game with my Kokomi on the field because I made sure she had enough ER, but there have been countless times I've been in other co op domaines and we loose Kokomi and I'm the only one left trying to out DPS a domaine with a difficulty calling for 4 players not 1. Then everyone else rage quits and I'm left feeling perplexed.


thats a very good video. i personally already knew that atk%, ER and EM are very valuable, but it is really great that you can enlighten a lot of ppl with this video, so they can stop trashing their good artifacts just coz they arent having a high cv!


everytime i see a hu tao with huge crit stats but no EM i die a little bit inside


This is actually why I aim for 100% crit rate, either literal or technical. DPS'ing isn't a sprint. It's a marathon and consistency is key.

Nice guide. 👍


thank you for posting this video, sevvy.
i used to be picked on when i first got into a genshin discord server (a toxic one, looking back) when i share my build and takes because everything can be pretty confusing with the math and the mechanics that are often changing, harder to calculate or sometimes outright inconsistent.

hopefully this video will give insights for players who is not keen on math nor unfamiliar with the rotation for speedrun like in your previous videos.

keep up the amazing job!


What Kokomi taught me is that what matters more is the distribution of your stats. You can have the highest CV possible but low ATK, therefore, making it useless.

The next time you get a CR, CD, ATK%, and ER artifact that rolls to ER/ATK%, don't throw it. Ask yourself whether someone can make use of that artifact.

Crit is not everything.


Beautiful guide sevy! Great job. Glad you take a more holistic and comprehensive approach to this....unfortunately there are streamers out there (fob and xlice cough) who proclaim if its not atleast X CV or X number its trash and try to min max everything. I feel like those approaches arent realistic for ppl who dont stream and dont invest the time into games like they do....these days im logging in and logging off in like 30 mins because theres nothing to do until next patch.


[9:52] *Thank you very much* for speaking this _real and undeniable, yet too often ignored_ truth, Sevy!
"Crit Fishing" Abyss in one rotation with C6, R5, 100%ER characters is fun and all but isn't realistic or sustainable in the long run (with new artifacts to farm, the slow but surely spread of resources and the rise of split scaling done right)... so either the content creators *adapt* or they *crash and burn* due to "lack of content".


Thank you! Wish we had this earlier. Would have made convincing my friends (and myself) to stop valuing cdmg over everything else so much easier.

Can't wait for the atk one. I started to appreciate its value and overall artifact quality than highly skewd crit value artifacts not too long ago. At almost AR 59. Yep.


I loved this video! I’m very much looking forward to your CRT DMG vs. ATT % video too!


definitely looking forward to the crt DMG vs Atk video. Always have a hard time balancing those


Kokomi being the rare exception of Artifact stat requirement being %Hp/FlatHp/Energy Recharge with stats of Hp%/Hp%/Healing Bonus: My Kokomi can do 32k Bubbles and 15k Burst. (No Crit. She is powerful)
