Dietitian Reviews Bright Line Eating Weight Loss Program (This is INHUMANE)

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Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In todays video we will be taking a look at the controversial weight loss program BRIGHT LINE EATING.


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.

3) Please be kind in the comments.

4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.

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With Science & Sass,

Xoxo Abbey
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for always citing the research behind your statements! I'm so sick of "trust me, it's science!" rhetoric.


Whenever I read that flour is addictive, I picture someone with a straw in one nostril and their head in a bag of Five Roses all purpose flour.


You know what bothers me about your review, you only read a few snippets about the plan and then formed your review, if you had actually ate the meals or followed the plan you would have realized you wouldn't be hungry. This is plenty of food to eat and keep you full unless you are running a marathon every day. Also she only says not to start exercise when starting this focus on getting the food portion down first and then slowly add exercise. So much for a well informed review of the program.


I haven't listened to the video because she didn't get right into it. Definitely not interested in the Built Bar. All I can say is BLE works fabulous for me. I have maintained my goal weight (I'm 5'1" and weigh 120) for 2.5 years. Prior to that I tried everything, including intuitive eating, South Beach, Keto, low fat, counting calories, weight watchers, eat right and exercise, intermittant fasting, protein power. I'm thrilled to be in a "Bright body" and not have food thoughts control my life. Take what you like, leave the rest. There are no Bright Line Eating Police.


I started last Friday it is Tuesday night. I also gave up chips and I'm not eating white rice or potatoes. After 2 days my brain fog began to disappear. I am fasting 18/6 doing 2 meals. I chose this plan because I having eating disorders and alot of body pain and was looking for an anti inflammatory food plan. As long as this works for me I will continue. God knows I've tried everything else on earth.


I wonder who ever capped calories for woman at a minimum of 1200 ? It seems like the standard and is very cruel and restrictive . I do weigh and measure my food at home but when I go to a function or a family gathering I gage portion sizes instead and eat more conservatively . I mean lets get real !


I appreciate some of what you are pointing out regarding calorie intake. Some of what you are saying is unprofessional and quite frankly just snarky. For one thing, if food is not physically addictive (which it is, but I'll go with you for a moment) it most certainly is what is known as a "process addiction." Gambling, video games, pornography overuse and others - they are process addictions. People who go to food as part of an emotional coping mechanism are not eating apples and celery. Therefore, consumption of high sugar/high fat/floury foods is at the very least a process addiction. This really isn't up for debate. Whether or not something works depends only upon whether or not it works. That is, have people lost significant amounts of weight and kept that weight off using this program? yes. Have morbidly obese people done so? Yes.
You have no clue about certain elements of this addiction, otherwise you would know that for certain people, it's nearly impossible to eat ONE "built bar" (for example) and that the box would represent an escape into a very painful, dark place of binge eating and shame. Shame on you for being so elitist and uninformed and quite frankly out of touch with this kind of suffering.
SPT does NOT tell people not to exercise. I know you are trying to be shocking here. She says that initially, when making this significant change in diet, put exercise on the back burner and focus on this huge change right out of the gate. There is a big tendency for people to exercise and then do "exercise math" - well, I worked out for an hour so I guess that's equal to 1800 calories in cake, right? NO! LOL. Her point is that exercise does not burn the kind of calories we think, that while we are adjusting to a new diet, exercise could increase hunger which would be difficult at first. I don't think she is saying "don't even walk your dog." Reintegrate exercise or bring it in for the first time, after you've gotten used to eating in a new way.
I have never brought a scale to a restaurant, because I can eye things up. But I also didn't start out weighing 350 pounds, so maybe if the problem is that significant, people need radical change. I'm pretty sure people at that weight are feeling a lot of shame and pain that they would like to get out of, anyway. You don't have all the answers, and there are things you clearly don't understand. Enjoy your candy bars.


Before I start watching- I almost bought this book at a used bookstore literally last week. It had the appearance of a potential intuitive eating book, then I flipped through some pages and went NOPE! Now I’m excited to watch this lol


This review is terrible in every way. It contains so much misinformation it is hard to know where to start. More than that, the reviewer is snarky and mean and is being sponsored by sugary snack bars that she eats with whip cream, which undermines any possible objective intent and makes her whole agenda laughable. Bright Line Eating may not be for everyone but it has saved thousands of lives. Food addiction is real and just because the western medical community is still debating that fact (a community with very little nutrition education requirements), doesn’t mean the concept isn’t valid. Any person who reviews in this tone of trolling for entertainment should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


I tried bright line eating 2 years ago and I’m just now starting to recover from it. Lost about ten pounds on the program and then stopped and rapidly gained 50 over the next year. I was convinced sugar was evil and so I was always bingeing on it, planning to start fresh with a clean diet the next day. I’ve been a normal weight my whole life, just wanted to lose about 15 lbs. Now I’m obese. Trying to start being a healthier person but that really did a number on me.


Thanks for another honest video, Abby. I remember seeing this program and thinking it was crazy!


Hi Abby! I would love to see your take on the Catherine Zeta-Jones' "What I eat in a day", it's wonderfully refreshing.


Love your videos Abbey. I’ve loss 30 lbs since February just from walking. I eat less sugar, carbohydrates & alcohol. I’m eating lots of fruit and vegetables, eggs, seafood, chicken. Red meat in moderation. I’m feeling fantastic!


I will say that when i adhered to BLE, I looked and felt amazing. The portions were actually too much for me and I had to break them up into several smaller meals, which Susan advocates. Boot camp is a joke because the leader will help you “tweak” your own experience with the food plan and by the time you do that, it’s no longer the original skeleton of the plan. So, some good, some not good - it’s basically the exact diabetic diet I was put on with gestational diabetes. Susan mentions that this influenced the plan she created. In reality, it’s been out there for decades. Just a new coat of paint. Diets are fattening has been and extremely helpful channel for getting away from food restrictions.
Just another note about the exercise part. Susan just recommends not adding exercise in the beginning if you haven’t already got some kind of routine going because it just piles on to the stress of withdrawing from sugar and learning the plan. After withdrawal, you want to get active and feel energized enough to actually start getting active. So, on that point, Abbey wasn’t being accurate or fair.


I nearly snorted out my slim up shake when you mentioned the 1200 diet being for a toddler, because that’s what I’ve been doing the last few weeks. 😂
I do think it’s not sustainable really, but I’ve got a health check at work in September. 😶


I watched this video and then immediately cut myself a slice of freshly baked sourdough bread 😂


If you think meticulously measuring every gram of food isn’t restrictive, please talk to a therapist.
Quickly went from measuring the size of my chicken breasts to spitting out pieces of banana to make sure I wasn’t accidentally eating an extra gram.


Great video:) can you do Amanda Ducks please? Would be nice to have a positive WIEIAD 🥰🥰

Автор might want to actually read the book before reviewing it. SMH. Bright Line Eating recommends avoiding exercise during the "adjustment period" of weaning yourself off of flour and sugar. According to the book, it takes the average person 66 days to do this, but for some, it may be as little as 18 days. The book states that exercising during this period can significantly increase your cravings for flour and sugar. She also states that you can ignore this advice if you had a regular exercise routine prior to starting Bright Line Eating or if you need to for mental/emotional health reasons.


Hi Abbey, I love your reviews! :) Thanks to you I am now on an intuitive eating journey, instead of constant guilt and calorie counting. As for whom I'd like you to review next, it would be a youtuber I am also a fan of, Dani Spies and her channel, Clean and Delicious. Thanks so much :)
