Linux Commands | File Handling | Part #1 [Linux Programming]

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This video will cover the basic commands required for Linux programming.

This video will cover the following commands:
pwd : Display current working directory

ls : List the directory contents
ls -l : Give detailed list of directory with size , date, time etc.
ls -a : List hidden files
ls -al : Give detailed list of hidden files
ls -alh : Give detailed list of hidden files with human readable size

ls -h : List the files with size in human readable format
ls -lS : List the files after sorting according to size
cd : change directory
cd .. : take one step back
cd - : takes you to the directory from where you changed your directory
man : manual page
clear all : clears the screen


Link for Previous videos:
Difference between static & Dynamic Library:

How to create a dynamic library:
How to create a static Library:
How to create a MakeFile:
System calls in Linux:
Difference between fork() and exec():


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Рекомендации по теме

Difference between cd .. and cd - ????
